= The Owasp ESAPI Ruby project == Introduction The Owasp ESAPI Ruby is a port for outstanding release quality Owasp ESAPI project to the Ruby programming language. Ruby is now a famous programming language due to its Rails framework developed by David Heinemeier Hansson (http://twitter.com/dhh) that simplify the creation of a web application using a convention over configuration approach to simplify programmers' life. Despite Rails diffusion, there are a lot of Web framework out there that allow people to write web apps in Ruby (merb, sinatra, vintage) [http://accidentaltechnologist.com/ruby/10-alternative-ruby-web-frameworks/]. Owasp Esapi Ruby wants to bring all Ruby deevelopers a gem full of Secure APIs they can use whatever the framework they choose. == Why supporting only Ruby 1.9.2 and beyond? The OWASP Esapi Ruby gem will require at least version 1.9.2 of Ruby interpreter to make sure to have full advantages of the newer language APIs. In particular version 1.9.2 introduces radical changes in the following areas: === Regular expression engine (to be written) === UTF-8 support Unicode support in 1.9.2 is much better and provides better support for character set encoding/decoding * All strings have an additional chunk of info attached: Encoding * String#size takes encoding into account – returns the encoded character count * You can get the raw datasize * Indexed access is by encoded data – characters, not bytes * You can change encoding by force but it doesn’t convert the data === Dates and Time From "Programming Ruby 1.9" "As of Ruby 1.9.2, the range of dates that can be represented is no longer limited by the under- lying operating system’s time representation (so there’s no year 2038 problem). As a result, the year passed to the methods gm, local, new, mktime, and utc must now include the century—a year of 90 now represents 90 and not 1990." == Roadmap Please see ChangeLog file. == Note on Patches/Pull Requests * Fork the project. * Create documentation with rake yard task * Make your feature addition or bug fix. * Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. * Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull) * Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches. == Copyright Copyright (c) 2011 the OWASP Foundation. See LICENSE for details.
Nitro provides everything you need to develop professional Web applications using Ruby and Javascript. Nitro redefines Rapid Application Development by providing a clean, yet efficient API, a layer of domain specific languages implemented on top of Ruby and the most powerful and elegant object relational mapping solution available everywhere. Nitro is Web 2.0 ready, featuring excellent support for AJAX, XML, Syndication while staying standards compliant.
Use this gem instead of ActiveMerchant gem if you want to use Square's e-commerce APIs (https://squareup.com/developers) with ActiveMerchant. The official ActiveMerchant gem does not support Square because Square shields raw credit card numbers from developers to make PCI compliance easier. This has all ActiveMerchant functionality, plus support of Square's card nonces in the iframe API.
Provides a simple interface to the Allscripts Unity API using JSON. Developed at healthfinch by Health Catalyst https://healthcatalyst.com
Tango Card provides a RaaS API for developers (https://www.tangocard.com/docs/raas-api/). This gem provides commonsense Ruby objects to wrap the JSON endpoints of the RaaS API.
(Under development) This gem serves as a wrapper for Amazon.com's Marketplace Web Service (MWS) API. Visit http://github.com/elyngved/ruby-mws for documentation.
This gem purpose is to make graphql easier to use in ruby. Mainly developed for from-scratch app
The VersaCommerce API gem allows Ruby developers to programmatically access the admin section of VersaCommerce shops. The API is implemented as JSON or XML over HTTP using all four verbs (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE). Each resource, like Order, Product, or Collection, has its own URL and is manipulated in isolation.
