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A package to simplify usage of the DeepCrawl GraphQL


DeepCrawl GraphQL Wrapper 1.0.0 documentation

Welcome to DeepCrawl GraphQL Wrapper’s documentation!¶

pip install deepcrawl_graphql


To authenticate with the DeepCrawl API you have to first create a connection.


class deepcrawl_graphql.api.DeepCrawlConnection(user_key_id=None, secret=None, token=None

DeepCrawlConnection class

Creates a connection instance used for sending GraphQL queries to DeepCrawl.

>>> from deepcrawl_graphql.api import DeepCrawlConnection

>>> DeepCrawlConnection("user_key_id", "secret")
DeepCrawlConnection instance

>>> DeepCrawlConnection(token="token")
DeepCrawlConnection instance


  • user_key_id (int or str) – user key, used together with secret for authentication.
  • secret (str) – secret key, used together with user_key_id for authentication.
  • token (str) – authentication token, if used ignores the user_key_id and secret

run_query(query, variables=None, var=None, **kwargs)¶ Runs a query.

>>> conn = DeepCrawlConnection("user_key_id", "secret")

There are 3 possible ways you can run a query

Using a query string. You can use the DeepCrawl explorer to construct the string

>>> query = 'query MyQuery {version}'
>>> conn.run_query(query)
{'version': '1.91.1-next.0-en'}

Using the gql package to construct a dynamic query.

>>> from gql.dsl import DSLQuery
>>> query = DSLQuery(, conn.ds.User.username))
>>> conn.run_query(query)
 'me': {
 'id': 'id',
 'username': ''

>>> from gql.dsl import DSLVariableDefinitions
>>> from gql.dsl import DSLQuery
>>> var = DSLVariableDefinitions()
>>> query =
 conn.ds.User.accounts.args(first=var.first, after=var.after)
>>> conn.run_query(query, variables={"first": 1, "after": "MQ"}, var=var)
 "me": {
 "accounts": {
 "nodes": [
 "id": "id",
 "name": "name"
 "pageInfo": {
 "startCursor": "Mg",
 "endCursor": "Mg",
 "hasNextPage": false,
 "hasPreviousPage": true
# For more information about constructing queries with dsl
# see

Import a query from the deepcrawl_graphql package and use it’s prebuild queries.

>>> from import MeQuery
>>> me_query = MeQuery(conn)
>>> me_query.select_me()
>>> conn.run_query(me_query)
 'me': {
 'id': 'id',
 'username': '',
 'email': '',
 'firstName': 'FirstName',
 'lastName': 'LastName',
 'createdAt': '2019-10-27T17:11:17.000Z',
 'updatedAt': '2022-01-15T10:10:38.000Z',
 'jobTitle': None,
 'overallLimitLevelsMax': 1000,
 'overallLimitPagesMax': 10000000,
 'ssoClientId': None,
 'termsAgreed': True,
 'rawID': 'id',
 'permissions': []


  • query (Query or DSLField or DSLQuery or str) – query object
  • variables (dict or None) – variables to use in the query. run_query(… variables={“first”: 1, “after”: “MQ”})
  • var (DSLVariableDefinitions) – gql DSLVariableDefinitions instance to be used in the query. Works together with variables
  • kwargs – variables to use in the query. If variables is not used and the user prefers to send variables as function arguments run_query(… first=1, after=”MQ”)

get_by_base64_id(base64_id, object_type, fields)¶ Get object by Base64 id

>>> conn.get_by_base64_id(
 fields=(, conn.ds.ReportDownload.fileURL),


  • base64_id (str) – Object’s Base64 id
  • object_type (str) – Object’s meta type name
  • fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Fields to select

run_mutation(mutation, variables=None, var=None, **kwargs)¶ Runs a mutation.

>>> conn = DeepCrawlConnection("user_key_id", "secret")

There are multiple ways you can run a mutation

Import the Mutation class from deepcrawl_graphql package and use it’s prebuild methods.

