A ManimCE component library, supporting component composition and automatic animation
Simple Anime Web Scraper.
A pygame addon for animated image files
The NeoPixel library plus animations and terminal testing mode - so you can see how your LEDs would behave directly in the terminal, without any microcontroller.
A general-purpose programmatic animation tool
quickly play anime from terminal
A library for managing and analysing animal vocalisation data.
Utilities for musical animations in Blender.
Python bindings for Glaxnimate
This module lets you use Google Searching capabilities right from your Python code
Animation engine for explanatory math videos
A package for performing whole brain simulations
Data visualisation in Python based on NVIDIA OptiX ray tracing framework.
Geometric tools for parsing GeoGebra construction, proccess with manim animation and export to SVG
A simple framework for new and experienced Python programmers to create animations, games, robotics simulations, and other graphics-based programs
Machine Learning Animations in python using Manim.
A Python library for lip-syncing cartoons to voice recordings.
Animation of matplotlib images
An anime video filename parser
Math Animation Tool(Fork from 3b1b manim)
Animation engine for explanatory math videos
Python anime information grabber.
A reference package for all things anime.
PySauceNao is an unofficial asynchronous library for the SauceNao API. It supports lookups via URL or from the local filesystem.
"Hyper-parameters in Action!" visualizing tool for Keras models.
A package for animals and their math
Record terminal sessions as SVG animations
Hungarian lists of names,animals,foods, fruits, rivers ,GPS,ZIP, Határon túli magyar települések
Write a (list of) NumPy array(s) to an (animated) GIF.
[Deprecated] Animation engine for explanatory math videos.
Automatic animal detection in video
Anime Face Detector using mmdet and mmpose
Python Sprites Module for make introductory animations and games and educational purpose。It mainly provides Sprite class inherited from Turtle class。Can be applied to the teaching of elementary mathematics。Pyhton的精灵模块,为教育目的而制作启蒙动画与游戏。主要提供继承自Turtle类的Sprite类,Key类,Mouse类等及一些工具函数,如洪水填充命令,几何相关命令。它支持像素级碰撞检测命令及增强的图章命令等等,也可应用于初等数学几何的教学。作者:李兴球。微信:scratch8,专业编程私教。网址: www.lixingqiu.com
Wildbook IA (WBIA) - Machine learning service for the WildBook project
AnnoSINE_v2 - SINE Annotation Tool for Plant and Animal Genomes
Generater for amazing QR Codes. Including Common, Artistic and Animated QR Codes.
A package to track the movement of an object (a small animal) in a video
Classifies if an image is "anime" or not
Welcome to the world of 'nguyenpanda', a Python library that brings you the essence of utility packages, each named after animals, perfectly representing its unique domain.
Multiprocessing-friendly animations
A streamlit custom component for doubutsushogi (animal chess) game