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indxr: A Python utility for indexing long files.



PyPI version License: MIT

⚡️ Introduction

indxr is a Python utility for indexing long files that allows you to quickly read specific lines dynamically, avoiding hogging your RAM.

For example, given a 10M lines JOSNl file and a MacBook Pro from 2018, reading any specific line takes less than 10 µs, reading 1k non-contiguous lines takes less than 10 ms, reading 1k contiguous lines takes less than 2 ms, iterating over the entire file by reading batches of 32 lines takes less than 20 s (64 µs per batch). In other words, indxr allows you to use your disk as a RAM extension without noticeable slowdowns, especially with SSDs and NVMEs.

indxr can be particularly useful for dynamically loading data from large datasets with a low memory footprint and without slowing downstream tasks, such as data processing and Neural Networks training.

For an overview, follow the Usage section.

🔌 Installation

pip install indxr

💡 Usage


from indxr import Indxr

index = Indxr("sample.txt")

# First line of sample.txt

# List containing the second and third lines of sample.txt

# First line of sample.txt

# List containing the third and second lines of sample.txt
index.mget(["2", "1"])


from indxr import Indxr

index = Indxr("sample.jsonl", key_id="id")  # key_id="id" is by default

# JSON object at line 43 as Python Dictionary
# Reads only the 43th line

# JSON objects at line 43, 44, and 45 as Python Dictionaries
# Reads only the 43th, 44th, and 45th lines

# JSON object with id="id_123" as Python Dictionary,
# Reads only the line where the JSON object is located

# Same as `get` but for multiple JSON objects
index.mget(["id_123", "id_321"])

CSV / TSV / ...

from indxr import Indxr

index = Indxr(
  delimiter=",",    # Default value. Automatically switched to `\t` for `.tsv` files.
  fieldnames=None,  # Default value. List of fieldnames. Overrides header, if any.
  has_header=True,  # Default value. If `True`, treats first line as header.
  return_dict=True, # Default value. If `True`, returns Python Dictionary, string otherwise.
  key_id="id",      # Default value. Same as for JSONl. Ignored if return_dict is `False`.

# Line 43 as Python Dictionary

# Lines 43, 44, and 45 as Python Dictionaries

# Line with id="id_123" as Python Dictionary

# Same as `get` but for multiple lines
index.mget(["id_123", "id_321"])


from indxr import Indxr

# The file must have multiple lines
index = Indxr("sample.something")

# First line of sample.something in bytes

# List containing the second and third lines of sample.something in bytes

# First line of sample.something in bytes

# List containing the third and second lines of sample.something in bytes
index.mget(["2", "1"])

Callback (works with every file-type)

from indxr import Indxr

index = Indxr("sample.txt", callback=lambda x: x.split())

>>> # First line of sample.txt split into a list

Write / Read Index

from indxr import Indxr

index = Indxr("sample.txt", callback=lambda x: x.split())

index.write(path)  # Write index to disk

# Read index from disk, callback must be re-defined
index =, callback=lambda x: x.split())

Usage example with PyTorch Dataset

In this example, we want to build a PyTorch Dataset that returns a query and two documents, one positive and one negative, for training a Neural retriever. The data is stored in two files, queries.jsonl and documents.jsonl. The first file contains queries and the second file contains documents. Each query has a list of associated positive and negative documents. Using Indxr we can avoid loading the entire dataset into memory and we can load data dynamically, without slowing down the training process.

import random

from indxr import Indxr
from import DataLoader, Dataset

class CustomDataset(Dataset):
    def __init__(self):
      self.queries = Indxr("queries.jsonl")
      self.documents = Indxr("documents.jsonl")

    def __getitem__(self, index: int):
        # Get query ------------------------------------------------------------
        query = self.queries[index]

        # Sampling -------------------------------------------------------------
        pos_doc_id = random.choice(query["pos_doc_ids"])
        neg_doc_id = random.choice(query["neg_doc_ids"])

        # Get docs -------------------------------------------------------------
        pos_doc = self.documents.get(pos_doc_id)
        neg_doc = self.documents.get(neg_doc_id)

        # The outputs must be batched and transformed to
        # meaningful tensors using a DataLoader and
        # a custom collator function
        return query["text"], pos_doc["text"], neg_doc["text"]

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.queries)

def collator_fn(batch):
    # Extract data -------------------------------------------------------------
    queries = [x[0] for x in batch]
    pos_docs = [x[1] for x in batch]
    neg_docs = [x[2] for x in batch]

    # Texts tokenization -------------------------------------------------------
    queries = tokenizer(queries)    # Returns PyTorch Tensor
    pos_docs = tokenizer(pos_docs)  # Returns PyTorch Tensor
    neg_docs = tokenizer(neg_docs)  # Returns PyTorch Tensor

    return queries, pos_docs, neg_docs

dataloader = DataLoader(

Each line of queries.jsonl is as follows:

  "q_id": "q321",
  "text": "lorem ipsum",
  "pos_doc_ids": ["d2789822", "d2558037", "d2594098"],
  "neg_doc_ids": ["d3931445", "d4652233", "d191393", "d3692918", "d3051731"]

Each line of documents.jsonl is as follows:

  "doc_id": "d123",
  "text": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit."

🎁 Feature Requests

Would you like to see other features implemented? Please, open a feature request.

🤘 Want to contribute?

Would you like to contribute? Please, drop me an e-mail.

📄 License

indxr is an open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.



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