>>> from deepcrawl_graphql.mutation import Mutation
>>> mutation = Mutation(conn)
>>> project_input = {"accountId": "acount_id", "name": "Create-Project-0", "primaryDomain": "domain"}
>>> mutation.create_project(project_input)  # Automatically runs this method
 "createProject": {
 "project": {
 "id": "id",
 "name": "Create-Project-0",
 "primaryDomain": "",


  • mutation (DSLField or DSLMutation or str) – mutation object
  • variables (dict or None) – variables to use in the query. run_query(… variables={“input”: {“name”: “name”, …}})
  • var (DSLVariableDefinitions) – gql DSLVariableDefinitions instance to be used in the query. Works tougether with variables
  • kwargs – variables to use in the query. If variables is not used and the user prefers to send variables as function arguments run_query(… input={“name”: “name”, …})

Special Arguments¶


There are some optional arguments which can be used while running the query: first, last, after, before

  • first - Number of records to fetch from start
  • last - Number of records to fetch from end
  • after - Fetch after cursor
  • before - Fetch before cursor
>>> conn = DeepCrawlConnection("user_key_id", "secret")

By default first 100 or less objects are retrieved

>>> account_query = AccountQuery(conn, "74910")
>>> account_query.select_projects()
>>> conn.run_query(account_query)

    "getAccount": {
        "projects": {
            "nodes": [
                {"id": "id-1", "name": "name-1", ...},
                {"id": "id-2", "name": "name-2", ...},
                {"id": "id-3", "name": "name-3", ...},
                {"id": "id-4", "name": "name-4", ...},
            "pageInfo": {
                "startCursor": "MQ",
                "endCursor": "NA",
                "hasNextPage": False,
                "hasPreviousPage": False

By using the first argument you can choose how many object to retrieve per page.

>>> conn.run_query(account_query, variables={"first": 2})
>>> conn.run_query(account_query, first=2)

    "me": {
        "accounts": {
            "nodes": [
                {"id": "id-1", "name": "name-1", ...},
                {"id": "id-2", "name": "name-2", ...},
            "pageInfo": {
                "startCursor": "MQ",
                "endCursor": "Mg",
                "hasNextPage": True,
                "hasPreviousPage": False

By using the first argument combined with the after argument you can choose how many object to retrieve per page after the selected cursor.

>>> conn.run_query(account_query, variables={"first": 2, "after": "Mg"})
>>> conn.run_query(account_query, first=2, after="Mg")

    "me": {
        "accounts": {
            "nodes": [
                {"id": "id-3", "name": "name-3", ...},
                {"id": "id-4", "name": "name-4", ...},
            "pageInfo": {
                "startCursor": "Mw",
                "endCursor": "NA",
                "hasNextPage": False,
                "hasPreviousPage": True

By using the first argument combined with the before argument you can choose how many object to retrieve per page before the selected cursor.

>>> conn.run_query(account_query, variables={"first": 2, "before": "Mg"})
>>> conn.run_query(account_query, first=2, before="Mg")

    "me": {
        "accounts": {
            "nodes": [
                {"id": "id-1", "name": "name-1", ...},
                {"id": "id-2", "name": "name-2", ...},
            "pageInfo": {
                "startCursor": "MQ",
                "endCursor": "Mg",
                "hasNextPage": True,
                "hasPreviousPage": False


There is an optional argument which can be used while running the query: order_by

The order argument can be used to sort the dataset.

It accepts a dictionary with two keys: direction (ASC or DESC) and a field (to sort against)

>>> conn = DeepCrawlConnection("user_key_id", "secret")

>>> account_query = AccountQuery(conn, "74910")
>>> account_query.select_projects()

Default result:

>>> conn.run_query(account_query)

    "getAccount": {
        "projects": {
            "nodes": [
                {"id": "id-1", "name": "name-1", ...},
                {"id": "id-2", "name": "name-2", ...},
                {"id": "id-3", "name": "name-3", ...},
                {"id": "id-4", "name": "name-4", ...},
            "pageInfo": {
                "startCursor": "MQ",
                "endCursor": "NA",
                "hasNextPage": False,
                "hasPreviousPage": False

Using order_by result:

>>> conn.run_query(account_query, order_by={"direction": "DESC", "field": "id"})

    "getAccount": {
        "projects": {
            "nodes": [
                {"id": "id-4", "name": "name-4", ...},
                {"id": "id-3", "name": "name-3", ...},
                {"id": "id-2", "name": "name-2", ...},
                {"id": "id-1", "name": "name-1", ...},
            "pageInfo": {
                "startCursor": "MQ",
                "endCursor": "NA",
                "hasNextPage": False,
                "hasPreviousPage": False

Select Specific Fields¶

In some cases, you may not need all the returned fields. Maybe you are interested only in a list of project ids and names.

For this kind of scenario, you can use the fields argument implemented for all the select methods.

