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Node.js EOL Versions CVE Dubbed the "Worst CVE of the Year" by Security Experts
Critics call the Node.js EOL CVE a misuse of the system, sparking debate over CVE standards and the growing noise in vulnerability databases.
NOnion is a Python package that provides tools for Functional Programming. One of its aims is to eliminate nested function calls such as z(g(f(x))) which remind an onion.
pip install nonion
NOnion contains a set of functions and types that might simplify your workflow with Functional Programming in Python. Those tools are designed (but not limited) to work with Function and Pipeline wrappers.
It is important to understand that NOnion provides tools used for FP in context of Python. Because it is impossible to fully implement some constructs from FP languages in Python, NOnion provides tools that resemble some of those constructs.
In order to create a Function, you simply pass any Callable:
f = Function(lambda x: x + 1)
f(5) # 6
You can also create an identity Function:
g = Function()
Notice, that a Function takes exactly single value and returns exactly single value.
A ``Function composition" defined as $( f \circ g )(x) = f(g(x))$ could be done in the following way:
z = f @ g
# alternatively
z = f.compose(g)
You can also use compose several times:
z = f @ g @ f
Instead of wrapping each Callable with a Function, you can wrap only first Callable and use compose on the rest.
def f(x):
return x + 1
g = Function() @ (lambda x: x * 2) @ f
g(5) # 12
Function composition sometimes might be hard to read, because you have to read it from right-to-left. In order to achieve better readability, you can use then.
g = Function() / (lambda x: x * 2) / f
g(5) # 11
# alternatively
g = Function().then(lambda x: x * 2).then(f)
g(5) # 11
If you need to pass an argument to two functions, you can use fanout:
g = Function() / (lambda x: x + 1) & (lambda x: x * 2)
g(5) # (6, 10)
mean = (Function() / sum & len) / star(op.truediv)
mean([1, 2, 3]) # 2.0
# alternatively
g = Function().then(lambda x: x + 1).fanout(lambda x: x * 2)
g(5) # (6, 10)
mean = (Function().then(sum).fanout(len)).then(star(op.truediv))
mean([1, 2, 3]) # 2.0
If you need to apply first value of a pair to a first function and a second value of the pair to a second function, you can use split:
g = Function() / (lambda x: x + 1) ^ (lambda x: x * 2)
g((2, 3)) # (3, 6)
teams = {"team a": ["member 1", "member 2"], "team b": ["member 3"]}
f = Function() / str.capitalize ^ len
for t in teams.items():
# ('Team a', 2)
# ('Team b', 1)
# alternatively
g = Function().then(lambda x: x + 1).split(lambda x: x * 2)
g((2, 3)) # (3, 6)
f = Function().then(str.capitalize).split(len)
for t in teams.items():
# ('Team a', 2)
# ('Team b', 1)
Sometimes you want to call a function ``inline'' after several compositions. In this case, you might use:
(Function() / (lambda x: x * 2) / f)(5) # 11
But it might be hard to read. Especially, when you mostly pass lambdas. A better way to call a function is by using:
Function() / (lambda x: x * 2) / f | 5 # 11
Suppose, that you defined a function with multiple arguments such as:
def f(x, y):
return x + y * x
And you want to wrap that function using Function. In this case, you have to use star.
Function() @ star(f) | (1, 2) # 3
star simply passes arguments to a function using Python * (star) operator.
unstar is the opposite function to star:
names = unstar(", ".join)("Haskell Curry", "John Smith", "George Sand")
print(names) # Haskell Curry, John Smith, George Sand
You can also call a function for each value in some Iterable in the following way:
ys = Function() / (lambda x: x * 2) / (lambda x: x + 1) * range(5)
for y in ys:
# 1
# 3
# 5
# 7
# 9
In order to create a Pipeline, you simply pass any Iterable:
xs = Pipeline(range(5))
# notation abuse, do not use that:
xs = Function() / Pipeline | range(5)
You can also create an empty Pipeline:
xs = Pipeline()
Under the hood Pipeline is simply uses iter on a passed Iterable. It means, that if you will pass an Iterable, that could be exhausted, you iterate over Pipeline only once.
xs = Pipeline(range(2))
for x in xs:
# 1
# 2
# perfectly fine, because range(x) returns a special object
for x in xs:
# 1
# 2
xs = Pipeline(x for x in range(2))
for x in xs:
# 1
# 2
# xs already exhausted
for x in xs:
map allows you to call a Callable, which takes a single value and returns a single value, on each value of the Pipeline.
ys = Pipeline(range(3)) / (lambda x: x + 1) / (lambda x: (x, x + 1)) / star(lambda x, y: x + y * x)
for y in ys:
# 3
# 8
# 15
# alternatively
ys = Pipeline(range(3)).map(lambda x: x + 1).map(lambda x: (x, x + 1)).map(star(lambda x, y: x + y * x))
filter allows you to filter Pipeline values.
ys = Pipeline(range(3)) % (lambda x: x > 1)
for y in ys:
# 2
# alternatively
ys = Pipeline(range(3)).filter(lambda x: x > 1)
flatmap allows you to call a Callable, which takes a single value and returns an Iterable, on each value of the Pipeline and flatten results into single Pipeline.
