Apple SearchAds API
This is an updated version of the Phiture's searchads_api client.
New features include:
- Update cryptography library to compile on M1 machines.
- Add support for get Ads reports by date
pip install apple_searchads_api
About Phiture
Phiture is a Berlin-based mobile growth consultancy working with the teams behind leading apps. Using the company’s industry-acclaimed Mobile Growth Stack as a strategic framework, Phiture team offers 4 key services: App Store Optimization, Apple Search Ads, User Retention services and Growth Consulting.
Apple Searchads API Library in Python
In order to facilitate the usage of the Apple Search Ads API Phiture's Engineers have built a library in Python which allows users to manage campaigns, ad groups, keywords and creative sets. This library only requires intermediate Python skills and therefore makes it possible not only for Engineers but also for Data Analysts and Apple Search Ads Consultants to work with it. While the library is extensive it is not complete and users are encouraged to commit suggestions.
The official link to the searchads campaign management api is
Setup for V3 of the API
Create a certs
directory inside your project folder, or create a different certs directory and specify it using the
from searchads_api import SearchAdsAPI
api = SearchAdsAPI(org_id=123456, pem="cert.pem", key="cert.key", certificates_dir_path="certs/", verbose=False)
Setup for v4 of the API
Create a certs
directory inside your project folder, or create a different certs directory and specify it using the
from searchads_api import SearchAdsAPI
api = SearchAdsAPI(
Available Methods
Campaign Methods
Create a new campaign
res = api.create_campaign(1433439534, ['AU'], "test", 1, 1, "EUR")
Find campaigns using a conditions list
res = api.find_campaigns(conditions=[{"field": "countriesOrRegions","operator": "CONTAINS_ALL","values": ["US", "CA"]}])
Get a specific campaign
res = api.get_campaign(283767149)
Get all campaigns
res = api.get_campaigns(limit=0)
Update a campaign
res = update_campaign(campaign_id, countries=None, campaign_name="Christmas Campaign 2019", budget=None, daily_budget=None, curruncy=None, status=None, adamId=None)
Delete campaign
res = api.delete_campaign(283767149)
Adgroup Methods
Create a new adGroup inside of a campaign
res = api.create_adgroup(186370637, "test", "EUR",1, datetime.datetime.utcnow())
res = api.create_adgroup(186370637, "test", "EUR",1, datetime.datetime.utcnow(), localities=["US|NY|New York"], adminAreas=["US|NY"])
res = api.create_adgroup(campaign_id, adgroup_name, currency,
cpc_bid, start_time, end_time=None, cpa_goal=None, automated_keywords_opt_in=False, age=None, gender=None, device_class=None, day_part=None, adminArea=None, locality=None, appDownloaders=None)
Fetch ad groups within a campaign.
res = api.find_adgroups(campaign_id, limit=1000, offset=0, sort_field="id", sort_order="ASCENDING", conditions=[], fields=[])
Get all adGroups
res = api.get_adgroups(290916652)
Get a specific adGroup
res = api.get_adgroups(290916652, 21321323)
Update an Adgroup
res = update_adgroup(campaign_id, adgroup_id, adgroup_name=None, cpa_goal=None, currency=None,
cpc_bid=None, start_time=None, end_time=None, automated_keywords_opt_in=False, age=None, gender=None, device_class=None,
day_part=None, adminArea=None, locality=None, appDownloaders=None)
Delete an Adgroup
res = delete_adgroup(campaign_id, adgroup_id)
Targeting Keyword Methods
Add new targeting keywords to an AdGroup
keywords = [{
"text": "keyword",
"matchType": "BROAD",
"status" : "PAUSED",
"bidAmount": {
"amount": "1",
"currency": "EUR"
}, {
"text": "keyword 5",
"matchType": "EXACT",
"status" : "PAUSED",
"bidAmount": {
"amount": "1",
"currency": "EUR"
res = api.add_targeting_keywords(290916652,291017295,keywords)
Fetch keywords used in ad groups.
