Python Library to handle Input / Output conversion in Dicom <=> Convolutional Neural Network
Asynchronous Zipfile generator that takes input files as well as streams
Convert reservoir simulator input and output to DataFrames
Django jQuery Tags Input is a Django field and widget wrapper that adds an easy to use interface for `ManyToManyField` and `ForeignKey` fields in the forms of autocompleting tags with optionally live creation of new linked items
A matplotlib frontend executable using JSON file as user input
Python DICOM validator using input from DICOM specs in docbook format
LammpsInputBuilder (or LIB) is a Python library designed to generate Lammps inputs from a molecular model, a forcefield, and a high level definition of a simulation workflow.
This tool is designed to process a list of URLs from an input file, remove duplicate query parameters, and save the modified URLs to an output file.
Very simple testing framework suitable for beginner programmers, with easy functions for accomplishing most common testing tasks like providing input. Requires Python 3.8+.
tetgen python wrapper for points, PLCs and tetmesh inputs
Graphical Tools for creating Next Gen Water model input data.
Tools for the generation and analysis of dislocation distributions.
perturbation of coupled model input over a space of input variables
Python package for easy data input output handling.
An input template framework
Reduce the size of GPT inputs by 40-60% without losing most of the information.
Python wrapper for libevdev
A script that processes the input CSV files and copies them into a SQLite database.
A NAMD topology/coordinate input builder
AnsI/O module for ansi input & output
The tool to update the input source repositories of the Ultimate-Hosts-Blacklist project.
A library for printing colored text, getting colored input, changing Qt5 controls' colors, adding watermarks to the video. 一个用来打印彩色文字、获取彩色的输入、更改Qt5控件的颜色、给视频添加水印的库。
format input file(s) to 42 norm automatically
A Python package for reading data from the Inputs, Assumptions and Scenarios Report (IASR) Microsoft Excel workbook published by the Australian Energy Market Operator for use in their Integrated System Plan modelling.
API for Monte Carlo input and output parsing
WDL workflow inputs validation
Get, clean, convert and validate input.
Helpers for parsing user input, generating menus, transforming data, making comparisons, flexible argument acceptance (string to list/set), regex matching, and more
Data flow tool that transform your notebooks and python files into pipeline steps by standardizing the data input / output. [for Data science project]
grafton anonymises data in any input file using an encoding key and informed consent list.
BuildFlow, is an open source framework for building large scale systems using Python. All you need to do is describe where your input is coming from and where your output should be written, and BuildFlow handles the rest.
A Python package to prepare (download, extract, process input data) for GEOCIF and related models
Package to perform fetching and automatic refreshing of the Nexus access token using Keycloak. Using the CLI you can choose to either have its value periodically written in the file whose path is given in input or either have it periodically printed on the console output.
A package for creating and handling input files for vasp
Python scripts used in the FHIR integration pipeline to clean input data for different external sources.
A package for dealing with OpenMOLCAS input and output files
Input and output for scientific and medical image file formats.
CityCAT extension to create inputs and convert outputs
Python package to automatically build the AWS Control Tower Manifest given Cloud Formation templates as input.
A module that implements some tools that help to show, input infomations with touch screen.
Didak is a simple test case runner, that simulates input and verifies the whether the final output is correct.
A pipeline submission engine that parses sample inputs and submits pipelines for each sample.
Automation of the creation of the architecture of the neural network based on the input
A simple offline web3 transaction input decoder for functions and constructors
Django app providing text input and textarea widgets with emoji picker