ys = Pipeline(range(2)) / (lambda x: x + 1) * (lambda x: (x, x + 1))
for y in ys:
# 1
# 2
# 2
# 3
# alternatively
ys = Pipeline(range(2)).map(lambda x: x + 1).flatmap(lambda x: (x, x + 1))
apply allows you to call a Callable, which takes an Iterable and returns an Iterable, on whole Pipeline.
ys = Pipeline(range(2)) / (lambda x: x + 1) // tuple # internally Pipeline now has a tuple
for y in ys:
# 1
# 2
# now multiple itertations is possible
for y in ys:
# 1
# 2
# alternatively
ys = Pipeline(range(2)).map(lambda x: x + 1).apply(tuple)
collect allows you to call a Callable, which takes an Iterable and returns any single value, on whole Pipeline. The difference between apply and collect is that collect returns the result of a function instead of wrapping it with Pipeline.
ys = Pipeline(range(2)) / (lambda x: x + 1) >> tuple
# (1, 2)
# alternatively
ys = Pipeline(range(2)).map(lambda x: x + 1).collect(tuple)
You can also combine collect with any function which takes an Iterator:
ys = Pipeline(range(2)) / (lambda x: x + 1) >> next_
print(ys) # (1,)
ys = Pipeline(range(2)) % (lambda x: x == 5) >> next_
print(ys) # ()
ys = Pipeline(range(5)) >> shift(islice, 2)
for y in ys:
# 0
# 1
# alternatively you can use apply
ys = Pipeline(range(5)) // shift(islice, 2) | print
# 0
# 1
foreach allows you to call a Callable, which takes a single value, on each value of the Pipeline.
Pipeline(range(2)) / (lambda x: x + 1) | print
# 1
# 2
# alternatively
Pipeline(range(2)).map(lambda x: x + 1).foreach(print)
groupon is a function which takes a function Callable[[X], Y], and returns some function which takes Iterable[X] and returns Iterable[X] grouped on Callable[[X], Y] function. The groupon function uses Python groupby function under the hood. groupon adds a grouping key using passed Callable[[X], Y] function and sorts values by that key before applying groupby.
xs = -3, 1, 0, -1, 5
// groupon(lambda x: x > 0)
/ value(tuple)
| print
# (False, (-3, 0, -1))
# (True, (1, 5))
Either is a type alias. Either is defined as follows:
Either = Tuple[Maybe[X], Maybe[Y]]
Either can be used when you need to return either left (bad) value or a right (good) value:
def readline(path: str) -> Either[str, str]:
h: Maybe[IOBase] = try_(open)(path)
if not h:
return (("error occurred during open",), ())
h, *_ = h
line = h.readline()
return ((), line)
error, line = readline("requirements.txt")
if line:
Because Either is simply a type alias, it does not checks whether only left or only right value is passed.
Maybe is a type alias. Maybe resembles Haskell's Maybe in Python. Maybe is defined as follows:
Maybe = Union[Tuple[X], Tuple[()]]
As we can see Maybe is simply some tuple that might contain a single value or be an empty tuple. It means that in order to initialize an Maybe you can simply write:
x = () # empty Maybe
y = (3,) # Maybe with value 3
You can easily check whether an Maybe is empty:
def f(x: int) -> Maybe[int]:
return (x,) if x < 3 else ()
x: Maybe[int] = f(5)
if not x:
print("Maybe is empty") # Maybe is empty
You can also provide an alternative value if Maybe is empty and immediately try to unwrap the Maybe:
x: Maybe[int] = f(5)
y, *_ = x or (42,)
print(y) # 42
# alternatively
x: Maybe[int] = f(1)
z = x or (42,)
# notice: if you pass an empty *z to a single argument function, you will get an error
print(*z) # 1
Because Maybe is simply a tuple under the hood, you can apply any Python function (that operates on tuple) to an instance of an Maybe.
as_catch is simply:
def as_catch(default: Callable[[X], Y], xys: Iterable[Tuple[X, Y]]) -> Callable[[X], Y]:
return catch(as_match(xys), default=default)
Example of as_catch usage:
successor: Callable[[int], int] = Pipeline(range(10)) // zipmapr(lambda x: x + 1) >> as_catch(lambda _: -1)
print(successor(1)) # 2
print(successor(100)) # -1
as_match is simply:
def as_match(xys: Iterable[Tuple[X, Y]]) -> Callable[[X], Maybe[Y]]:
x_to_y = dict(xys)
def lookup(x: X) -> Maybe[Y]:
return (x_to_y[x],) if x in x_to_y else ()
return lookup
Example of as_match usage:
successor: Callable[[int], Maybe[int]] = Pipeline(range(10)) // zipmapr(lambda x: x + 1) >> as_match
print(successor(1)) # (2,)
print(successor(100)) # ()
between is simply:
def between(low: float, high: float) -> Callable[[float], bool]:
return lambda x: low <= x and x <= high
Example of between usage:
ys = filter(between(3, 5), range(10))
print(tuple(ys)) # (3, 4, 5)
both is a function that takes a function Callable[[X], Y] and returns a function Callable[[Tuple[X, X]], Tuple[Y, Y]]. The returned function takes a pair and applies Callable[[X], Y] to both values.
