3D makes 3D game design easy
Open3D: A Modern Library for 3D Data Processing.
Python 3D Models Converter
Library for geometric robustness
Functions for 3D coordinate transformations
Fast, flexible, and advanced augmentation library for deep learning, computer vision, and medical imaging. Albumentations offers a wide range of transformations for both 2D (images, masks, bboxes, keypoints) and 3D (volumes, volumetric masks) data, with optimized performance and seamless integration into ML workflows.
Type annotations for boto3 Route53Domains 1.36.0 service generated with mypy-boto3-builder 8.8.0
pure Python (no prereqs) coordinate conversions, following convention of several popular Matlab routines.
This is a module which calculates IK servo angles for leaning and shifting a 3dof hexapod's body.
Connected components on discrete and continuous multilabel 3D and 2D images. Handles 26, 18, and 6 connected variants; periodic boundaries (4, 8, & 6).
A Python module that renders 3D objects as pygame surfaces.
Python 3 dependency checker
3D Bin Packing Library, Useful for Container Loading Problem (CLP)
FFMPEG-based tool for converting either two separate stereo videos or an existing 3D video into a wide range of 3D video formats.
3D Bin Packing
A straight-forward, easy-to-use, drop-in, PBR replacement for Panda3D's builtin auto shader
Type annotations for aiobotocore Route53Domains 2.19.0 service generated with mypy-boto3-builder 8.8.0
glTF utilities for Panda3D
3D transformations for Python
Add direct uploads to S3 functionality with a progress bar to file input fields.
An improved Model3D component with environment map support
Strudel package
A package for creating 3D phylogenetic trees with two axes of variation.
A tool to help you design and export 3D-printable bitcoin/cryptocurrency wallets
VTK is an open-source toolkit for 3D computer graphics, image processing, and visualization
Open3D: A Modern Library for 3D Data Processing.
route53domains data for botocore. See the `botocore-a-la-carte` package for more info.
Python library for reading, writing and managing 3D objects in the Khronos Group gltf and gltf2 formats.
3d geometry made easy.
Python library based on OpenNURBS with a RhinoCommon style
OpenMMLab's next-generation platformfor general 3D object detection.
An invigorating blend of 3D geometry tools in Python.
Fast and simple to use 2D and 3D structure tensor implementation for Python.
Implementation of Dijkstra's Shortest Path algorithm on 3D images.
A fast FDTD solver
A python tool for fitting primitives 3D shapes in point clouds using RANSAC algorithm
['Open3D is an open-source library that supports rapid development of software that deals with 3D data.']
Access topography data at any resolution via 3DEP web service of USGS.
Multiplatform Python interface to the 3DConnexion Space Mouse - forked from pyspacenavigator
E3/DC client for python
HMMER server
A Chat GPT Discord bot
Scripts for intializing and analyzing networks from segmentations of three dimensional images.