A Django application that provides a fully functional TinyMCE 4 editor widget for models and forms.
Django plugin for using Editor.js
A Django application that provides a TinyMCE 4 editor widget without any static files
django-wysiwyg-redactor is a lightweight responsive wysiwyg editor for Django
Django app for managing multiple mass-mailing lists with both plaintext as well as HTML templates (and pluggable WYSIWYG editors for messages), images and a smart queueing system all right from the admin interface.
Django app for managing multiple mass-mailing lists with both plaintext as well as HTML templates (and pluggable WYSIWYG editors for messages), images and a smart queueing system all right from the admin interface.
Trumbowyg (WYSIWYG editor) integration app for Django admin.
Add a support of wysiwyg editors for CKAN
Qitian Inc. Django UEditor plugins. For quick use in Django Admin Panel
WYSIWYG js editor with ckeditor
Imperavi Redactor (WYSIWYG editor) integration app for Django admin. http://imperavi.com/redactor/
An equation editor powered by LaTeX
A WYSIWYG-texteditor based on pygame.
This reusable Django app using WYSIWYG editor redactorjs.com
CKEditor (WYSIWYG editor) integration app for Django admin. http://ckeditor.com
A WYSIWYG editor plugin made by vditor for django
Plugin integrating SimpleMDE into Lektor admin
Django Rich Text Editor with many flavors
CKEditor (WYSIWYG editor) integration app for Django admin. http://ckeditor.com
A django application that contains a class for admin interface to render a text field as beautiful Imperavi WYSIWYG editor http://redactorjs.com/
Integrates the Redactor Javascript WYSIWYG editor with Django.
Imperavi Redactor (WYSIWYG editor) integration app for Django admin. http://imperavi.com/redactor/
A plugin for django-cms that aims to replace the standard text plugin with it's WYSIWYG editors. With cmsplugin-markdown you can write your content in Markdown using EpicEditor (http://oscargodson.github.com/EpicEditor/)
Extends Wagtail to use the Froala WYSIWYG editor in RichTextFields/RichTextBlocks.
HTML editor on django.contrib.flatpages
Trumbowyg (WYSIWYG editor) integration app for Django admin.
A django form widget for CLEditor (a super clean, MIT licensed WYSIWYG HTML editor) that handles uploading
django-secure-input provides custom form fields to render wysiwyg editor instead of regular textareas. It takes care of cleaning html for you too. With its super secure defaults you do not want to modified it's whitelisting rules.
Django app for managing multiple mass-mailing lists with both plaintext as well as HTML templates (and pluggable WYSIWYG editors for messages), images and a smart queueing system all right from the admin interface.
leonardo-module-redactor is a lightweight responsive wysiwyg editor for Leonardo
Django media browser for WYSIWYG HTML editor
An easy way to paste images to wysiwyg editors in Django admin interface.
Django integration with the popular WYSIWYG editor CKEditor.
Sanic-quill is a port of Flask-quill to Sanic ecosystem. (quill.js WYSIWYG editor)
A What You See Is What You Get form editor for Django.
django-wysiwyg-redactor is a lightweight responsive wysiwyg editor for Django
django-wysiwyg-redactor-ng is a lightweight responsive wysiwyg editor for Django
Allows pluggable WYSIWYG editors in django admin without hard dependencies
flask-wysiwyg provides custom form fields to render wysiwyg editor instead of regular textareas. It takes care of cleaning html for you too. With its super secure defaults you do not want to modified it's whitelisting rules.
A django admin widget to render a text field as beautiful Imperavi WYSIWYG editor http://redactorjs.com/
Support for the WYSIWYG editor CKEditor in the Silva CMS