both(lambda x: x + 1)((1, 2)) # (2, 3)
cache is a decorator which returns a function that always returns a value that was returned in the first call.
def f(x: int) -> int:
return x + 5
g = cache(f)
print(g(5)) # 10
print(g()) # 10
print(g("abc", 1, {})) # 10
h = cache(f)
print(h(7)) # 12
catch is a function that resembles pattern-matching in Python. It takes some functions *fs: Callable[..., Maybe[Y]]
with some catch-all function default: Callable[..., Y]
and returns a function Callable[..., Y]
which executes fs
functions one by one until some function will return non-empty Maybe[Y]
. If none of those functions will return a non-empty Maybe[Y]
, the result of default
function is returned.
# let's say that we want to parse age ranges that we have in our data:
age_ranges = (
"invalid input"
# we consider 30+ to be a valid range <30, 100)
def parse_range(x: str) -> Tuple[int, int]:
raw = x.split("-")
low, high, *_ = map(int, raw)
return low, high
def parse_unbounded_range(x: str) -> Tuple[int, int]:
raw, *_ = x.split("+")
return int(raw), 100
# we will use <18, 100) as our default range
parse = catch(
default=lambda _: (18, 100)
for x in age_ranges:
# (10, 20)
# (20, 30)
# (30, 100)
# (60, 100)
# (18, 100)
compose is an implementation of a ``Function composition" defined as $( f \circ g )(x) = f(g(x))$.
xs = "a", "ab", "c"
yxs = enumerate(xs)
p: Callable[[Tuple[int, str]], bool] = compose(lambda x: x.startswith("a"), snd)
filtered: Iterable[Tuple[int, str]] = filter(p, yxs)
ys = map(fst, filtered)
print(tuple(ys)) # (0, 1)
cons allows you to prepend value of type X to an Iterable[X].
print(tuple(cons(1)((2, 3, 4, 5)))) # (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
const is a function that takes a value of type X and returns a function of type Callable[[Y], X]. The returned function will ignore its argument and will return the value that was passed to const.
print(const(1)("abc")) # 1
curry is simply:
def curry(f: Callable[..., Y]) -> Callable[..., Y]:
return lambda *args, **kwargs: partial(f, *args, **kwargs)
cycle is a function which takes Tuple[X, ...] and returns Iterable[X]. Iterable[X] is created by repeatedly yielding elements from passed Tuple[X, ...].
xs = take(10)(cycle([1, 2, 3]))
print(tuple(xs)) # (1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1)
drop is simply:
def drop(n: int) -> Callable[[Iterable[X]], Iterable[X]]:
return (lambda xs: islice(xs, n, None)) if n > 0 else (lambda _: ())
Example of drop usage:
xs = drop(1)(range(3))
print(tuple(xs)) # (1, 2)
xs = islice(range(3), 1, None)
print(tuple(xs)) # (1, 2)
either is a function that takes a function of type Callable[[X], Z] and a function of type Callable[[Y], Z] and returns a function of type Callable[[Either[X, Y]], Z]. The returned function takes Either[X, Y]. If the Either contains left value, the value will be applied to Callable[[X], Z]. If the Either contains right value, the value will be applied to Callable[[Y], Z]. The result of application is returned.
f = either(lambda x: f"Error: {x}", lambda y: f"OK: {y}")
print(f((("unable to parse",), ()))) # Error: unable to parse
print(f(((), (1,)))) # OK: 1
either_to_maybe is an alias for snd.
except_ is a decorator which returns a function that returns Either with some value or an Exception that was raised.
f = except_(next)
xs = iter(range(2))
print(f(xs)) # ((), (0,))
print(f(xs)) # ((), (1,))
print(f(xs)) # ((StopIteration(),), ())
fail is a function which takes a function Callable[[Exception], Y] and returns a decorator which takes a function Callable[..., Y] and returns Callable[..., Y]. The function returned by the decorator uses passed Callable[[Exception], Y] to handle possible errors produced by a decorated function. If no errors produced, Callable[[Exception], Y] will not be executed and the result of the decorated function will be returned.
