Best way to have Django DRY forms
Functions for 3D coordinate transformations
Push Notifications that work with just about every platform!
Django extension for creating forms that vary according to user permissions
A Django app providing DB, form, and REST framework fields for zoneinfo and pytz timezone objects.
Unicode normalization forms (NFC, NFKC, NFD, NFKD). A library independent of the Python core Unicode database.
Validators for wtforms package
Microsoft Azure Form Recognizer Client Library for Python
Core abstractions for kiota generated libraries in Python
A Django plugin for creating AJAX driven forms in Bootstrap modal.
A library for converting a token stream into a data structure for use in web form posts
Simple forms validation.
Full control of form rendering in the templates
A set of high-level abstractions for Django forms
Tweak the form field rendering in templates, not in python-level form definitions.
DynamicForms performs all the visualisation & data entry of your DRF Serializers & ViewSets and adds some candy of its own
Tools for coordinate transforms and S2-indexing via Polars Expression Plugins
a simple form filter for using Django forms with Bootstrap
Provides ORM path classes (File and Dir), which automatically emit file system IO operations upon having their attributes modified. File objects allow for easy content manipulation of many forms of files.
Bootstrap5 template pack for django-crispy-forms
A drop-in replacement for Torchvision Transforms using OpenCV
Add simple dynamic interaction to the otherwise static django admin.
Detect platforms and group them by family
Geographic system transformations with helper functions
NiTransforms -- Neuroimaging spatial transforms in Python.
Edit waveforms used in experiment
Custom WTForms field that handles reCaptcha display and validation
Heuristic distribution of weighted items to bins (either a fixed number of bins or a fixed number of volume per bin). Data may be in form of list, dictionary, list of tuples or csv-file.
Adds support for using money and currency fields in django models and forms. Uses py-moneyed as the money implementation.
Reusable, generic mixins for Django
Django recaptcha form field/widget app.
App for Django featuring improved form base classes.
The missing widgets and form manipulation library for Django
Validation and parsing library
Ultra-fast query string and url-encoded form-data parsers
A Windows backend for the Toga widget toolkit using the WinForms API.
Bootstrap4 template pack for django-crispy-forms
Extend Django formsets with JavaScript
Extend Django formsets with JavaScript
JSON Schema forms for Django
Create forms and embed them on CMS pages
A practical form validation and submitting library
Generate regular expressions form ExpressJS path patterns
🛝 Slider component for selecting a range of values
Asynchronous Python client for Modern Forms fans.
Implementation of the HTML JSON Forms spec for use with the Django REST Framework.