Django Status
:Version: 2.2.1
:Status: Production/Stable
:Author: José Antonio Perdiguero López
Django Status is an application that provides an API to check the status of some parts and some utilities like ping
requests. This application can works as standalone or included in a Django project.
Quick start
#. Install this package using pip::
pip install django-status
#. Add PROJECT_PATH to your django settings module.
#. Add status to your INSTALLED_APPS settings like this::
#. Add Django-status urls to your project urls::
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^status/', include('status.urls')),
Check Providers
Django Status provides a mechanism to add new custom check functions through check providers. Each check provider
will generate a new API method with an URL that uses the name of the provider. These functions must accept *args and
**kwargs and will return a JSON-serializable object through json.dumps() method, for example a ping function::
def ping(*args, **kwargs):
return {'pong': True}
By default Django status provides the follow checks:
A ping to application.
URL: /api/health/ping
Check if databases are running.
URL: /api/health/databases
Check if caches are running.
URL: /api/health/caches
Check if celery workers defined in settings are running.
URL: /api/health/celery
Databases stats
Show stats for all databases.
URL: /api/stats/databases
Celery stats
Show celery worker stats.
URL: /api/stats/celery
Source code stats such as current active branch, last commit, if debug is active...
URL: /api/stats/code
Django Status website
A website that shows Django Status data is available in this application. It's possible access to follow URLs to get a
detailed view of your system status. Those three pages will show results of providers configured (as explained in
settings section)::
Django Status API
Django Status API can be used as a standalone application including only their urls::
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^status/', include('status.api.urls')),
This API have a single url for each provider, that are grouped by resources.
Each provider can be queried alone, returning his current status::
Also there is a resource view that will return the status of all providers::
For last, there is a root view that will return the status of all providers from all resources::
Django management commands
Django Status provides a django management command to query current status of a resource. This command can be call as::
python manage.py status <resource> [options]
To get current status of health checks, and exit with an error if some check is failing::
python manage.py status health -e
Each resource has its own set of options that can be displayed through command help::
python manage.py status -h
Previous Django command can be used in standalone mode as::
django_status <resource> [options]
List of additional check providers. Each provider consists in a tuple of name, function complete path, args and kwargs.
'resource': (
('test', 'application.module.test_function', [1, 2], {'foo': 'bar'}),
PROVIDERS = getattr(settings, 'STATUS_PROVIDERS', {
'health': (
('ping', 'status.providers.health.ping', None, None),
('databases', 'status.providers.django.health.databases', None, None),
('caches', 'status.providers.django.health.caches', None, None),
'stats': (
('databases', 'status.providers.django.stats.databases', None, None),
('code', 'status.providers.stats.code', None, None),
List of hostname from celery workers to be checked. If any worker is defined, two additional providers listed previously
will be added to default set.