# Overview ## Authentication LaunchDarkly's REST API uses the HTTPS protocol with a minimum TLS version of 1.2. All REST API resources are authenticated with either [personal or service access tokens](https://docs.launchdarkly.com/home/account/api), or session cookies. Other authentication mechanisms are not supported. You can manage personal access tokens on your [**Authorization**](https://app.launchdarkly.com/settings/authorization) page in the LaunchDarkly UI. LaunchDarkly also has SDK keys, mobile keys, and client-side IDs that are used by our server-side SDKs, mobile SDKs, and JavaScript-based SDKs, respectively. **These keys cannot be used to access our REST API**. These keys are environment-specific, and can only perform read-only operations such as fetching feature flag settings. | Auth mechanism | Allowed resources | Use cases | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | | [Personal or service access tokens](https://docs.launchdarkly.com/home/account/api) | Can be customized on a per-token basis | Building scripts, custom integrations, data export. | | SDK keys | Can only access read-only resources specific to server-side SDKs. Restricted to a single environment. | Server-side SDKs | | Mobile keys | Can only access read-only resources specific to mobile SDKs, and only for flags marked available to mobile keys. Restricted to a single environment. | Mobile SDKs | | Client-side ID | Can only access read-only resources specific to JavaScript-based client-side SDKs, and only for flags marked available to client-side. Restricted to a single environment. | Client-side JavaScript | > #### Keep your access tokens and SDK keys private > > Access tokens should _never_ be exposed in untrusted contexts. Never put an access token in client-side JavaScript, or embed it in a mobile application. LaunchDarkly has special mobile keys that you can embed in mobile apps. If you accidentally expose an access token or SDK key, you can reset it from your [**Authorization**](https://app.launchdarkly.com/settings/authorization) page. > > The client-side ID is safe to embed in untrusted contexts. It's designed for use in client-side JavaScript. ### Authentication using request header The preferred way to authenticate with the API is by adding an `Authorization` header containing your access token to your requests. The value of the `Authorization` header must be your access token. Manage personal access tokens from the [**Authorization**](https://app.launchdarkly.com/settings/authorization) page. ### Authentication using session cookie For testing purposes, you can make API calls directly from your web browser. If you are logged in to the LaunchDarkly application, the API will use your existing session to authenticate calls. If you have a [role](https://docs.launchdarkly.com/home/account/built-in-roles) other than Admin, or have a [custom role](https://docs.launchdarkly.com/home/account/custom-roles) defined, you may not have permission to perform some API calls. You will receive a `401` response code in that case. > ### Modifying the Origin header causes an error > > LaunchDarkly validates that the Origin header for any API request authenticated by a session cookie matches the expected Origin header. The expected Origin header is `https://app.launchdarkly.com`. > > If the Origin header does not match what's expected, LaunchDarkly returns an error. This error can prevent the LaunchDarkly app from working correctly. > > Any browser extension that intentionally changes the Origin header can cause this problem. For example, the `Allow-Control-Allow-Origin: *` Chrome extension changes the Origin header to `http://evil.com` and causes the app to fail. > > To prevent this error, do not modify your Origin header. > > LaunchDarkly does not require origin matching when authenticating with an access token, so this issue does not affect normal API usage. ## Representations All resources expect and return JSON response bodies. Error responses also send a JSON body. To learn more about the error format of the API, read [Errors](/#section/Overview/Errors). In practice this means that you always get a response with a `Content-Type` header set to `application/json`. In addition, request bodies for `PATCH`, `POST`, and `PUT` requests must be encoded as JSON with a `Content-Type` header set to `application/json`. ### Summary and detailed representations When you fetch a list of resources, the response includes only the most important attributes of each resource. This is a _summary representation_ of the resource. When you fetch an individual resource, such as a single feature flag, you receive a _detailed representation_ of the resource. The best way to find a detailed representation is to follow links. Every summary representation includes a link to its detailed representation. ### Expanding responses Sometimes the detailed representation of a resource does not include all of the attributes of the resource by default. If this is the case, the request method will clearly document this and describe which attributes you can include in an expanded response. To include the additional attributes, append the `expand` request parameter to your request and add a comma-separated list of the attributes to include. For example, when you append `?expand=members,maintainers` to the [Get team](/tag/Teams#operation/getTeam) endpoint, the expanded response includes both of these attributes. ### Links and addressability The best way to navigate the API is by following links. These are attributes in representations that link to other resources. The API always uses the same format for links: - Links to other resources within the API are encapsulated in a `_links` object - If the resource has a corresponding link to HTML content on the site, it is stored in a special `_site` link Each link has two attributes: - An `href`, which contains the