Sphinx AutoAPI
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:alt: Documentation
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:target: https://docs.astral.sh/ruff/
:alt: Formatted with Ruff
Sphinx AutoAPI is a Sphinx extension for generating complete API documentation
without needing to load, run, or import the project being documented.
In contrast to the traditional Sphinx autodoc <https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/extensions/autodoc.html>
which requires manual authoring and uses code imports,
AutoAPI finds and generates documentation by parsing source code.
For more information, see the full documentation <https://sphinx-autoapi.readthedocs.org>
Getting Started
The following steps will walk through how to add AutoAPI to an existing Sphinx project.
For instructions on how to set up a Sphinx project,
see Sphinx's documentation <https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/quickstart.html>
AutoAPI can be installed through pip:
.. code-block:: bash
pip install sphinx-autoapi
Next, add and configure AutoAPI in your Sphinx project's `conf.py`.
.. code-block:: python
autoapi_dirs = ['path/to/source/files', 'src']
When the documentation is built,
AutoAPI will now generate API documentation into an `autoapi/` directory
and add an entry to the documentation in your top level table of contents!
To configure AutoAPI behaviour further,
see the `Configuration documentation <https://sphinx-autoapi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/config.html>`_.
Running the tests
Tests are executed through tox <https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>
.. code-block:: bash
Code Style
Code is formatted using `ruff <https://docs.astral.sh/ruff>`_.
You can check your formatting using ruff format's check mode:
.. code-block:: bash
tox -e format
You can also get ruff to format your changes for you:
.. code-block:: bash
ruff format
Release Notes
Release notes are managed through towncrier <https://towncrier.readthedocs.io/en/stable/index.html>
When making a pull request you will need to create a news fragment to document your change:
.. code-block:: bash
tox -e release_notes -- create --help
We use SemVer <https://semver.org/>
_ for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository <https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx-autoapi/tags>
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
See the LICENSE.rst <LICENSE.rst>
_ file for details.