
💰 If you want to support this lonely python coder you can Wise or Paypal me. (Any help is much appreciated).
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Live examples and documentation on Streamlit Cloud.
AgGrid is an awesome grid for web frontend. More information in Consider purchasing a license from Ag-Grid if you are going to use enterprise features!
Current AgGrid version is 32.3.0
pip install streamlit-aggrid
Quick Use
Create an file
from st_aggrid import AgGrid
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('')
Run :
streamlit run
Grid data is sent back to streamlit and can be reused in other components. In the example below a chart is updated on grid edition.

Development Notes
Version 1.1.0
- Updated AgGrid to version 32.3
- Added partial support for the aggrid Theming - Check example
- Cleaned project dependencies (Altair < 5)
Version 1.0.5
- Updated AgGrid to version 31.3
Version 1.0.4
- Added information on the event that triggered app rerun
Version 1.0.2
- Moved a lot of response processment to python side.
- Changed grid return object.
- Fix bugs and code cleanup.
v1.0.0 breaks compatibility with previous versions and many people reached me to say that it is unstable.
Main changes are on gridReturn object as I'm moving heavy processment to python side.
I'm working to stabilize it, if you find any issues, please open a topic on the issue tracker
with a reproductile example, if possible.
Meanwhile use the last v.0.3.4 if things are not working for you! I hope to have everything fixed soon.
Version 0.3.5
- Merged many PR, thanks everybody.
- Grid State can be saved and retrieved. Many people requested this one. Live Example Here
Version 0.3.4
- Added quickfilter
- Added Excel Export Module
- Bugfixes (an probably introduced new ones :/)
- Code cleanup
- Updated Ag-Grit to 29.1.0 (including ag-grid-react) which will cause direct HTML returns to stop rendering (#198). Use a cellRenderer instead.
Version 0.3.3
- Fixes #132
- Fixes #131 and #130
- Added Sparklines #118
- Changed Grid Return to support #117
- Rebuilt streamlit theme
Version 0.3.0
- Merged some PR (Thanks everybody!) check PR at github!
- Added class parsing in React Side, so more advanced CellRenderers can be used. (Thanks kjakaitis)
- Added gridOptionsBuilder.configure_first_column_as_index() to, well, style the first columns as an index (MultiIndex to come!)
- Improved serialization performance by using simpler pandas to_json method (PR #62, #85)
- Added option to render plain json instead of pd.dataframes
- gridOptions may be loaded from file paths or strings
- gridReturn is now a @dataclass with rowIndex added to selected_rows, (previous version returned only the selected data, now you can know which row was selected)
- Changed GridReturnMode behavior. Now update_on accepts a list of gridEvents that will trigger a streamlit refresh, making it possible to subscribe to any gridEvent.
- Removed dot-env and simplejson dependencies.
- Other smaller fixes and typos corrections.
Version 0.2.3
- small fixes
- Merged PR #44 and #25 (thanks msabramo and ljnsn)
- Merged PR #58 - allow nesting dataframes. Included an example in exampes folder.
Version 0.2.2
- Updated frontend dependencies to latest version
- Corrected text color for better viz when using streamlit theme (thanks jasonpmcculloch)
- Switched default theme to Balham Light ('light'), if you want to use streamlit theme set
on agGrid call
Version 0.2.0
- Support Themes
- Incorporated Pull Requests with fixes and pre-select rows (Thanks randomseed42 and msabramo)
- You can use strings instead of importing GridUpdateMode and DataReturnMode enumerators
- it works fine with st.forms!
- new theme example in example folder
Version 0.1.9
- Small fixes
- Organized examples folder
Version 0.1.8
- Fixes a bug that breaks the grid when NaN or Inf values are present in the data
Version 0.1.7
- Fixes a bug that happened when converting data back from the grid with only one row
- Added license_key parameter on AgGrid call.
Version 0.1.6
- Fixes issue #3
- Adds support for timedelta columns check example
Version 0.1.5
- small bug fixes
- there is an option to avoid grid re-initialization on app update (check on examples folder or here)
Version 0.1.3
- Fixed bug where cell was blank after edition.
- Added enable_enterprise_modules argument to AgGrid call for enabling/disabling enterprise features
- It is now possible to inject js functions on gridOptions. Enabling advanced customizations such as conditional formatting (check 4th column on the example)
Version 0.1.2
- added customCurrencyFormat as column type
Version 0.1.0:
- I worked a little bit more on making the example app functional.
- Couple configuration options for update mode (How frontend updates streamlit) and for data returns (grid should return data filtered? Sorted?)
- Some basic level of row selection
- Added some docstrings specially on gridOptionsBuilder methods
- Lacks performance for production. JS Client code is slow...