A simple Python Github client that handles auth and provides easy access to the
REST and GraphQL APIs.
Why use simple-github?
You might consider simple-github if..
- You don't want to write your own auth (especially app auth) but also don't
want to be stuck with an object oriented wrapper.
- You want to use both the REST and GraphQL endpoints.
- Authenticate with a personal access token, as a Github App or a Github App
- Automatic refreshing of app tokens on expiry.
- Query both the REST and GraphQL endpoints.
- Shared
session across both endpoints.
Install with pip
pip install simple-github
Example Usage
Authenticate with an access token
In the simplest case, you can provide an access token to use:
from simple_github import TokenClient
token = "<access token>"
async with TokenClient(token) as session:
resp = await session.get("/octocat")
data = await resp.json()
await resp.close()
The return value is an aiohttp.ClientResponse object.
If calling synchronously, simply remove the async
/ await
from the
from simple_github import TokenClient
token = "<access token>"
with TokenClient(token) as session:
resp = session.get("/octocat")
data = resp.json()
In this case the return value is a requests.Response object.
Authenticate as a Github App installation
To authenticate as an app installation you'll need:
- The Github app id for your app.
- A private key associated with your app. This can be generated from your
app's settings page.
- The organization or user where the app is installed.
- Optionally a list of repositories to limit access to.
from simple_github import AppClient
app_id = 123
privkey = "<private key>"
owner = "mozilla-releng"
async with AppClient(app_id, privkey, owner=owner) as session:
resp = await session.get("/octocat")
You can also specify repositories if you want to restrict access.
async with AppClient(app_id, privkey, owner=owner, repositories=["simple-github"]) as session:
resp = await session.get("/octocat")
Authenticate as a Github App
You can also authenticate as the app itself. This is mainly only useful for
administering the app. To do this, simply omit the owner
async with AppClient(app_id, privkey) as session:
resp = await session.get("/octocat")
No Authentication
Finally you can create a client without any authentication. This is mainly
provided for cases where supplying an authentication method is optional, e.g to
increase rate limits. This allows for simpler implementations.
from simple_github import PublicClient
async with PublicClient() as session:
resp = await session.get("/octocat")
Query the REST API
simple-github provides only a very basic wrapper around Github's REST API. You can
query it by passing in the path fragment to session.get
or session.post
For example, you can list pull requests with a GET
resp = await session.get("/repos/mozilla-releng/simple-github/pulls")
pulls = await resp.json()
await resp.close()
open_pulls = [p for p in pulls if p["state"] == "open"]
Or you can create a pull request with a POST
data = {
"title": "Add feature X",
"body": "This adds new feature X",
"head": "simple-github:featureX",
"base": "main",
await session.post("/repos/mozilla-releng/simple-github/pulls", data=data)
Query the GraphQL API
simple-github also supports the GraphQL API. In this example we get the contents
of a file:
query = """
query getFileContents {
repository(owner: "mozilla-releng", name: "simple-github") {
object(expression: "HEAD:README.md") {
... on Blob {
contents = await session.execute(query)
You can use GraphQL variables via the variables
argument to session.execute