# Let's say that you want to write is_repeated function
# which tells you whether you have a collection consisting
# only from the single value.
# The simplest function you could think of might look like this:
def is_repeated(xs: Iterable[X]) -> bool:
x, *rest = xs
return all(x == y for y in rest)
# It works on collections that have at least one value:
print(is_repeated((1, 1))) # True
print(is_repeated((1, 2, 3))) # False
# but when you have an empty collection, this function will result
# in an error:
# ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected at least 1, got 0)
# In order to handle this case, you can rewrite this function in a
# following manner:
def is_repeated(xs: Iterable[X]) -> bool:
xs = iter(xs)
wrapped_x = next_(xs)
if wrapped_x:
x, *_ = wrapped_x
return all(x == y for y in xs)
else: return True
# And it would work:
print(is_repeated((1, 1))) # True
print(is_repeated((1, 2, 3))) # False
print(is_repeated(())) # True
# You might also use a *fail* function which will surround your
# function with try-except clause, to deal with empty collection.
@fail(lambda _: True)
def is_repeated(xs: Iterable[X]) -> bool:
x, *rest = xs
return all(x == y for y in rest)
# In case when error is raised by is_repeated, the
# lambda _: True
# function will be executed. The raised error will be passed to
# that function.
def g(e: Exception) -> bool:
return True
def is_repeated(xs: Iterable[X]) -> bool:
x, *rest = xs
return all(x == y for y in rest)
print(is_repeated((1,))) # True
# not enough values to unpack (expected at least 1, got 0)
# True
find is a function which takes a predicate and returns a function which takes some Iterable and returns an Maybe with value that matches the predicate if such value exists:
x: Maybe[int] = find(lambda x: x == 3)(range(5))
print(x) # (3,)
x: Maybe[int] = find(lambda x: x == -1)(range(5))
print(x) # ()
findindex is a function that works like find, but instead of returning a function which returns a value in Iterable that matches some predicate, it returns a function which returns an index of that value in Iterable.
x: Maybe[int] = findindex(lambda x: x == 8)(range(5, 10))
print(x) # (3,)
x: Maybe[int] = findindex(lambda x: x == -1)(range(5, 10))
print(x) # ()
finds is a function which takes an Iterable[Callable[[X], bool]] of predicates and returns a function which takes some Iterable[X] and returns an Iterable[Maybe[X]]. finds iterates over each predicate and searches for a matching value for that predicate in the passed Iterable[X]. finds will store checked Iterable[X] values in a buffer, so that the buffer will be checked at first and (if needed) the remaining Iterable[X] will be checked at last.
fs = (lambda x: x == 2), (lambda x: x == 4), (lambda x: x == 1), (lambda x: x == -1)
ys: Iterable[Maybe[int]] = finds(fs)(range(5))
for y in ys:
# (2,)
# (4,)
# (1,)
# ()
flattenl is a function which takes a Tuple which contains another Tuple on the beginning and flattens that inner Tuple inside of outer Tuple.
xys = {"A": 2.5, "B": 3.14}
Pipeline(xys.items()) // zipr(count(1)) / flattenl | print
# ('A', 2.5, 1)
# ('B', 3.14, 2)
flattenr is a function which takes a Tuple which contains another Tuple on the end and flattens that inner Tuple inside of outer Tuple.
xys = {"A": 2.5, "B": 3.14}
Pipeline(xys.items()) // zipl(count(1)) / flattenr | print
# (1, 'A', 2.5)
# (2, 'B', 3.14)
flip is simply:
def flip(f: Callable[[Y, X], Z]) -> Callable[[X, Y], Z]:
return lambda x, y: f(y, x)
Example of flip usage:
xs = "A", "B", "C"
Pipeline(enumerate(xs)) / key(lambda x: x + 1) * star(flip(repeat)) | print
# A
# B
# B
# C
# C
# C
foldl is a function which takes a binary function Callable[[Y, X], Y] and some accumulator Y and returns a function which takes Iterable[X] and returns Y. This function allows you to fold Iterable[X] from left using passed binary function. The accumulator is being passed as the first argument of the binary function.
Example of foldl usage:
xs = range(ord("A"), ord("Z") + 1)
alphabet = Pipeline(xs) / chr >> foldl(operator.add, "")
foldl1 is a similar function to foldl. The difference between foldl1 and foldl is that foldl1 takes Callable[[X, X], X], uses Iterable[X] first element as the accumulator and returns X. foldl1 will raise an error if the supplied Iterable[X] is empty.
foldr is a function which takes a binary function Callable[[X, Y], Y] and some accumulator Y and returns a function which takes Iterable[X] and returns Y. This function allows you to fold Iterable[X] from right using passed binary function. The accumulator is being passed as the last argument of the binary function.
Example of foldr usage:
xs = range(ord("A"), ord("Z") + 1)
reversed_alphabet = (
/ chr
// foldr(lambda x, acc: acc + [x], [])
>> foldl(operator.add, "")
foldr1 is a similar function to foldr. The difference between foldr1 and foldr is that foldr1 takes Callable[[X, X], X], uses Iterable[X] last element as the accumulator and returns X. foldr1 will raise an error if the supplied Iterable[X] is empty. Under the hood foldr1 will use tuple on passed Iterable[X] in order to extract the accumulator.
fst is simply:
def fst(xy: Tuple[X, Y]) -> X:
return xy[0]
group is a function which takes Iterable[X] and returns Iterable[Tuple[X, ...]]. This function groups passed elements by equality comparison ==
xs = 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1
print(tuple(group(xs))) # ((1, 1), (2, 2, 2), (3,), (1, 1, 1))
groupby is a function which takes an equality comparison function Callable[[X, X], bool] and returns a function Callable[[Iterable[X]], Iterable[Tuple[X, ...]]] which groups passed elements by the equality comparison function.
