Xarray extension for unstructured climate and global weather data

UXarray aims to address the geoscience community's need for tools that enable
standard data analysis techniques to operate directly on unstructured grid
data. UXarray provides Xarray-styled functionality to better read in and use
unstructured grid datasets that follow standard conventions, including UGRID,
MPAS, ICON, SCRIP, ESMF, FESOM2, and Exodus grid formats. This effort is a result of the
collaboration between Project Raijin (NSF NCAR and Pennsylvania State University)
and the SEATS Project (Argonne National Laboratory, UC Davis, and Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory). The UXarray team welcomes community
members to become part of this collaboration at any level of contribution.
UXarray is implemented in pure Python and does not explicitly contain or require
any compiled code. This makes UXarray more accessible to the general Python
community. Any contributions to this repository in pure Python are welcome and
documentation for contribution guidelines can be found when clicking New Issue
under the Issues
tab in the UXarray repository.
Why is the name "UXarray"?
We have created UXarray based on Xarray
(via inheritance of Xarray Dataset and DataArray classes), a Pangeo ecosystem package
commonly-used for structured grids recognition, to support reading and
recognizing unstructured grid model outputs. We picked the name "UXarray"
(pronounced "you-ex-array"), with the "U" representing unstructured grids.
UXarray Documentation
Contributor’s Guide
Project Raijin Homepage
SEATS Project Homepage
Thank you to all of our contributors!

Citing UXarray
If you'd like to cite our work, please follow How to cite
 | Project Raijin, entitled "Collaborative Research: EarthCube Capabilities: Raijin: Community Geoscience Analysis Tools for Unstructured Mesh Data", was awarded by NSF 21-515 EarthCube (Award Number (FAIN): 2126458) on 08/19/2021. The award period of performance has a start date of 09/01/2021 and end date of 08/31/2024. |
 | SEATS is funded by the Regional and Global Modeling and Analysis (RGMA) program area in the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Earth and Environmental System Modeling Program which is part of the Earth and Environmental Systems Sciences Division of the Office of Biological and Environmental Research in DOE’s Office of Science. |
 | EarthCube aims to transform the conduct of geosciences research by developing and maintaining a well-connected and facile environment that improves access, sharing, visualization, and analysis of data and related resources. |
 | Pangeo supports collaborative efforts to develop software and infrastructure to enable Big Data geoscience research. |