.. image::
.. image::
Aeripy is a Python adapter for the Aeries Student Information System API. It's goal is to simplify interaction with your district's Aeries database.
This library is mostly a wrapper for the popular requests <>
_ library.
Note: Aeripy is in no way affiliated with Aeries Software, Inc. This module is based on their publicly available documentation.
Aeripy is supported on Python 3.8+. The recommended way to install Aeripy is via pip.
.. code-block::
pip install aeripy
The following example uses the Aeries demo database URL and API key.
Both are found in their documentation <>
To use this module with your own Aeries database, you will need your district's URL and API key. See the URL and API Key
_ section for details.
.. code-block:: python3
# Aeries Demo URL and API key
hostname = ''
api_key = '477abe9e7d27439681d62f4e0de1f5e1'
# In production the URL and API key should not be hardcoded.
# For example, they can be retrieved from an environment variable
hostname = os.getenv('AERIES_URL')
api_key = os.getenv('API_KEY')
Create an Aeripy instance and use that to interact with the API.
.. code-block:: python3
from aeripy import Aeripy
aeries = Aeripy(hostname=hostname, api_key=api_key)
# Get all staff
staff_list = aeries.get_staff()
# Print the last name of the 55th staff member
# Output:
# Barrows
# Print the first name of the 55th staff member
# Output:
# James
# Print the ID of the 55th staff member
# Output:
# 994748
Check out the full documentation <>
_ for a list of currently supported methods and more examples.
URL and API Key
You must have access to the Security section in Aeries Web to obtain or create the API key.