URL - A `type`, which describes the content type For example, a feature resource might return the following: ```json { "_links": { "parent": { "href": "/api/features", "type": "application/json" }, "self": { "href": "/api/features/sort.order", "type": "application/json" } }, "_site": { "href": "/features/sort.order", "type": "text/html" } } ``` From this, you can navigate to the parent collection of features by following the `parent` link, or navigate to the site page for the feature by following the `_site` link. Collections are always represented as a JSON object with an `items` attribute containing an array of representations. Like all other representations, collections have `_links` defined at the top level. Paginated collections include `first`, `last`, `next`, and `prev` links containing a URL with the respective set of elements in the collection. ## Updates Resources that accept partial updates use the `PATCH` verb. Most resources support the [JSON patch](/reference#updates-using-json-patch) format. Some resources also support the [JSON merge patch](/reference#updates-using-json-merge-patch) format, and some resources support the [semantic patch](/reference#updates-using-semantic-patch) format, which is a way to specify the modifications to perform as a set of executable instructions. Each resource supports optional [comments](/reference#updates-with-comments) that you can submit with updates. Comments appear in outgoing webhooks, the audit log, and other integrations. When a resource supports both JSON patch and semantic patch, we document both in the request method. However, the specific request body fields and descriptions included in our documentation only match one type of patch or the other. ### Updates using JSON patch [JSON patch](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6902) is a way to specify the modifications to perform on a resource. JSON patch uses paths and a limited set of operations to describe how to transform the current state of the resource into a new state. JSON patch documents are always arrays, where each element contains an operation, a path to the field to update, and the new value. For example, in this feature flag representation: ```json { "name": "New recommendations engine", "key": "engine.enable", "description": "This is the description", ... } ``` You can change the feature flag's description with the following patch document: ```json [{ "op": "replace", "path": "/description", "value": "This is the new description" }] ``` You can specify multiple modifications to perform in a single request. You can also test that certain preconditions are met before applying the patch: ```json [ { "op": "test", "path": "/version", "value": 10 }, { "op": "replace", "path": "/description", "value": "The new description" } ] ``` The above patch request tests whether the feature flag's `version` is `10`, and if so, changes the feature flag's description. Attributes that are not editable, such as a resource's `_links`, have names that start with an underscore. ### Updates using JSON merge patch [JSON merge patch](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7386) is another format for specifying the modifications to perform on a resource. JSON merge patch is less expressive than JSON patch. However, in many cases it is simpler to construct a merge patch document. For example, you can change a feature flag's description with the following merge patch document: ```json { "description": "New flag description" } ``` ### Updates using semantic patch Some resources support the semantic patch format. A semantic patch is a way to specify the modifications to perform on a resource as a set of executable instructions. Semantic patch allows you to be explicit about intent using precise, custom instructions. In many cases, you can define semantic patch instructions independently of the current state of the resource. This can be useful when defining a change that may be applied at a future date. To make a semantic patch request, you must append `domain-model=launchdarkly.semanticpatch` to your `Content-Type` header. Here's how: ``` Content-Type: application/json; domain-model=launchdarkly.semanticpatch ``` If you call a semantic patch resource without this header, you will receive a `400` response because your semantic patch will be interpreted as a JSON patch. The body of a semantic patch request takes the following properties: * `comment` (string): (Optional) A description of the update. * `environmentKey` (string): (Required for some resources only) The environment key. * `instructions` (array): (Required) A list of actions the update should perform. Each action in the list must be an object with a `kind` property that indicates the instruction. If the instruction requires parameters, you must include those parameters as additional fields in the object. The documentation for each resource that supports semantic patch includes the available instructions and any additional parameters. For example: ```json { "comment": "optional comment", "instructions": [ {"kind": "turnFlagOn"} ] } ``` Semantic patches are not applied partially; either all of the instructions are applied or none of them are. If **any** instruction is invalid, the endpoint returns an error and will not change the resource. If all instructions are valid, the request succeeds and the resources are updated if necessary, or left unchanged if they are already in the state you request. ### Updates with comments You can submit optional comments with `PATCH` changes. To submit a comment along with a JSON patch document, use the following format: ```json { "comment": "This is a comment string", "patch": [{ "op": "replace", "path": "/description", "value": "The new description" }] } ``` To submit a comment along with a JSON merge patch document, use the following format: ```json { "comment": "This is a comment