A maze library
A Canvas LMS API wrapper for maintaining content in markdown
A Python wrapper to WEkEO Serverless Functions
A package to draw a set of points in a canvas, and save it as a image or an animation as if it was drawn by a hand
Данная библиотека содержить SqlAlchemy ORM для системы Canvas
Extract tool for retrieving student data from Canvas
BaseCanvas is a small helper-class that handles common tasks in pygame.
Matplotlib-based canvas that allows line drawing and coordinate retrieval
Base Widget for Orange Canvas
Canvas Installation Module
A library for canvas operations using pygame
A tool for painting in cellular architecture
A Custom Jupyter Widget Library for canvas
A plugin for interactive segmentation of CryoET data using ML embeddings
An Object Oriented Extention for tkinter Canvas
tkinter simplified (and augmented) canvas
Core component of Orange Canvas
An Open edX plugin to add canvas integration support
A type safe and backend independent plotting library for Python.
A suite of tools and Python interface for Instructure's Canvas LMS.
A Streamlit custom component for a free drawing canvas using Fabric.js. A fork to enable retrying for bg images.
A python implementation of the JsonCanvas format: https://github.com/obsidianmd/jsoncanvas/blob/main/spec/1.0.md
A library that allows users to interact with the HTML Canvas with 100% Python + HTML.
a simple datacavas-cli
A small example package
Facebook open graph API client in python. Enables django applications to register users using facebook. Fixes issues with the official but unsupported Facebook python-sdk. Enables mobile facebook authentication. Canvas page authentication for facebook applications. FQL access via the server side api.
A Streamlit custom component for a free drawing canvas using Fabric.js.
A Python generic canvas which can paint itself to SVG etc.
A small widget to let users draw by hand in a Jupyter notebook.
A simple package to work with JSON Canvas
Canvas from KOGI
Draw interactive candlesticks on browser canvas from Python.
Async Python package for the Nanoleaf API
Python API for Cyber Attack and Network Vulnerability Assessment Software for Smartgrid
Sale Canvas
Client library for the Instructure Canvas REST api.
A matplotlib backend based on HTML5 Canvas.
A simple Django app to conduct Web-based polls.
A graphics package for creating customised plasmid maps
A simple Textual canvas widget.
A minimal set of tools for interacting with the Canvas API at Oxford