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Plone PAS plugin to create virtual groups based on member properties





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Plone PAS plugin to create virtual groups based on member properties.

The main use case are organisations that have an existing LDAP infrastructure that organises groups through member properties instead of LDAP groups.

If you have a vanilla Plone site without LDAP, you most likely do not need this plugin.



Add pas.plugins.memberpropertytogroup to the Plone installation using pip:

pip install pas.plugins.memberpropertytogroup

or add it as a dependency on your package's

    install_requires = [

Start Plone and activate the plugin in the addons control-panel.

Source Code and Contributions

If you want to help with the development (improvement, update, bug-fixing, ...) of pas.plugins.memberpropertytogroup this is a great idea!

We appreciate any contribution and if a release is needed to be done on PyPI, please just contact one of us.


You need a working python environment (system, virtualenv, pyenv, etc) version 3.7 or superior.

Then install the dependencies and a development instance using:

make build

To run tests for this package:

make test

By default we use the latest Plone version in the 6.x series.


The development of this plugin has been kindly sponsored by Bonn University and Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin.

Bonn University Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin

Developed by kitconcept

kitconcept GmbH

Icon by FamFamFam


The project is licensed under the GPLv2.


  • Timo Stollenwerk
  • Jens Klein
  • Víctor Fernández de Alba
  • Carsten Senger
  • Érico Andrei


3.0.0 (2023-01-02)

  • Initial i18n support [ericof]

  • Implement control panel via plone.restapi [ericof]

  • Adapt control panel to Bootstrap 5 [ericof]

  • Use plone/code-analysis-action@v2 as basis for code-analysis in GitHub Actions [ericof]

  • Tests now use pytest instead of unittest [ericof]

  • Drop support to Plone 5.2 [ericof]

  • Drop support to Python 3.7 [ericof]

2.1.1 (2021-08-31)

  • Fix property matching. [ericof]

2.1.0 (2021-08-31)

  • Property matching now supports '*' both in the start and in the end of the value. [ericof]

2.0.0 (2021-07-21)

  • Plone 5.2 compatibility. [timo]

  • Drop Python 2, Plone < 5.2 compatibility. [ericof]

  • Implement package uninstall (#12). [ericof]

1.1 (2018-03-05)

  • Plone 5.1 compatibility. [timo]

  • Make plugins (by default inactive) getGroupMembers pluggable, so that integrators may provide its own utility providing new IGetGroupMembers interface promising to return the actual group members. [jensens]

1.0 (2016-04-04)

  • Identical to 1.0a7. [timo]

1.0a7 (2015-10-25)

  • Control panel markup and JS refactoring. [sneridagh]

1.0a6 (2015-10-21)

  • Plone 3 compatibility fixes. [csenger]

1.0a5 (2015-10-21)

  • Fix js to work with Plone 3. [csenger]

  • Move add/remove buttons in controlpanel above the save/cancel buttons. [csenger]

1.0a4 (2015-10-19)

  • Add upgrade step for registry entries that have been added in 1.0a3. [timo]

1.0a3 (2015-10-12)

  • New feature: As administrator I can create a group based on multiple member properties. [sneridagh]

1.0a2 (2015-09-09)

  • Fix Scenario: As administrator I can create a group based on member properties prefixes [jensens]

  • Ignore empty lines in controlpanel input. [jensens]

1.0a1 (2015-08-06)

  • Initial release. [timo, jensens]



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