>>> conn = DeepCrawlConnection("user_key_id", "secret")
>>> account_query = AccountQuery(conn, "74910")
>>> account_query.select_projects(fields=(,
>>> conn.run_query(account_query)

    "getAccount": {
        "projects": {
            "nodes": [
                {"id": "id-1", "name": "name-1"},
                {"id": "id-2", "name": "name-2"},
            "pageInfo": {
                "startCursor": "MQ",
                "endCursor": "NA",
                "hasNextPage": False,
                "hasPreviousPage": False

Although this is very useful you have to have a pretty good understanding of the schema for using this feature.



class DeepCrawlConnection

MeQuery class

Creates a me query instance. “Me” being the authenticated user. The instance will be passed to the run_query method in order to execute the query.

>>> from import MeQuery

>>> me_query = MeQuery(conn)
>>> me_query.select_me()
>>> me_query.select_accounts()
>>> me = conn.run_query(me_query)

Parameters: conn (DeepCrawlConnection) – Connection.

select_me(fields=None)¶ Selects user fields.

Parameters: fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.

select_accounts(fields=None)¶ Selects users accounts.

Parameters: fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.



class deepcrawl_graphql.accounts.account.AccountQuery(conn: DeepCrawlConnection, account_id

AccountQuery class

Creates an accout query instance. The instance will be passed to the run_query method in order to execute the query.

>>> from deepcrawl_graphql.accounts.account import AccountQuery

>>> account_query = AccountQuery(conn, "id")
>>> account_query.select_account()
>>> account_query.select_settings()
>>> account_query.select_callback_headers()
>>> account_query.select_feature_flags()
>>> account_query.select_locations()
>>> account_query.select_package()
>>> account_query.select_subscription()
>>> account_query.select_projects()
>>> account_query.select_project("project_id")
>>> account = conn.run_query(account_query)


  • conn (DeepCrawlConnection) – Connection.
  • account_id (int or str) – account id.

select_account(fields=None)¶ Selects account fields.

Parameters: fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.

select_settings(fields=None)¶ Selects account accountSettings.

Parameters: fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.

select_callback_headers(fields=None)¶ Selects account apiCallbackHeaders.

Parameters: fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.

select_feature_flags(fields=None)¶ Selects account featureFlags.

Parameters: fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.

select_locations(fields=None)¶ Selects account locations.

Parameters: fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.

select_package(fields=None)¶ Selects account primaryAccountPackage.

Parameters: fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.

select_subscription(include_addons=False, integration_type=None, fields=None)¶ Selects account subscription.


  • include_addons (bool) – If true includes the addons available.
  • integration_type (str) – Selects an addon by integration type
  • fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.

select_projects(fields=None)¶ Selects account projects.

Parameters: fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.

select_project(project_id, fields=None)¶ Selects account project by id.


  • project_id (bool) – Project id.
  • fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.



class deepcrawl_graphql.projects.project.ProjectQuery(conn: DeepCrawlConnection, project_id

ProjectQuery class

Creates a project query instance. The instance will be passed to the run_query method in order to execute the query.

>>> from deepcrawl_graphql.projects.project import ProjectQuery

>>> project_query = ProjectQuery(conn, "project_id")
>>> project_query.select_project()
>>> project_query.select_sitemaps()
>>> project_query.select_advanced_crawl_rate()
>>> project_query.select_majestic_configuration()
>>> project_query.select_location()
>>> project_query.select_google_search_configuration()
>>> project_query.select_custom_extraction_settings()
>>> project_query.select_account()
>>> project_query.select_crawls()
>>> project = conn.run_query(project_query)


  • conn (DeepCrawlConnection) – Connection.
  • project_id (int or str) – project id.

select_project(fields=None)¶ Selects project fields.

Parameters: fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.

select_sitemaps(fields=None)¶ Selects project sitemaps.

Parameters: fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.

select_advanced_crawl_rate(fields=None)¶ Selects project maximumCrawlRateAdvanced.

Parameters: fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.

select_majestic_configuration(fields=None)¶ Selects project majesticConfiguration.

Parameters: fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.

select_location(fields=None)¶ Selects project location.

Parameters: fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.

select_last_finished_crawl(fields=None)¶ Selects project lastFinishedCrawl.

Not implemented yet.

Parameters: fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.

select_google_search_configuration(fields=None)¶ Selects project googleSearchConsoleConfiguration.

Parameters: fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.

select_google_analytics_project_view(fields=None)¶ Selects project googleAnalyticsProjectView.

Not implemented yet.

Parameters: fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.

select_custom_extraction_settings(fields=None)¶ Selects project customExtractions.

select_account(fields=None)¶ Selects project account.