people = (
("Alex", 23),
("John", 23),
("Sam", 27),
("Kate", 27),
("Fred", 23),
grouped = groupby(lambda x, y: snd(x) == snd(y))(people)
# ((('Alex', 23), ('John', 23)), (('Sam', 27), ('Kate', 27)), (('Fred', 23),))
# or you can use *on* function:
grouped = groupby(on(operator.eq, snd))(people)
# ((('Alex', 23), ('John', 23)), (('Sam', 27), ('Kate', 27)), (('Fred', 23),))
in_ is simply:
def in_(xs: Tuple[X, ...]) -> Callable[[X], bool]:
return lambda x: x in xs
key is simply:
def key(f: Callable[[X], Z]) -> Callable[[Tuple[X, Y]], Tuple[Z, Y]]:
g: Callable[[Tuple[X, Y]], Z] = compose(f, fst)
return lambda xy: (g(xy), snd(xy))
Example of key usage:
xys = {"A": [1, 2, 3], "B": [3, 4]}
zys = map(key(str.casefold), xys.items())
for zy in zys:
# ('a', [1, 2, 3])
# ('b', [3, 4])
length is a function which takes an Iterable and returns number of elements in that Iterable. length exhausts the Iterable.
xs = 1, 2, 3
print(len(xs)) # 3
# len(iter(xs)) will raise an error
print(length(iter(xs))) # 3
lift is simply:
lift = curry(map)
match_ is a function that resembles pattern-matching in Python. It takes some functions *fs: Callable[..., Maybe[Y]]
and returns a function Callable[..., Maybe[Y]]
which executes fs
functions one by one until some function will return non-empty Maybe[Y]
. If none of those functions will return a non-empty Maybe[Y]
, an empty Maybe[Y]
(i.e. ()
) is returned.
# let's say that we want to parse age ranges that we have in our data:
age_ranges = (
"invalid input"
# we consider 30+ to be a valid range <30, 100)
def parse_range(x: str) -> Tuple[int, int]:
raw = x.split("-")
low, high, *_ = map(int, raw)
return low, high
def parse_unbounded_range(x: str) -> Tuple[int, int]:
raw, *_ = x.split("+")
return int(raw), 100
parse = match_(
for x in age_ranges:
# ((10, 20),)
# ((20, 30),)
# ((30, 100),)
# ((60, 100),)
# ()
maybe is a function that takes a function of type Callable[[], Y] and a function of type Callable[[X], Y] and returns a function of type Callable[[Maybe[X]], Y]. The returned function takes Maybe[X]. If the Maybe contains value, the value will be applied to Callable[[X], Y] and a result of application is returned. If the Maybe contains no value, the Callable[[], Y] is called and a result is returned.
f = maybe(lambda: "Error", lambda x: f"OK: {x}")
print(f(())) # Error
print(f((1,))) # OK: 1
maybe_to_either is a function which allows you to create an Either[Y, X] from an Maybe[X]. maybe_to_either takes a function Callable[[], Y] and returns a function Callable[[Maybe[X]], Either[Y, X]].
raw_numbers = "1\n22\nten\n333".splitlines()
xs = (
/ try_(int)
/ maybe_to_either(lambda: f"Failed to parse.")
| print
# ((), (1,))
# ((), (22,))
# (('Failed to parse.',), ())
# ((), (333,))
The difference between using maybe_to_either and explicitly creating Either using tuples is that maybe_to_either will not evaluate the left part if the right part is present. That is why Callable[[], Y] is being passed to maybe_to_either instead of Y.
merge is a function which takes two sorted Iterable[X] and merges them into single sorted Iterable[X]. It uses lambda x, y: x <= y comparison function. Use key parameter to specify a function Callable[[X], Y] to be called on each element prior to making comparisons.
xs = merge((1, 3, 5), (1, 2, 4))
print(tuple(xs)) # (1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
xs, ys = [(1, "a"), (3, "d"), (5, "f")], [(1, "b"), (2, "c"), (4, "e")]
print(tuple((merge(xs, ys, key=fst))))
# ((1, 'a'), (1, 'b'), (2, 'c'), (3, 'd'), (4, 'e'), (5, 'f'))
next_ is simply:
next_: Callable[[Iterator[X]], Maybe[X]] = try_(next)
Example of next_ usage:
xs = iter(range(2))
print(next_(xs)) # (0,)
print(next_(xs)) # (1,)
print(next_(xs)) # ()
not_ is a function which takes a predicate and returns negation of that predicate.
print(not_(lambda x, y: x == y)(1, 5)) # True
on is simply:
def on(f: Callable[[Y, Y], Z], g: Callable[[X], Y]) -> Callable[[X, X], Z]:
return lambda p, n: f(g(p), g(n))
Example of on usage could be found in groupby section.
padl is a function which allows you to pad some Iterable from the left using a filler. This function takes a number n and a filler x. In case when exact=False option is passed, it returns a function which prepends n - k fillers to the passed Iterable, where k is a length of the passed Iterable. In case when exact=True option is passed, it returns a function which prepends exactly n fillers to the passed Iterable.