string", "merge": { "description": "New flag description" } } ``` To submit a comment along with a semantic patch, use the following format: ```json { "comment": "This is a comment string", "instructions": [ {"kind": "turnFlagOn"} ] } ``` ## Errors The API always returns errors in a common format. Here's an example: ```json { "code": "invalid_request", "message": "A feature with that key already exists", "id": "30ce6058-87da-11e4-b116-123b93f75cba" } ``` The `code` indicates the general class of error. The `message` is a human-readable explanation of what went wrong. The `id` is a unique identifier. Use it when you're working with LaunchDarkly Support to debug a problem with a specific API call. ### HTTP status error response codes | Code | Definition | Description | Possible Solution | | ---- | ----------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | | 400 | Invalid request | The request cannot be understood. | Ensure JSON syntax in request body is correct. | | 401 | Invalid access token | Requestor is unauthorized or does not have permission for this API call. | Ensure your API access token is valid and has the appropriate permissions. | | 403 | Forbidden | Requestor does not have access to this resource. | Ensure that the account member or access token has proper permissions set. | | 404 | Invalid resource identifier | The requested resource is not valid. | Ensure that the resource is correctly identified by ID or key. | | 405 | Method not allowed | The request method is not allowed on this resource. | Ensure that the HTTP verb is correct. | | 409 | Conflict | The API request can not be completed because it conflicts with a concurrent API request. | Retry your request. | | 422 | Unprocessable entity | The API request can not be completed because the update description can not be understood. | Ensure that the request body is correct for the type of patch you are using, either JSON patch or semantic patch. | 429 | Too many requests | Read [Rate limiting](/#section/Overview/Rate-limiting). | Wait and try again later. | ## CORS The LaunchDarkly API supports Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) for AJAX requests from any origin. If an `Origin` header is given in a request, it will be echoed as an explicitly allowed origin. Otherwise the request returns a wildcard, `Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *`. For more information on CORS, read the [CORS W3C Recommendation](http://www.w3.org/TR/cors). Example CORS headers might look like: ```http Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Accept, Content-Type, Content-Length, Accept-Encoding, Authorization Access-Control-Allow-Methods: OPTIONS, GET, DELETE, PATCH Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Access-Control-Max-Age: 300 ``` You can make authenticated CORS calls just as you would make same-origin calls, using either [token or session-based authentication](/#section/Overview/Authentication). If you are using session authentication, you should set the `withCredentials` property for your `xhr` request to `true`. You should never expose your access tokens to untrusted entities. ## Rate limiting We use several rate limiting strategies to ensure the availability of our APIs. Rate-limited calls to our APIs return a `429` status code. Calls to our APIs include headers indicating the current rate limit status. The specific headers returned depend on the API route being called. The limits differ based on the route, authentication mechanism, and other factors. Routes that are not rate limited may not contain any of the headers described below. > ### Rate limiting and SDKs > > LaunchDarkly SDKs are never rate limited and do not use the API endpoints defined here. LaunchDarkly uses a different set of approaches, including streaming/server-sent events and a global CDN, to ensure availability to the routes used by LaunchDarkly SDKs. ### Global rate limits Authenticated requests are subject to a global limit. This is the maximum number of calls that your account can make to the API per ten seconds. All service and personal access tokens on the account share this limit, so exceeding the limit with one access token will impact other tokens. Calls that are subject to global rate limits may return the headers below: | Header name | Description | | ------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `X-Ratelimit-Global-Remaining` | The maximum number of requests the account is permitted to make per ten seconds. | | `X-Ratelimit-Reset` | The time at which the current rate limit window resets in epoch milliseconds. | We do not publicly document the specific number of calls that can be made globally. This limit may change, and we encourage clients to program against the specification, relying on the two headers defined above, rather than hardcoding to the current limit. ### Route-level rate limits Some authenticated routes have custom rate limits. These also reset every ten seconds. Any service or personal access tokens hitting the same route share this limit, so exceeding the limit with one access token may impact other tokens. Calls that are subject to route-level rate limits return the headers below: | Header name | Description | | ----------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `X-Ratelimit-Route-Remaining` | The maximum number of requests to the current route the account is permitted to make per ten seconds. | | `X-Ratelimit-Reset` | The time at which the current rate limit window resets in epoch milliseconds. | A _route_ represents a specific URL pattern and verb. For example, the [Delete environment](/tag/Environments#operation/deleteEnvironment) endpoint is considered a single route, and each call to delete an environment counts against your route-level rate limit for that route. We do not publicly document the specific number of calls that an account can make to each endpoint per