Parameters: fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.

select_crawls(fields=None)¶ Selects project crawls.

Parameters: fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.

select_schedule(fields=None)¶ Selects project Schedule.



class deepcrawl_graphql.crawls.crawl.CrawlQuery(conn: DeepCrawlConnection, crawl_id

CrawlQuery class

Creates a crawl query instance. The instance will be passed to the run_query method in order to execute the query.

>>> from deepcrawl_graphql.crawls.crawl import CrawlQuery

>>> crawl_query = CrawlQuery(conn, "crawl_id")
>>> crawl_query.select_crawl()
>>> crawl_query.select_parquet_files("datasource_name")
>>> crawl_query.select_compared_to()
>>> crawl = conn.run_query(crawl_query)


  • conn (DeepCrawlConnection) – Connection.
  • crawl_id (int or str) – crawl id.

select_crawl(fields=None)¶ Selects crawl fields.

Parameters: fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.

select_parquet_files(datasource_name, fields=None)¶ Selects crawl parquetFiles.


  • datasource_name (str) – Datasource name.
  • fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.

select_crawl_type_counts(crawl_types, segment_id=None, fields=None)¶ Selects crawl fields.

Not implemented yet.


  • crawl_types (str) – Crawl type.
  • segment_id (int or str) – Segment id.
  • fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.

select_crawl_settings(fields=None)¶ Selects crawl crawlSetting.

Parameters: fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.

select_compared_to(fields=None)¶ Selects crawl comparedTo.

Parameters: fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.

select_reports(fields=None)¶ Selects crawl reports.

Parameters: fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.

select_report_downloads(fields=None)¶ Selects reports downloads.

Parameters: fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.



class DeepCrawlConnection, crawl_id, report_tamplate_code, report_type_code, segment_id=None

ReportQuery class

Creates a report query instance. The instance will be passed to the run_query method in order to execute the query.

>>> from import ReportQuery

>>> report_query = ReportQuery(conn, "crawl_id", "report_tamplate_code", "report_type_code")
>>> report_query.select_report()
>>> report_query.select_datasource()
>>> report_query.select_type()
>>> report_query.select_trend()
>>> report_query.select_segment()
>>> report_query.select_report_template()
>>> conn.run_query(report_query)


  • conn (DeepCrawlConnection) – Connection.
  • crawl_id (int or str) – crawl id.
  • report_tamplate_code (str) – report template code.
  • report_type_code (str) – report type code.
  • segment_id (int or str) – segment id.

select_report(fields=None)¶ Selects report fields.

Parameters: fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.

select_raw_trends(fields=None)¶ Selects report rawTrends.

Parameters: fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.

select_datasource(fields=None)¶ Selects report datasources.

Parameters: fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.

select_type(fields=None)¶ Selects report type.

Parameters: fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.

select_trend(fields=None)¶ Selects report trend.

Parameters: fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.

select_segment(fields=None)¶ Selects report segment.

Parameters: fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.

select_report_template(fields=None)¶ Selects report reportTemplate.

Parameters: fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.

select_report_downloads(fields=None)¶ Selects report reportDownloads.

Parameters: fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.



class deepcrawl_graphql.mutations.Mutation(conn: DeepCrawlConnection)¶ Mutation class

cancel_crawling(crawl_id, fields=None)¶ Cancel a running Crawl


  • crawl_id (int or str) – Crawl id
  • fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.

create_accessibility_project(project_input, fields=None)¶ Creates an Accessibility Project