xs = "".join(padl(5, "x")("abc"))
print(xs) # xxabc
xs = "".join(padl(5, "x", exact=True)("abc"))
print(xs) # xxxxxabc
padr is a function which allows you to pad some Iterable from the right using a filler. This function takes a number n and a filler x. In case when exact=False option is passed, it returns a function which appends n - k fillers to the passed Iterable, where k is a length of the passed Iterable. In case when exact=True option is passed, it returns a function which appends exactly n fillers to the passed Iterable.
xs = "".join(padr(5, "x")("abc"))
print(xs) # abcxx
xs = "".join(padr(5, "x", exact=True)("abc"))
print(xs) # abcxxxxx
partition is a function which takes a predicate and returns a function Callable[[Iterable[X]], Tuple[Tuple[X, ...], Tuple[X, ...]]]. This returned function splits passed elements into those that do match the predicate and the rest. The difference between span and partition is that span stops when it finds the first element that does not match the predicate and partition goes until the end.
xs = 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1
matched, rest = partition(lambda x: x == 1)(xs)
print(matched) # (1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
print(rest) # (2, 2, 2, 3)
peek is a decorator which allows you to apply some function to a passed argument and return back the passed argument instead of a function's result.
x = peek(print)(5) # 5
print(x) # 5
xs = (
Pipeline(range(3, 0, -1))
/ peek(print, "Countdown:", file=sys.stderr)
>> tuple
# Countdown: 3
# Countdown: 2
# Countdown: 1
print(xs) # (3, 2, 1)
pick is a function which takes some aggregate function Callable[[Tuple[X, ...]], X] and returns a function Callable[[Iterable[X]], Iterable[X]]. This returned function picks all elements from the passed collection Iterable[X] which are equal to the value returned by the aggregate function. The equal function might be substituted with any other function of type signature Callable[[X, X], bool] by passing a compare parameter.
print(min([1, 2, 1, 1, 3, 1])) # 1
ys = tuple(pick(min)([1, 2, 1, 1, 3, 1]))
print(ys) # (1, 1, 1, 1)
# ValueError: min() arg is an empty sequence
ys = tuple(pick(min)([]))
print(ys) # ()
pickby is a function which takes a function Callable[[X], Y], an aggregate function Callable[[Tuple[Y, ...]], Y] and returns a function Callable[[Iterable[X]], Iterable[X]]. This returned function picks all elements from the passed collection Iterable[X] which corresponding Y values, created by the Callable[[X], Y] function, are equal to the value returned by the aggregate function. The equal function might be substituted with any other function of type signature Callable[[Y, Y], bool] by passing a compare parameter. The function Callable[[X], Y] will be used exactly once on the whole collection.
cars_and_prices = (
("Audi", 25000),
("BMW", 70000),
("Mercedes", 25000),
cheapest_car = min(cars_and_prices, key=snd)
print(cheapest_car) # ('Audi', 25000)
cheapest_cars = pickby(snd, min)(cars_and_prices)
print(tuple(cheapest_cars)) # (('Audi', 25000), ('Mercedes', 25000))
powerset is a function which takes a Tuple[X, ...] and produces power set of those elements in form of Iterable[Iterable[X]].
xs = tuple(range(3))
ps = tuple(map(tuple, powerset(xs)))
print(ps) # ((), (2,), (1,), (1, 2), (0,), (0, 2), (0, 1), (0, 1, 2))
replicate is a function which takes a number n and returns a function, which takes some value x and repeats n times value x.
xs = tuple(replicate(5)("hello"))
# ('hello', 'hello', 'hello', 'hello', 'hello')
reverse is a function which takes an Iterable[X] and returns Deque[X] which contains elements from Iterable[X] in reversed order.
xs = range(ord("A"), ord("Z") + 1)
reversed_alphabet = (
/ chr
// reverse # Python reversed would not work on Iterable
>> foldl(operator.add, "")
scanl is a similar function to foldl. The difference between scanl and foldl is that scanl instead of returning a function which takes Iterable[X] and returns Y, returns a function which takes Iterable[X] and returns Iterable[Y]. The resulting Iterable[Y] contains all accumulators used in foldl.
xs = scanl(operator.mul, 1)((1, 2, 3, 4, 5))
# (1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120)
scanl1 is a similar function to foldl1. The difference between scanl1 and foldl1 is that scanl1 instead of returning a function which takes Iterable[X] and returns X, returns a function which takes Iterable[X] and returns Iterable[X]. The resulting Iterable[X] contains all accumulators used in foldl1.
xs = scanl1(operator.mul)((1, 2, 3, 4, 5))
# (1, 2, 6, 24, 120)
scanr is a similar function to foldr. The difference between scanr and foldr is that scanr instead of returning a function which takes Iterable[X] and returns Y, returns a function which takes Iterable[X] and returns Deque[Y]. The resulting Deque[Y] contains all accumulators used in foldr.
