Access to GitHub API in user context
A simple gem for querying the Github jobs api
A liquid tag for Jekyll to call out to GitHub Pages Search via GitHub's API
CLI app to interact with GitHub 'issues' API
Take Issue data from GitHub API. Gem created by rry for learning purposes.
Please visit the github repository at for usage instructions
A Middleman extension for GitHub API.
Read more documentation at repository homepage.
Gistation provides an API layer to manipulate Github Gists
AppfluxRuby is a ruby library for integrating your rack based applications with This gem provides a basic API for automatically and manually sending exceptions metadata from your Rack based application. The processed exceptions data can be viewed at the error dashboard for the project on Appflux. For Rails applications, you can also send custom data to the error dashboard. It also integrates nicely with Delayed Job. Raise an issue on GitHub for any feature requests or bugs. For reporting security vulnerablities, please send an email at
Just writing a gem to get user information through the github api
A ruby interface to the GitHub Contributions Archive API ( Get information about GitHub users and events, including all repositories a user has contributed to. No authentication required.
Had Read reading-log github api extractor
CWP gem allows you to deploy multiple platforms through command line. CWP Gem also facilitates the full usage of Cloud Web Portal API through command line. For more details read the CWP Github ReadMe documentation
Ruby library used for basic GET requests
Generates a daily report from the GitHub API
ruby wrapper for github api
This gem provides a automated API for working with github.
Usefull class to authenticate to github api just once and get authenticated Octokit::Client in return. OTP included.
Created for easily use github API Required gem - "awesome_print". GitHub repository:
Github API HTTP client for ROM
A sinatra app that provides a github wrapper for offloading api calls to github.
query github api with their username and save response to file or database
Giic is a client of github-issues API interface
Ruby wrapper around Github API v2
Hubkit provides methods for querying the github API at a higher level than making individual API calls. Think of it like an ORM for the github API.
Ruby gem that helps you work with Github API.
A monadic GitHub API client.
It uses github api to find most activerepositories for people to contribute.
github api library
Uses the GitHub API to perform searches for given string
Client Gem for Github API
Create a new changelog entry using github API
Gitsheet is a small command line utility to quickly gather user and repository data from Github's API.
Command line interface for GitWand, a Ruby client for the GitHub API.
The aim of RitoPlz is to provide a simple, clean, and easy to use ruby API wrapper. My priority is to provide a gem that is well documented and that you should never get frustrated with. If I fail to meet these goals please open a bug report in GitHub so I can fix the problem.
Simple wrapper for the GitHub API
A thin ruby wrapper around the Glitch game API. This code is more likely to be updated by me than pyglitch, since I'm more likely to be playing around with it and maybe building a few random apps in my quest for Ruby proficiency. \ API docs can be found here: Check github for more detailed docs.
This gem wraps the Github Search API and allows you to search users, repositories and issues
Access the Github API to create a new repository
GraphQL client for GitHub GraphQL API
fedtechjobber is a simple command line utility that queries the USAJobs API for open tech federal job postings and generates/emails an HTML report displaying available job data along with any available agency GitHub profiles (via's Social Media API).
Loads records from Github via GraphQL API.
Ruby client that supports all of the GitHub API methods. It"s build in a modular way, that is, you can either instantiate the whole api wrapper or use parts of it e.i. if working solely with repositories is your main concern. Intuitive query methods allow you easily call API endpoints. This version of github_api is intended to provide support for Oauth 2.x.
OctocatNap is a Ruby interface to the GitHub API v2. It is powered by Weary
Use the GitHub API as a ghetto key-value store.
The CloudRail SI SDK for Ruby, a simple, universal, unified API for the most popular cloud services. Supports: GitHub, Microsoft Live, Slack, LinkedIn, Google Plus, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, Google Places, Foursquare, Yelp, Twilio, and Nexmo.
An object oriented wrapper around some GitHub API calls that aren't covered by Octokit
Created for easily use github api
multi-layer client for the github api v3