Volumetric data module
Twilio SendGrid library for Python
Microsoft Azure Event Grid Management Client Library for Python
Microsoft Azure Event Grid Client Library for Python
Python library for calculating contours of 2D quadrilateral grids
Powerful abstractions of infinite grids for grid-vector interactions, tesselation, resampling and interactions between related grids.
Griddly Python Libraries
{OPEN} client authentication protocol for python-requests
EGRET: Electrical Grid Research and Engineering Tools.
Provider package apache-airflow-providers-sendgrid for Apache Airflow
Power Generation Scenario creation and simulation utilities
Streamlit component implementation of ag-grid
Tools for stratified sampling for comparison groups
Edgegrid plugin for HTTPie.
Python Client for GridStatus.io API
Post-processing software for gridded weather forecasts
An implementation of Django's EmailBackend compatible with sendgrid-python v5+
A tool for generating zone-to-zone travel demand based on grid cells or TAZs and gravity model
Dash wrapper around AG Grid, the best interactive data grid for the web.
API to access energy data
A framework for generating and manipulating grid-based game worlds
A GridAPPS-D Python Adapter
Python/C++ library for distribution power system analysis
Data mining with XLSX, cfg, json, etc.
Gridworks Protocol
An Interactive Grid for Sorting and Filtering DataFrames in Jupyter Notebook
Data grid related utils
Minimalistic gridworld reinforcement learning environments
GridAPPS-D Field Bus Implementation
Make HC thickness, avg maps, etc directly from 3D props
Compare meterological station data to gridded data
Spatial Voting simulations on a grid with random challengers
Gridworks Base
A Python library for managing fixed-size 2D spaces
TLS certificate management tools for GridWorks
GridTK: Slurm Job Management for Humans
Easily map Python functions onto a cluster using a DRMAA-compatible grid engine like Sun Grid Engine (SGE).
Fast Datagrid widget for the Jupyter Notebook and JupyterLab
GridRoyale - A life simulation for exploring social dynamics
A light-weight wrapper to run Jug with GridMap on a Grid Engine cluster
Gridding for auroral and ionospheric modeling
A package for automated research data collection using LLMs and Web Search API
Build geographical grids
Python-based data structure for electric grid models