xs = scanr(operator.mul, 1)((1, 2, 3, 4, 5))
# deque([120, 120, 60, 20, 5, 1])
scanr1 is a similar function to foldr1. The difference between scanr1 and foldr1 is that scanr1 instead of returning a function which takes Iterable[X] and returns X, returns a function which takes Iterable[X] and returns Deque[X]. The resulting Deque[X] contains all accumulators used in foldr1.
xs = scanr1(operator.mul)((1, 2, 3, 4, 5))
# deque([120, 120, 60, 20, 5])
search is a function which takes a predicate Callable[[X], bool] along with Iterable[Y] and returns a function which takes Iterable[X] and returns Iterable[Y]. This function zips Iterable[Y] with Iterable[X] and returns those Ys for which corresponding Xs match the predicate.
xs = search(lambda x: x > 3, count())(range(1, 6))
# (3, 4)
shift is a decorator which returns a partially applied function. The difference between Python's functools.partial and shift is that shift will return a function which prepends *args and **kwargs:
def dummy(*args: object, **kwargs: object):
partial(dummy, 1, 2, a=1, b="b")(3, 4, c="c")
print("-" * 10)
shift(dummy, 1, 2, a=1, b="b")(3, 4, c="c")
# (1, 2, 3, 4)
# {'a': 1, 'b': 'b', 'c': 'c'}
# ----------
# (3, 4, 1, 2)
# {'c': 'c', 'a': 1, 'b': 'b'}
Example of shift usage:
take_3 = shift(islice, 3)
xs: Iterable[int] = take_3(range(5))
for x in xs:
# 0
# 1
# 2
slide is a function which takes a sliding window length n and a step, and returns a function which takes an Iterable and applies sliding window over it resulting in an Iterable of tuples. Each tuple has at most length equal to n. In case when exact=True option is passed, each tuple has length equal to n. step is simply a shift of a sliding window.
xs: Iterable[Tuple[int, ...]] = slide()(range(10))
# ((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 6), (6, 7), (7, 8), (8, 9), (9,))
xs: Iterable[Tuple[int, ...]] = slide(n=3, step=2)(range(10))
# ((0, 1, 2), (2, 3, 4), (4, 5, 6), (6, 7, 8), (8, 9))
xs: Iterable[Tuple[int, ...]] = slide(n=3, step=2, exact=True)(range(10))
# ((0, 1, 2), (2, 3, 4), (4, 5, 6), (6, 7, 8))
def is_sorted(xs: Iterable[X], compare: Callable[[X, X], bool] = operator.le) -> bool:
return (
/ star(compare)
>> all
print(is_sorted((1, 2, 5))) # True
print(is_sorted((1, 2, -5))) # False
snd is simply:
def snd(xy: Tuple[X, Y]) -> Y:
return xy[1]
span is a function which takes a predicate and returns a function Callable[[Iterable[X]], Tuple[Tuple[X, ...], Iterable[X]]]. This returned function splits passed elements into those that do match the predicate on the beginning and the rest.
xs = 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1
matched, rest = span(lambda x: x == 1)(xs)
print(matched) # (1, 1)
print(tuple(rest)) # (2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1)
splitat is a function which takes an index i and returns a function which splits an Iterable[X] into Tuple[X, ...] and Iterable[X]. The Tuple[X, ...] will contain first i elements and the Iterable[X] will contain the rest.
xs, rest = splitat(1)(range(5))
print(xs) # (0,)
print(tuple(rest)) # (1, 2, 3, 4)
strip is a function which takes an Iterable[X] and returns an Iterable[X] with removed consecutive duplicates. strip functions uses only equality comparison ==
xs = 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1
print(tuple(strip(xs))) # (1, 2, 3, 1)
stripby is a function which takes an equality comparison function Callable[[X, X], bool] and returns a function Callable[[Iterable[X]], Iterable[X]] which removes consecutive duplicates in terms of the equality comparison function.
people = (
("Alex", 23),
("John", 23),
("Sam", 27),
("Kate", 27),
("Fred", 23),
stripped = stripby(lambda x, y: snd(x) == snd(y))(people)
# (('Alex', 23), ('Sam', 27), ('Fred', 23))
# or you can use *on* function:
stripped = stripby(on(operator.eq, snd))(people)
# (('Alex', 23), ('Sam', 27), ('Fred', 23))
take is simply:
def take(n: int) -> Callable[[Iterable[X]], Iterable[X]]:
return (lambda xs: islice(xs, n)) if n > 0 else (lambda _: ())
Example of take usage:
xs = take(1)(range(3))
print(tuple(xs)) # (0,)
xs = islice(range(3), 1)
print(tuple(xs)) # (0,)
try_ is a decorator which returns a function that returns Maybe with some value or an empty Maybe if an Exception was raised.
load_json = try_(json.loads)
print(load_json("{}")) # ({},)
print(load_json("[1, 2, 3]")) # ([1, 2, 3],)
print(load_json("abc")) # ()
unfoldr is a function that takes a function of type Callable[[X], Maybe[Tuple[Y, X]]] and returns a function of type Callable[[X], Iterable[Y]]. The returned function will repeatedly apply X to the function passed to unfoldr until it returns value ().