GraphQL Input Example

It has to be converted to dict

input CreateAccessibilityProjectInput {
  accountId: ObjectID!
  alertEmails: [String!]
  alertSettingCode: AlertSettingCode!
  apiCallbackHeaders: [APICallbackHeaderInput!]!
  apiCallbackUrl: String
  autoFinalizeOnCrawlLimits: Boolean!
  compareToCrawl: CompareToCrawlType!
  crawlDisallowedUrls1stLevel: Boolean!
  crawlHyperlinksExternal: Boolean!
  crawlHyperlinksInternal: Boolean!
  crawlImagesExternal: Boolean!
  crawlImagesInternal: Boolean!
  crawlNofollowHyperlinks: Boolean!
  crawlNonHtml: Boolean!
  crawlNotIncluded1stLevel: Boolean!
  crawlRedirectsExternal: Boolean!
  crawlRedirectsInternal: Boolean!
  crawlRelAmphtmlExternal: Boolean!
  crawlRelAmphtmlInternal: Boolean!
  crawlRelCanonicalsExternal: Boolean!
  crawlRelCanonicalsInternal: Boolean!
  crawlRelHreflangsExternal: Boolean!
  crawlRelHreflangsInternal: Boolean!
  crawlRelMobileExternal: Boolean!
  crawlRelMobileInternal: Boolean!
  crawlRelNextPrevExternal: Boolean!
  crawlRelNextPrevInternal: Boolean!
  crawlRobotsTxtNoindex: Boolean!
  crawlScriptsExternal: Boolean!
  crawlScriptsInternal: Boolean!
  crawlStylesheetsExternal: Boolean!
  crawlStylesheetsInternal: Boolean!
  crawlTestSite: Boolean!
  crawlTypes: [CrawlType!]!
  customDns: [CustomDnsSettingInput!]!
  customExtractions: [CustomExtractionSettingInput!]!
  customRequestHeaders: [CustomRequestHeaderInput!]!
  dataLayerName: String
  dataOnlyCrawlTypes: [CrawlType!]
  discoverSitemapsInRobotsTxt: Boolean!
  duplicatePrecision: Float!
  emptyPageThreshold: Int!
  excludeUrlPatterns: [String!]!
  flattenShadowDom: Boolean!
  gaDateRange: Int!
  ignoreInvalidSSLCertificate: Boolean!
  includeHttpAndHttps: Boolean!
  includeSubdomains: Boolean!
  includeUrlPatterns: [String!]!
  industryCode: String
  limitLevelsMax: Int
  limitUrlsMax: Int
  locationCode: LocationCode!
  logSummaryRequestsHigh: Int!
  logSummaryRequestsLow: Int!
  maxBodyContentLength: Int!
  maxDescriptionLength: Int!
  maxFollowedExternalLinks: Int!
  maxHtmlSize: Int!
  maxLinks: Int!
  maxLoadTime: Float!
  maxRedirections: Int!
  maxTitleWidth: Int!
  maxUrlLength: Int!
  maximumCrawlRate: Float!
  maximumCrawlRateAdvanced: [AdvancedCrawlRateInput!]!
  minDescriptionLength: Int!
  minTitleLength: Int!
  minVisits: Int!
  mobileHomepageUrl: String
  mobileUrlPattern: String
  mobileUserAgentCode: String!
  name: String!
  primaryDomain: String!
  renderTimeout: Int
  rendererBlockAds: Boolean!
  rendererBlockAnalytics: Boolean!
  rendererBlockCustom: [String!]!
  rendererCookies: [RendererCookieInput!]!
  rendererJsString: String
  rendererJsUrls: [String!]!
  renderingRobotsCheckMode: RenderingRobotsCheckMode!
  robotsOverwrite: String
  secondaryDomains: [String!]!
  startUrls: [String!]!
  storeHtml: Boolean!
  targetMaxUncrawledUrlsCount: Int!
  testSiteDomain: String
  testSitePassword: String
  testSiteUsername: String
  thinPageThreshold: Int!
  urlRewriteQueryParameters: [String!]!
  urlRewriteRules: [UrlRewriteRuleInput!]!
  urlRewriteStripFragment: Boolean!
  urlSampling: [UrlSamplingInput!]!
  useMobileSettings: Boolean!
  useRobotsOverwrite: Boolean!
  useStealthMode: Boolean!
  useUrlRewriteRules: Boolean!
  userAgentCode: String!
  userAgentString: String
  userAgentStringMobile: String
  userAgentToken: String
  userAgentTokenMobile: String


  • project_input (dict) – Project input
  • fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields

create_project(project_input, fields=None)¶ Creates a Project

GraphQL Input Example

It has to be converted to dict

input CreateProjectInput {
  accountId: ObjectID!
  alertEmails: [String!]
  alertSettingCode: AlertSettingCode!
  apiCallbackHeaders: [APICallbackHeaderInput!]!
  apiCallbackUrl: String
  autoFinalizeOnCrawlLimits: Boolean!
  compareToCrawl: CompareToCrawlType!
  crawlDisallowedUrls1stLevel: Boolean!
  crawlHyperlinksExternal: Boolean!
  crawlHyperlinksInternal: Boolean!
  crawlImagesExternal: Boolean!
  crawlImagesInternal: Boolean!
  crawlNofollowHyperlinks: Boolean!
  crawlNonHtml: Boolean!
  crawlNotIncluded1stLevel: Boolean!
  crawlRedirectsExternal: Boolean!
  crawlRedirectsInternal: Boolean!
  crawlRelAmphtmlExternal: Boolean!
  crawlRelAmphtmlInternal: Boolean!
  crawlRelCanonicalsExternal: Boolean!
  crawlRelCanonicalsInternal: Boolean!
  crawlRelHreflangsExternal: Boolean!
  crawlRelHreflangsInternal: Boolean!
  crawlRelMobileExternal: Boolean!
  crawlRelMobileInternal: Boolean!
  crawlRelNextPrevExternal: Boolean!
  crawlRelNextPrevInternal: Boolean!
  crawlRobotsTxtNoindex: Boolean!
  crawlScriptsExternal: Boolean!
  crawlScriptsInternal: Boolean!
  crawlStylesheetsExternal: Boolean!
  crawlStylesheetsInternal: Boolean!
  crawlTestSite: Boolean!
  crawlTypes: [CrawlType!]!
  customDns: [CustomDnsSettingInput!]!
  customExtractions: [CustomExtractionSettingInput!]!
  customRequestHeaders: [CustomRequestHeaderInput!]!
  dataLayerName: String
  dataOnlyCrawlTypes: [CrawlType!]
  discoverSitemapsInRobotsTxt: Boolean!
  duplicatePrecision: Float!
  emptyPageThreshold: Int!
  excludeUrlPatterns: [String!]!
  flattenShadowDom: Boolean!
  gaDateRange: Int!
  ignoreInvalidSSLCertificate: Boolean!
  includeHttpAndHttps: Boolean!
  includeSubdomains: Boolean!
  includeUrlPatterns: [String!]!
  industryCode: String
  limitLevelsMax: Int
  limitUrlsMax: Int
  locationCode: LocationCode!
  logSummaryRequestsHigh: Int!
  logSummaryRequestsLow: Int!
  maxBodyContentLength: Int!
  maxDescriptionLength: Int!
  maxFollowedExternalLinks: Int!
  maxHtmlSize: Int!
  maxLinks: Int!
  maxLoadTime: Float!
  maxRedirections: Int!
  maxTitleWidth: Int!
  maxUrlLength: Int!
  maximumCrawlRate: Float!
  maximumCrawlRateAdvanced: [AdvancedCrawlRateInput!]!
  minDescriptionLength: Int!
  minTitleLength: Int!
  minVisits: Int!
  mobileHomepageUrl: String
  mobileUrlPattern: String
  mobileUserAgentCode: String!
  name: String!
  primaryDomain: String!
  renderTimeout: Int
  rendererBlockAds: Boolean!
  rendererBlockAnalytics: Boolean!
  rendererBlockCustom: [String!]!
  rendererCookies: [RendererCookieInput!]!
  rendererJsString: String
  rendererJsUrls: [String!]!
  renderingRobotsCheckMode: RenderingRobotsCheckMode!
  robotsOverwrite: String
  secondaryDomains: [String!]!
  startUrls: [String!]!
  targetMaxUncrawledUrlsCount: Int!
  testSiteDomain: String
  testSitePassword: String
  testSiteUsername: String
  thinPageThreshold: Int!
  urlRewriteQueryParameters: [String!]!
  urlRewriteRules: [UrlRewriteRuleInput!]!
  urlRewriteStripFragment: Boolean!
  urlSampling: [UrlSamplingInput!]!
  useMobileSettings: Boolean!
  useRenderer: Boolean!
  useRobotsOverwrite: Boolean!
  useStealthMode: Boolean!
  useUrlRewriteRules: Boolean!
  userAgentCode: String!
  userAgentString: String
  userAgentStringMobile: String
  userAgentToken: String
  userAgentTokenMobile: String


  • project_input (dict) – Project input
  • fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields

create_report_download(report_download_input, fields=None)¶ Creates a report download.

GraphQL Input Example

It has to be converted to dict

input CreateReportDownloadInput {
  crawlDuplicateUrlFilter: CrawlDuplicateUrlConnectionFilterInput
  crawlHreflangsFilter: CrawlHreflangsConnectionFilterInput
  crawlId: ObjectID
  crawlLinkFilter: CrawlLinkConnectionFilterInput
  crawlLinkedDomainFilter: CrawlLinkedDomainConnectionFilterInput
  crawlSitemapFilter: CrawlSitemapConnectionFilterInput
  crawlUncrawledUrlFilter: CrawlUncrawledUrlConnectionFilterInput
  crawlUniqueLinkFilter: CrawlUniqueLinkConnectionFilterInput
  crawlUrlFilter: CrawlUrlConnectionFilterInput
  crawlWebCrawlDepthFilter: CrawlWebCrawlDepthConnectionFilterInput
  fileName: String
  filter: JSONObject
  outputType: ReportDownloadOutputType! = CsvZip
  reportId: ObjectID
  reportTemplateCode: String
  reportTypeCode: ReportTypeCode
  segmentId: ObjectID
  selectedMetrics: [String!]


