SendSafely Python SDK (INTERNAL)
Install Python 3 or higher if not already installed
python3 --version
brew install python
The Python command to install pip (as pip3) and Setuptools
python3 -m pip install --upgrade setuptools
To create a source distribution
python3 sdist --dist-dir=dist
To install the source distribution
python3 -m pip install ./dist/sendsafely-x.y.z.tar.gz
To run unittests, update SendSafely instance in the test/*.py scripts, and then run the following from /src:
python3 -m unittest tests/*.py
To run integration scripts, cd to /scripts and run the python script with the following command
When testing, create and activate a Python virtual environment and then install the source distribution
python3 -m venv /test/dir
source test/dir/bin/activate
To create pydocs, run
pydoc3 -w SendSafely sendsafely/*.py
Remove absolute path names from generated HTML prior to sharing with customer
Prepare for public release
- Bump version in
- Run
- In Python public repo directory, run
- Test package upload and install by uploading to and installing in virtual environment.
4a) In virtual environment, run test script to verify working as expected.
- Upload package to pypi