b9y-cli - Commandline Client
A client for Bambleweeny for the command line.
Assuming you have a Python environment, you can install the CLI using this command:
pip install b9y-cli
Binary Releases
Windows 64 bit | MacOS | Linux 64 bit
Run b9y-cli
on the shell to connect using the default credentials (admin/changeme on localhost:8080).
Alternatively, you can specify the connection parameters like this:
b9y-cli -u my_user1
b9y-cli -h http://myhost:8080 -u me -p secret
b9y-cli -h http://myhost:8080 -u me -p
(for interactive password prompt)
b9y-cli -h https://b9y.myhost.com
Using the CLI
You should see a prompt like the following:

Type help
to see the available commands. You can e.g. use get and set commands:
set foo bar
get foo
route foo text/html
b9y-cli on pypi