until_3 = unfoldr(lambda acc: ((acc, acc + 1),) if acc < 3 else ())
print(tuple(until_3(0))) # (0, 1, 2)
value is simply:
def value(f: Callable[[Y], Z]) -> Callable[[Tuple[X, Y]], Tuple[X, Z]]:
g: Callable[[Tuple[X, Y]], Z] = compose(f, snd)
return lambda xy: (fst(xy), g(xy))
Example of value usage:
xys = {"A": [1, 2, 3], "B": [3, 4]}
xzs = map(value(len), xys.items())
for xz in xzs:
# ('A', 3)
# ('B', 2)
where is a similar function to findindex. The difference between where and findindex is that where returns indices of all elements that match given predicate instead of one. The other difference is that where returns a function which takes Iterable[X] and returns Iterable[Y], on the other hand findindex returns a function which takes Iterable[X] and returns Maybe[int].
xs = where(lambda x: x >= 8)(range(5, 10))
print(tuple(xs)) # (3, 4)
xs = where(lambda x: x == -1)(range(5, 10))
print(tuple(xs)) # ()
zipflatl is a function which takes a function Callable[[X], Maybe[Y]], and returns some function which takes Iterable[X] and returns Iterable[Tuple[X, Y]] with only those elements from Iterable[X] that are mapped to non-empty Maybe[Y] by the function Callable[[X], Maybe[Y]].
xs = "1", "hello", "2"
f = try_(int)
ys = zipflatl(f)(xs)
print(tuple(ys)) # ((1, '1'), (2, '2'))
zipflatr is a function which takes a function Callable[[X], Maybe[Y]], and returns some function which takes Iterable[X] and returns Iterable[Tuple[Y, X]] with only those elements from Iterable[X] that are mapped to non-empty Maybe[Y] by the function Callable[[X], Maybe[Y]].
xs = "1", "hello", "2"
f = try_(int)
ys = zipflatr(f)(xs)
print(tuple(ys)) # (('1', 1), ('2', 2))
zipif is a function which allows you to zip Iterable[X] elements with Iterable[Y] elements that match a predicate Callable[[X, Y], bool], using a binary function Callable[[X, Y], Z], into Iterable[Z].
When a pair x and y do not match the predicate, a function Callable[[X], Z] is applied to x and its result is yielded. Also, in the next iteration only the first element x of the pair will be substituted with it's successor x' and y will remain unchanged (so that the predicate will get x' and y).
participants = (
("Alex", 160.0),
("Sam", 0.0),
("Kate", 150.0),
("John", 155.0),
("Fred", 35.0)
name = fst
balance = snd
tickets = (
(1, 160),
(2, 150),
(3, 300)
ticket_id = fst
price = snd
sell_tickets = zipif(
lambda user, ticket: balance(user) >= price(ticket),
lambda user, ticket: (name(user), balance(user) - price(ticket), (ticket,)),
lambda user: (*user, ())
for x in sell_tickets(tickets)(participants):
# ('Alex', 0.0, ((1, 160),))
# ('Sam', 0.0, ())
# ('Kate', 0.0, ((2, 150),))
# ('John', 155.0, ())
# ('Fred', 35.0, ())
zipl is simply:
def zipl(xs: Iterable[X]) -> Callable[[Iterable[Y]], Iterable[Tuple[X, Y]]]:
return lambda ys: zip(xs, ys)
Example of zipl usage:
xs = "A", "B", "C"
Pipeline(xs) // zipl(count(1)) * star(flip(repeat)) | print
# A
# B
# B
# C
# C
# C
zipmapl is simply:
def zipmapl(f: Callable[[X], Y]) -> Callable[[Iterable[X]], Iterable[Tuple[Y, X]]]:
return lambda xs: map(lambda x: (f(x), x), xs)
Example of zipmapl usage:
xs = range(ord("a"), ord("z") + 1)
upper_to_lower = Pipeline(xs) / chr // zipmapl(str.upper) >> dict
Pipeline(upper_to_lower.items()) // take(5) | print
# ('A', 'a')
# ('B', 'b')
# ('C', 'c')
# ('D', 'd')
# ('E', 'e')
zipmapr is simply:
def zipmapr(f: Callable[[X], Y]) -> Callable[[Iterable[X]], Iterable[Tuple[X, Y]]]:
return lambda xs: map(lambda x: (x, f(x)), xs)
Example of zipmapr usage:
xs = range(ord("a"), ord("z") + 1)
upper_to_lower = Pipeline(xs) / chr // zipmapr(str.upper) >> dict
Pipeline(upper_to_lower.items()) // take(5) | print
# ('a', 'A')
# ('b', 'B')
# ('c', 'C')
# ('d', 'D')
# ('e', 'E')
zipr is simply:
def zipr(ys: Iterable[Y]) -> Callable[[Iterable[X]], Iterable[Tuple[X, Y]]]:
return lambda xs: zip(xs, ys)
Example of zipl usage:
xys = {"A": 2.5, "B": 3.14}
Pipeline(xys.items()) // zipr(count(1)) / flattenl | print
# ('A', 2.5, 1)
# ('B', 3.14, 2)
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