  • report_download_input (dict) – Report Download input.
  • fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.

create_schedule(schedule_input, fields=None)¶ Creates a Schedule

GraphQL Input Example

It has to be converted to dict

input CreateScheduleInput {
  nextRunTime: DateTime!
  projectId: ObjectID!
  scheduleFrequency: ScheduleFrequencyCode!


  • schedule_input (dict) – CreateScheduleInput
  • fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields

delete_crawl(crawl_id, fields=None)¶ Deletes a Crawl


  • crawl_id (int or str) – Crawl id
  • fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.

delete_project(project_id, fields=None)¶ Deletes a Project


  • project_id (int or str) – Project id
  • fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields

delete_report_download(report_download_id, fields=None)¶ Deletes a report download.


  • report_download_id (int or str) – Report Download id.
  • fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.

delete_schedule(schedule_input, fields=None)¶ Deletes a Schedule

GraphQL Input Example

It has to be converted to dict

input DeleteScheduleInput {
  scheduleId: ObjectID!


  • schedule_input (dict) – DeleteScheduleInput
  • fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields

pause_crawling(crawl_id, fields=None)¶ Pause a running Crawl


  • crawl_id (int or str) – Crawl id
  • fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.

resume_crawling(crawl_id, fields=None)¶ Resume a Crawl


  • crawl_id (int or str) – Crawl id
  • fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.

run_crawl_for_project(project_id, fields=None)¶ Run a Crawl for a Project


  • project_id (int or str) – Project id
  • fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.

unarchive_crawl(crawl_id, fields=None)¶ Unarchive a Crawl


  • crawl_id (int or str) – Crawl id
  • fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.

update_account(account_input, fields=None)¶ Update Account.

GraphQL Input Example

It has to be converted to dict

input UpdateAccountInput {
    accountId: ObjectID!
    apiCallbackHeaders: [APICallbackHeaderInput!]
    apiCallbackUrl: String
    country: String
    customLogo: Upload
    customProxy: String


  • account_input (dict) – Account input
  • fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields.

update_majestic_configuration(majestic_configuration_input, fields=None)¶ Updates a MajesticConfiguration

GraphQL Input Example

It has to be converted to dict

input UpdateMajesticConfigurationInput {
  enabled: Boolean
  maxRows: Int
  projectId: ObjectID!
  useHistoricData: Boolean
  useRootDomain: Boolean


  • majestic_configuration_input (dict) – MajesticConfigurationInput
  • fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields

update_project(project_input, fields=None)¶ Updates a Project

GraphQL Input Example

It has to be converted to dict

input UpdateProjectInput {
  alertEmails: [String!]
  alertSettingCode: AlertSettingCode
  apiCallbackHeaders: [APICallbackHeaderInput!]
  apiCallbackUrl: String
  autoFinalizeOnCrawlLimits: Boolean
  compareToCrawl: CompareToCrawl
  crawlDisallowedUrls1stLevel: Boolean
  crawlHyperlinksExternal: Boolean
  crawlHyperlinksInternal: Boolean
  crawlImagesExternal: Boolean
  crawlImagesInternal: Boolean
  crawlNofollowHyperlinks: Boolean
  crawlNonHtml: Boolean
  crawlNotIncluded1stLevel: Boolean
  crawlRedirectsExternal: Boolean
  crawlRedirectsInternal: Boolean
  crawlRelAmphtmlExternal: Boolean
  crawlRelAmphtmlInternal: Boolean
  crawlRelCanonicalsExternal: Boolean
  crawlRelCanonicalsInternal: Boolean
  crawlRelHreflangsExternal: Boolean
  crawlRelHreflangsInternal: Boolean
  crawlRelMobileExternal: Boolean
  crawlRelMobileInternal: Boolean
  crawlRelNextPrevExternal: Boolean
  crawlRelNextPrevInternal: Boolean
  crawlRobotsTxtNoindex: Boolean
  crawlScriptsExternal: Boolean
  crawlScriptsInternal: Boolean
  crawlStylesheetsExternal: Boolean
  crawlStylesheetsInternal: Boolean
  crawlTestSite: Boolean
  crawlTypes: [CrawlType!]
  customDns: [CustomDnsSettingInput!]
  customExtractions: [CustomExtractionSettingInput!]
  customRequestHeaders: [CustomRequestHeaderInput!]
  dataLayerName: String
  dataOnlyCrawlTypes: [CrawlType!]
  discoverSitemapsInRobotsTxt: Boolean
  duplicatePrecision: Float
  emptyPageThreshold: Int
  excludeUrlPatterns: [String!]
  flattenShadowDom: Boolean
  gaDateRange: Int
  ignoreInvalidSSLCertificate: Boolean
  includeHttpAndHttps: Boolean
  includeSubdomains: Boolean
  includeUrlPatterns: [String!]
  industryCode: String
  limitLevelsMax: Int
  limitUrlsMax: Int
  locationCode: LocationCode
  logSummaryRequestsHigh: Int
  logSummaryRequestsLow: Int
  maxBodyContentLength: Int
  maxDescriptionLength: Int
  maxFollowedExternalLinks: Int
  maxHtmlSize: Int
  maxLinks: Int
  maxLoadTime: Float
  maxRedirections: Int
  maxTitleWidth: Int
  maxUrlLength: Int
  maximumCrawlRate: Float
  maximumCrawlRateAdvanced: [AdvancedCrawlRateInput!]
  minDescriptionLength: Int
  minTitleLength: Int
  minVisits: Int
  mobileHomepageUrl: String
  mobileUrlPattern: String
  mobileUserAgentCode: String
  name: String
  primaryDomain: String
  projectId: ObjectID!
  renderTimeout: Int
  rendererBlockAds: Boolean
  rendererBlockAnalytics: Boolean
  rendererBlockCustom: [String!]
  rendererCookies: [RendererCookieInput!]
  rendererJsString: String
  rendererJsUrls: [String!]
  renderingRobotsCheckMode: RenderingRobotsCheckMode
  robotsOverwrite: String
  secondaryDomains: [String!]
  startUrls: [String!]
  targetMaxUncrawledUrlsCount: Int
  testSiteDomain: String
  testSitePassword: String
  testSiteUsername: String
  thinPageThreshold: Int
  urlRewriteQueryParameters: [String!]
  urlRewriteRules: [UrlRewriteRuleInput!]
  urlRewriteStripFragment: Boolean
  urlSampling: [UrlSamplingInput!]
  useMobileSettings: Boolean
  useRenderer: Boolean
  useRobotsOverwrite: Boolean
  useStealthMode: Boolean
  useUrlRewriteRules: Boolean
  userAgentCode: String
  userAgentString: String
  userAgentStringMobile: String
  userAgentToken: String
  userAgentTokenMobile: String


  • project_input (dict) – Project input
  • fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields

update_schedule(schedule_input, fields=None)¶ Updates a Schedule

GraphQL Input Example

It has to be converted to dict

input UpdateScheduleInput {
  scheduleId: ObjectID!
  nextRunTime: DateTime
  scheduleFrequency: ScheduleFrequencyCode


  • schedule_input (dict) – UpdateScheduleInput
  • fields (List*(DSLField)*) – Select specific fields



class deepcrawl_graphql.shortcuts.crawl_shortcuts.CrawlShortcuts(conn: DeepCrawlConnection, crawl_id

Shortcuts class

Creates a shortcuts query instance The instance will be passed to the run_query method in order to execute the query.

>>> from deepcrawl_graphql.shortcuts.crawl_shortcuts import CrawlShortcuts

>>> query = CrawlShortcuts(conn, "crawl_id")
>>> crawl_query.select_explorer_data("path1", report_filters)


  • conn (DeepCrawlConnection) – Connection.
  • crawl_id (int or str) – crawl id.

select_explorer_data(path, report_filters, agregate_filters=None, paginate=True)¶ Select Explorer data


  • path (str) – Path. One of the paths from one to 9 e.g. path1
  • report_filters (dict) – Report filters. reportTemplateCode and reportTypeCode are mandatory
  • agregate_filters (dict) – Filters applied to the aggregation.
  • paginate (bool) – Include pagination or not.

Indices and tables¶

  • Index
  • Module Index
  • Search Page

DeepCrawl GraphQL Wrapper


  • Pagination

  • Ordering

  • Select Specific Fields

  • MeQuery

  • AccountQuery

  • ProjectQuery

  • CrawlQuery

  • ReportQuery

  • Mutations

  • Shortcuts

  • Documentation overview

©2022, Andrei Mutu.

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