Advanced Pipeline for Simple yet Comprehensive AnaLysEs of DNA metabarcoding data - Graphical User Interface
CircuitPython display control library for devices using the ST7565 graphic display driver IC.
PyQt QGraphicsView which always fit the aspect ratio mode as Qt.KeepAspectRatio
LEnsE Package including scientific methods in photonics and graphical objects to implement a User Interface
Graphical user interfce of Harvester
Estimate user's demographics from their name or email address.
Netbox Plugin to support graphical floorplans
Microdrop is a graphical user interface for the DropBot Digital Microfluidics control system
Infographic App for Opps CMS
A graphic UI optimized for touch screens
Fastest Windows Screen Capture Library For Python 🔥
Python OpenGL Graphics Framework
Linaro Graphics WG application for LAVA Server
A library that contains well defined, reusable and cleanly written graphics related ops and utility functions for TensorFlow.
A package designed to make graphics with Python simple and easy!
A Graphical interface for FluxWallet
svg2gcode: convert an SVG (Scalable Vector Graphic) image to gcode.
Radar Analysis Graphical Utility (RAGU)
A Graphical Terminal Interface
A game of Blackjack with graphical user interface.
Graphical Hypergeometric Networks
Use native Core Graphics / ImageIO API on macOS to access and change image metadata
Library to create flexible interactive image processing pipelines and automatically add a graphical user interface without knowing anything about GUI coding!
COMPAS package for Computational Graphic Statics
A Meta Widget Library That Speaks Several Backends
moteus brushless controller graphical user interfaces
The Taichi Programming Language
Collection of I/O interfaces to communicate with microcontroller boards and laboratory devices, with optional PyQt/PySide multithread support and graphical user-interfaces.
The Taichi Programming Language
Algorithms for Single and Multiple Graphical Lasso problems.
Framework for a graphical programming environment.
A tool for working with scalable vector graphics.
TRANSIT is a tool for the analysis of Tn-Seq data. It provides an easy to use graphical interface and access to three different analysis methods that allow the user to determine essentiality in a single condition as well as between conditions.
Tooling for Omnidata: A Scalable Pipeline for Making Multi-Task Mid-Level Vision Datasets from 3D Scans
Generate pixel-perfect macOS folder icons in the native style.
real-time window capture library based on D3D11 and Windows.Graphics.Capture
ToulBar2 Python package
Offline replication of the graphics on
GraVal - graphics (card) validation framework
Graphical User Interface tools for DERIVA built on PyQt5