The tool pymodoro-i3blocks lets you easily manage your Pymodoro
sessions from within your status bar via i3blocks
pymodoro-i3blocks is licensed under the Apache License version 2.0.
Get pymodoro-i3blocks
Released snapshots of the software are available for Download
_ from
GitHub, and are also distributed through the Python Package Index
As free software, you can get a copy of the Source Code
_ as well if you prefer.
To fetch the source files, build, and install it on your machine,
the usage of pip
_ is recommended:
.. code-block:: bash
pip install pymodoro-i3blocks --process-dependency-links
Arch Linux
A pymodoro-i3blocks Package
_ can be found in the Arch User Repository (AUR)
The AUR Helper
_ provides an easy way to install the application
from the package:
.. code-block:: bash
yaourt -S pymodoro-i3blocks
To get the application up and running, only few settings are required.
The following instructions assume, that you have installed and properly
configured i3blocks
_ as well as Pymodoro
#. Add Pymodoro as a blocklet to i3blocks, which displays
the progress of your Pymodoro session. When no session is active,
the blocklet will be hidden. An example is given below.
.. code-block:: bash
command=/usr/bin/pymodoro-i3blocks --daemon
#. Add another blocklet that allows you to control your Pymodoro
sessions. The instance property of the blocklet should match with
the one of your Pymodoro configuration.
.. code-block:: bash
#. Optionally modify the examples above, to match them to your
preferred style. The usual i3blocks properties
_ apply.
Please note that some of them may be overridden by pymodoro-i3blocks,
e.g., the color of the session blocklet. At this time,
this behavior cannot be changed without altering the program code.
Feel free to request additional configuration options when needed.
#. Restart i3blocks. You should see the control blocklet afterwards.
Blocklet Usage
Click with your left mouse button on the pymodoro-control blocklet to
start a new Pymodoro session. A right click ends the session.
Help and Support
If you have found a problem with the software, please check the Issue Tracker
and file a report. Feedback and contributions are appreciated as well.
You can contact me by email at dev@roettger-it.de.
.. _Pymodoro: https://github.com/dattanchu/pymodoro
.. _i3blocks: https://github.com/vivien/i3blocks
.. _properties: https://vivien.github.io/i3blocks/#BLOCK
.. _Source Code: https://github.com/toroettg/pymodoro-i3blocks
.. _Issue Tracker: https://github.com/toroettg/pymodoro-i3blocks/issues
.. _Download: https://github.com/toroettg/pymodoro-i3blocks/releases
.. _Python Package Index: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pymodoro-i3blocks
.. _pip: https://pip.pypa.io
.. _Arch User Repository (AUR): https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/AUR
.. _AUR Helper: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/AUR_helper
.. _Yaourt: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Yaourt
.. _Package: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/pymodoro-i3blocks
.. |nbsp| unicode:: 0xA0
Version 0.1.0 (2017-04-25)
First public release.
- Displays a Pymodoro session state with i3blocks.
- Start and stop sessions by clicking on a blocklet.