|Original Author DOI| |PyPI badge|
|OWL-RL Logo|
.. |Original Author DOI| image:: https://zenodo.org/badge/9385/RDFLib/OWL-RL.svg
:target: http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14543
.. |PyPI badge| image:: https://badge.fury.io/py/owlrl.svg
:target: https://badge.fury.io/py/owlrl
.. |OWL-RL Logo| image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RDFLib/OWL-RL/master/OWL-RL.png
:width: 250
:target: http://owl-rl.readthedocs.io/
A simple implementation of the OWL2 RL Profile, as well as a basic RDFS inference, on top of RDFLib, based on forward chaining.
This package is a Python library that also contains a couple of scripts:
: a CGI script to invoke the library. It may have to be adapted to the local server setup.
: a script that can be run locally on to transform a file into RDF (on the standard output). Run the script with -h
to get the available flags.
This package requires RDFLib 7.1.3 as its only dependency and it can be installed from the Python Package index in the usual way:
pip install owlrl
poetry add owlrl
This package can run inference according to RDFS and/or OWL-RL.
For details on RDFS, see the RDF Semantics Specification
; for OWL 2 RL, see the OWL 2 Profile specification
.. _RDF Semantics Specification: http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-mt/
.. _OWL 2 Profile specification: http://www.w3.org/TR/owl2-profiles/#Reasoning_in_OWL_2_RL_and_RDF_Graphs_using_Rules
View the OWL-RL documentation online: http://owl-rl.readthedocs.io/
This software is released under the W3C© SOFTWARE NOTICE AND LICENSE. See LICENSE.txt <LICENSE.txt>
Support & Contacts
For general "how do I..." queries, please use https://stackoverflow.com and tag your question with rdflib
. Existing questions:
If you want to contact the rdflib maintainers, please do so via:
- the rdflib-dev mailing list: https://groups.google.com/group/rdflib-dev
- the chat, which is available at
gitter <https://gitter.im/RDFLib/rdflib>
_ or via matrix #RDFLib_rdflib:gitter.im <https://matrix.to/#/#RDFLib_rdflib:gitter.im>
To view the changelog for this software library, see `CHANGELOG.rst <CHANGELOG.rst>`_.
Release Procedure
update all the version numbers
- pyproject.toml
- README.rst
remove the current dist/
build the new distribution
test the metadata rendering
test push it to PyPI
actually push it to PyPI
rm -vf dist/*
poetry build
bsdtar -xvf dist/owlrl-*.whl -O '*/METADATA' | view -
bsdtar -xvf dist/owlrl-*.tar.gz -O '*/PKG-INFO' | view -
poetry publish --dry-run
poetry publish -u __token__ -p <OWL-RL PyPI Token>