.. image:: https://badge.fury.io/py/proj.png
:target: http://badge.fury.io/py/proj
.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/larsyencken/proj.png?branch=master
:target: https://travis-ci.org/larsyencken/proj
.. image:: https://pypip.in/d/proj/badge.png
:target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/proj
A command-line folder manager for archiving and restoring a long-term set of projects.
assumes the following working setup:
- You have a directory of active projects that you're working on (e.g. ~/Projects)
- You have a directory of inactive projects, your archive (e.g. ~/Archive)
Given this setup, proj
helps you add and remove projects from your archive, and keeps your archive organised in <year>/<quarter>
subfolders, based on when each project was last worked on.
Install the package with pip:
.. code:: console
pip install proj
Then, tell proj
where your archive directory is, by creating a ~/.proj.yml
.. code::
archive_dir: _archive
You can enable compression for archives by adding more directives to the YAML file:
.. code::
compression: true
compression_format: bztar
The supported formats are: tar
, gztar
, bztar
and zip
Use proj to get rid of clutter in your main directory of projects by archiving ones that aren't being worked on. Proj will detect when you last made a change and file it accordingly.
.. code:: console
$ ls
cocktails-that-are-blue news-for-llamas old-crusty-project
$ proj archive old-crusty-project
old-crusty-project -> /Users/lars/Archive/2012/q3/old-crusty-project
$ ls
cocktails-that-are-blue news-for-llamas
$ proj list
Now we've archived this project, but we can restore it at any time.
.. code:: console
$ proj restore old-crusty-project
/Users/lars/Archive/2012/q3/old-crusty-project -> old-crusty-project
$ ls
cocktails-that-are-blue news-for-llamas old-crusty-project
proj archive
: archive a project to an appropriate directory
proj restore
: restore a project from the archive
proj list
: search the archive for a project
0.2.0 (dev)
- Moved to Python 3.x only support to allow type hinting
- Move to a config file rather than environment variables
- Support compression for archiving and restoring
0.1.0 (2014-01-11)
- First release on PyPI.
- Archive, restore and search features.