elemental CMS
Elemental is a Flask and MongoDB web CMS intended for developers.
Our main goal is to allow developers to create and maintain web portals or web applications using their preferred programming IDE like VS Code, PyCharm, Visual Studio, etc.
The main interaction with the tool takes place through its CLI, a self documented command line tool called "elemental-cms" which helps us perform deployment tasks directly from the terminal.
It relies on MongoDB to store the metadata, pages' content, snippets' content, dependencies information, and user session data.
To install the tool, we can issue the following command:
pip install elemental-cms
This will install all the dependencies required for elemental-cms to work, like pymongo, flask, flask-babel, etc.
Running elemental-cms command for the first time
After setup, we can start using the tool like this:
More details about the tool can be found here on the official documentation portal.