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Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools MySQL and PostgreSQL Command Module



Microsoft Azure CLI 'MySQL and PostgreSQL' Command Module

This package is for the 'rdbms' module. i.e. 'az mariadb', 'az mysql' and 'az postgres'

.. :changelog:

Release History

0.3.12 ++++++

  • Minor fixes

0.3.11 ++++++

  • Add postgres and mysql support for geo replication

0.3.10 ++++++

  • Minor fixes

0.3.9 +++++

  • Add postgresql replica commands and restart server command

0.3.8 +++++

  • Minor fixes: Get default location from resource group when not provided for creating servers and add validation for retention days.

0.3.7 +++++

  • Improve help message and command parameters

0.3.6 +++++

  • Minor fixes

0.3.5 +++++

  • Add mariadb vnet commands

0.3.4 +++++

  • Add mysql replica commands

0.3.3 +++++

  • Minor fixes

0.3.2 +++++

  • Add support for MariaDB service

0.3.1 +++++

  • Minor fixes

0.3.0 +++++

  • BREAKING CHANGE: 'show' commands log error message and fail with exit code of 3 upon a missing resource.

0.2.5 +++++

  • Added 'postgres/myql server vnet-rule' commands.

0.2.4 +++++

  • Minor fix allowing elastic server update using skuname.

0.2.3 +++++

  • Minor fixes.

0.2.2 +++++

  • Minor help fix.

0.2.1 +++++

  • Introduce georestore command.
  • Remove storage size restriction from create command.
  • sdist is now compatible with wheel 0.31.0

0.2.0 +++++

  • Release with new business model GA API version 2017-12-01.

0.1.1 ++++++

  • Minor changes.

0.1.0 ++++++

  • Preview release with new business model API 2017-12-01-preview.

0.0.12 ++++++

  • Minor fixes.

0.0.11 ++++++

  • Minor fixes.

0.0.10 ++++++

  • Update for CLI core changes.

0.0.9 +++++

  • Minor fixes.

0.0.8 ++++++

  • minor fixes

0.0.7 (2017-09-22) ++++++++++++++++++

  • minor fixes

0.0.6 (2017-08-28) ++++++++++++++++++

  • minor fixes

0.0.5 (2017-07-07) ++++++++++++++++++

  • minor fixes

0.0.4 (2017-06-21) ++++++++++++++++++

  • No changes.

0.0.3 (2017-06-13) ++++++++++++++++++

  • Minor fixes.

0.0.2 (2017-05-30) ++++++++++++++++++

  • Add support for list server across a subscription.
  • [RDBMS]Support list servers across a subscription (#3417)
  • %s not processed becasue of missing % server_type (#3393)
  • Fix doc source map and add CI task to verify (#3361)
  • Fix MySQL and PostgreSQL help (#3369)

0.0.1 (2017-05-09) ++++++++++++++++++

  • Preview release.


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