res = find_targeting_keywords(campaign_id, adgroup_id, sort_field="id", sort_order="ASCENDING", conditions=[], offset=0, limit=1000)
Get one targeting keyword
res = api.get_targeting_keyword(290916652,291017295, 213213213)
Get all targeting keywords
res = api.get_targeting_keywords(290916652,291017295)
Update targeting keywords in an adGroup
keywords = [{
"id": 291202529,
"status": "PAUSED",
"bidAmount": {
"amount": "0.5",
"currency": "EUR"
"id": 291202530,
"status": "PAUSED",
"bidAmount": {
"amount": "0.5",
"currency": "EUR"
res = api.update_targeting_keywords(290916652, 291017295, keywords)
Campaign Negative Keyword Methods
Add new campaign negative keywords
keywords = [{
"text": "keyword",
"matchType": "BROAD",
"status" : "PAUSED",
}, {
"text": "keyword 5",
"matchType": "EXACT",
"status" : "PAUSED",
res = api.add_campaign_negative_keywords(290916652, keywords)
Get a specific campaign negative keyword
res = api.get_campaign_negative_keyword(290916652, 291225104)
Get all campaign negative keywords
res = api.get_campaign_negative_keywords(290916652)
Update campaign negative keywords
keywords = [{
"id": "291225104",
"status" : "PAUSED",
res = api.update_campaign_negative_keywords(290916652, keywords)
Delete campaign negative keywords
keywords = [291225104]
res = api.delete_campaign_negative_keywords(290916652, keywords)
Adgroup Negative Keyword Methods
Add new adgroup negative keywords
keywords = [{
"text": "keyword",
"matchType": "BROAD",
"status" : "PAUSED",
}, {
"text": "keyword 5",
"matchType": "EXACT",
"status" : "PAUSED",
res = api.add_adgroup_negative_keywords(290916652, 291017295, keywords)
Get a specific adGroup negative keyword
res = api.get_adgroup_negative_keyword(290916652, 291017295, 291227741)
Get all adgroup negative keywords
res = api.get_adgroup_negative_keywords(290916652,291017295)
Update adGroup negative keywords
keywords = [{
"id": "123456789",
"status": "PAUSED",
res = api.update_adgroup_negative_keywords(123456789, 291017295, keywords)
Update a list of adGroup negative Keywords
keywords = [{
"id": 0000000,
"adGroupId": 291017295,
"text": "test",
"status": "PAUSED",
"matchType": "EXACT",
"bidAmount": {
"amount": "0.5",
"currency": "EUR"
"deleted": False
res = api.update_targeting_keywords(290916652,291017295,keywords)
Delete a list of AdGroup negative keywords
keyword_ids = [123456789]
res = api.delete_adgroup_negative_keywords(290916652, 291017295, keyword_ids)
Creativeset Methods
Fetch assets used with Creative Sets.
res = api.get_creativesets_assets(adam_id, countries_or_regions, assets_gen_ids=[])
Fetch supported app preview device size mappings.
res = api.get_app_preview_device_sizes()
Create a new creativeset
res = api.create_creativeset(campaign_id, adgroup_id, adamId, name, languageCode, assetsGenIds)
Get all Creativesets
res = api.get_creativeset(campaign_id, adgroup_id=None, limit=1000, offset=0))
Get a specific Creativesets
res = api.get_creativeset(creativeset_id, include_deleted_creative_set_assets=False)
Update an Adgroup Creativeset
res = api.update_creativeset(campaign_id, adgroup_id, creativeset_id, status)
Assign a Creativeset to an Adgroup
res = api.assign_creativeset_to_adgroup(campaign_id, adgroup_id, creativeset_id)
Fetch all Creative Sets assigned to ad groups.
conditions = [{
"field": "id",
"operator": "EQUALS",
"values": [
res = api.find_adgroup_creativesets(campaign_id,conditions=conditions, sort_field="id", sort_order="ASCENDING")
Fetch all Creative Sets assigned to an organization.
res = api.find_creativesets(conditions=[], limit=1000, offset=0)
Fetch asset details of a Creative Set.
res = api.get_creativeset(creativeset_id, include_deleted_creative_set_assets=False)
Update a creativeset name
res = api.update_adgroup_creativeset_name(creativeset_id, name)
Delete creative sets from a specified Adgroup
res = api.delete_creativesets(campaign_id, adgroup_id, ids)
Reporting Methods
Get reports on campaigns within a specific org.
res = api.get_adgroups_report_by_date("2019-04-01", "2019-04-10", 123456789, limit=5)
Get reports on adgroups within a specific org.
row, grandTotals = api.get_adgroups_report_by_date(123456789, "2019-02-20", "2019-02-28",limit=0)
Get reports on creativeset level. limit 0 gets all results instead of just 1000
row, grandTotals= api.get_creativesets_report_by_date(123456789, "2019-06-01", "2019-06-10")
Get reports on keywords level. limit 0 gets all results instead of just 1000
row, grandTotals = api.get_keywords_report_by_date(123456789, "2019-02-20", "2019-02-28",limit=0)
Get reports on searchterms level
row, grandTotals = api.get_searcherms_report_by_date(123456789,"2019-05-01", "2019-05-07",limit=0)
Get reports on ads level with grand totals (without granularity):
row, grandTotals = api.get_ads_report_by_date(123456789, "2019-05-01", "2019-05-07", limit=0)
- Get reports on ads level with granularity set to
rows = api.get_ads_report_by_date(
Geo Search
Search Adminareas
res = api.geo_search("New York", entity="AdminArea", country_code="US")
Search Localities
res = api.geo_search("New York", entity="Locality", country_code="US")
Returns a list of admin areas in a country.
res = api.get_admin_areas(country_code="US")
Returns a list of localities in a country.
res = api.get_localities(country_code)
Gets geo location details based on geo identifier.
res = api.get_geo_locations_list(geo_id,
limit=1000, offset=0)