ASCII canvas for drawing in console using ASCII chars
Aspose.Imaging for Python via .NET is Another Python Imaging Library. It allows developers to easily create, load, manipulate, convert, compress images or photos using this API.
Simple sketching tool for Jupyter notebooks
Django app for generating Canvas API user oauth tokens
A lightweight Python layer over the Canvas LMS API
A Streamlit component tailored for handwriting digit recognition using the MNIST dataset. This component allows users to draw digits on a canvas, facilitating integration with various machine learning models for digit recognition. It's ideal for educational, development, and testing purposes within Streamlit applications.
merges currently open figures
Minimal terminal canvas
Matplotlib-based canvas that allows line drawing and coordinate retrieval
Donation Inventory Operation
codeplot is a canvas designed for code-driven data exploration where you can plot graphs, data frames, markdown and much more using plain Python
Pygame for humans
Make canvas easier.
Python utilities for working with Canvas Data
A zero-boilerplate canvas drawing framework for Python 3, based on Pygame.
An interactive 3D visualization tool mainly designed for seismic data
CodeCanvas é um pacote Python que permite adicionar estilos ao console.
codeplot is a canvas designed for code-driven data exploration where you can plot graphs, data frames, markdown and much more using plain Python
A small example package
D/L Lectures/Data from Canvas
CANVAS——Draw on the Web
A small example package
API wrapper for the Canvas LMS with a fix of the original canvasapi package
Synchronizes modules, assignments and files from a Canvas server to a local folder
Simple graphs editor based on HTML5 canvas
Canvas Grouping Python Script
A command line application to transfer canvas assignments to todoist
Tools for mitigating the user-unfriendliness of canvas.
A Flask extension for Facebook canvas-based apps
Extended tkinter canvas class
A Canvas course management tool
A Python 3 wrapper for the Nanoleaf OpenAPI, for use when controlling the Light Panels, Canvas and Shapes (including Hexagons)
Extract tool for retrieving student data from Canvas
Async Python package for the Nanoleaf API with basic 4d support
Automata plotting circles on canvas
Aspose.HTML for Python via .NET is a powerful API for Python that provides a headless browser functionality, allowing you to work with HTML documents in a variety of ways. With this API, you can easily create new HTML documents or open existing ones from different sources. Once you have the document, you can perform various manipulation operations, such as removing and replacing HTML nodes.
Command-line client for Canvas by Instructure
Biblioteca de dibujo para Python 3 (requiere python-tk)
HTML Canvas Deep Dive
Create quizzes in Canvas from simple Word docx files using CanvasRobot/Canvasapi
The dreams that found there way to a canvas.
canopto is a tool to sync course files and videos from the Canvas LMS hosted by the National University of Singapore(NUS).