
Manage environment variables in a temporary scope.
Some products use environment variables as a primary means to supply
credentials. To ensure the lifetime of exposed credentials is short,
wrap them in a TemporaryEnvironment so that they are automatically
destroyed on scope exit.
You can:
- Set or unset environment variables inside a
code block, - Get a warning if the code block modifies one of the environment
- Optionally bypass restoration of the original environment variable
value if the code block modifies the environment variable.
Install the latest version of tempenv:
pip install tempenv
Each of these examples can be found in the tests.
Set some environment variables temporarily:
(see tests/example_set_test.py):
def test_set(self):
user_before = os.environ.get("USER")
with TemporaryEnvironment({"USER": "nobody", "OTHER": "foo"}):
assert os.environ.get("USER") == "nobody"
assert os.environ.get("OTHER") == "foo"
assert os.environ.get("USER") == user_before
Changing the value to None
will unset the environment variable during
the code block
(see tests/example_unset_test.py):
def test_unset(self):
os.environ["DEBUG"] = "1"
with TemporaryEnvironment({"DEBUG": None}):
assert "DEBUG" not in os.environ
assert "DEBUG" in os.environ
Changing a temporary environment variable during the scope will cause a
(see tests/example_overwrite_test.py):
def test_overwritten_in_context(self):
with self.assertWarnsRegex(EnvironmentVariableChangedWarning, "FOO"):
with TemporaryEnvironment({"FOO": "BAR"}):
os.environ["FOO"] = "SAM"
If you set the optional argument restore_if_changed=False
then a change
during the scope of the TemporaryEnvironment will not issue a warning and will
not restore to the original value
(see tests/example_ignore_test.py):
def test_ignored_overwrite_in_context(self):
os.environ["FOO"] = "BAR"
with TemporaryEnvironment({"FOO": "SAM"}, restore_if_changed=False):
os.environ["FOO"] = "DEAN"
assert os.environ["FOO"] == "DEAN"
You can use TemporaryEnvironment in a unittest scope as follows
(see tests/example_unittest_test.py):
@TemporaryEnvironment({"USER": "Crowley"})
def test_check(self):
assert os.environ.get("USER") == "Crowley"
Released under the Apache Software License, Version 2.0 (see LICENSE
Copyright (C) 2019 - 2022 James E. King III (@jeking3) <jking@apache.org>
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