ten seconds. These limits may change, and we encourage clients to program against the specification, relying on the two headers defined above, rather than hardcoding to the current limits. ### IP-based rate limiting We also employ IP-based rate limiting on some API routes. If you hit an IP-based rate limit, your API response will include a `Retry-After` header indicating how long to wait before re-trying the call. Clients must wait at least `Retry-After` seconds before making additional calls to our API, and should employ jitter and backoff strategies to avoid triggering rate limits again. ## OpenAPI (Swagger) and client libraries We have a [complete OpenAPI (Swagger) specification](https://app.launchdarkly.com/api/v2/openapi.json) for our API. We auto-generate multiple client libraries based on our OpenAPI specification. To learn more, visit the [collection of client libraries on GitHub](https://github.com/search?q=topic%3Alaunchdarkly-api+org%3Alaunchdarkly&type=Repositories). You can also use this specification to generate client libraries to interact with our REST API in your language of choice. Our OpenAPI specification is supported by several API-based tools such as Postman and Insomnia. In many cases, you can directly import our specification to explore our APIs. ## Method overriding Some firewalls and HTTP clients restrict the use of verbs other than `GET` and `POST`. In those environments, our API endpoints that use `DELETE`, `PATCH`, and `PUT` verbs are inaccessible. To avoid this issue, our API supports the `X-HTTP-Method-Override` header, allowing clients to "tunnel" `DELETE`, `PATCH`, and `PUT` requests using a `POST` request. For example, to call a `PATCH` endpoint using a `POST` request, you can include `X-HTTP-Method-Override:PATCH` as a header. ## Beta resources We sometimes release new API resources in **beta** status before we release them with general availability. Resources that are in beta are still undergoing testing and development. They may change without notice, including becoming backwards incompatible. We try to promote resources into general availability as quickly as possible. This happens after sufficient testing and when we're satisfied that we no longer need to make backwards-incompatible changes. We mark beta resources with a "Beta" callout in our documentation, pictured below: > ### This feature is in beta > > To use this feature, pass in a header including the `LD-API-Version` key with value set to `beta`. Use this header with each call. To learn more, read [Beta resources](/#section/Overview/Beta-resources). > > Resources that are in beta are still undergoing testing and development. They may change without notice, including becoming backwards incompatible. ### Using beta resources To use a beta resource, you must include a header in the request. If you call a beta resource without this header, you receive a `403` response. Use this header: ``` LD-API-Version: beta ``` ## Federal environments The version of LaunchDarkly that is available on domains controlled by the United States government is different from the version of LaunchDarkly available to the general public. If you are an employee or contractor for a United States federal agency and use LaunchDarkly in your work, you likely use the federal instance of LaunchDarkly. If you are working in the federal instance of LaunchDarkly, the base URI for each request is `https://app.launchdarkly.us`. In the "Try it" sandbox for each request, click the request path to view the complete resource path for the federal environment. To learn more, read [LaunchDarkly in federal environments](https://docs.launchdarkly.com/home/infrastructure/federal). ## Versioning We try hard to keep our REST API backwards compatible, but we occasionally have to make backwards-incompatible changes in the process of shipping new features. These breaking changes can cause unexpected behavior if you don't prepare for them accordingly. Updates to our REST API include support for the latest features in LaunchDarkly. We also release a new version of our REST API every time we make a breaking change. We provide simultaneous support for multiple API versions so you can migrate from your current API version to a new version at your own pace. ### Setting the API version per request You can set the API version on a specific request by sending an `LD-API-Version` header, as shown in the example below: ``` LD-API-Version: 20240415 ``` The header value is the version number of the API version you would like to request. The number for each version corresponds to the date the version was released in `yyyymmdd` format. In the example above the version `20240415` corresponds to April 15, 2024. ### Setting the API version per access token When you create an access token, you must specify a specific version of the API to use. This ensures that integrations using this token cannot be broken by version changes. Tokens created before versioning was released have their version set to `20160426`, which is the version of the API that existed before the current versioning scheme, so that they continue working the same way they did before versioning. If you would like to upgrade your integration to use a new API version, you can explicitly set the header described above. > ### Best practice: Set the header for every client or integration > > We recommend that you set the API version header explicitly in any client or integration you build. > > Only rely on the access token API version during manual testing. ### API version changelog |<div style="width:75px">Version</div> | Changes | End of life (EOL) |---|---|---| | `20240415` | <ul><li>Changed several endpoints from unpaginated to paginated. Use the `limit` and `offset` query parameters to page through the results.</li> <li>Changed the [list access tokens](/tag/Access-tokens#operation/getTokens) endpoint: <ul><li>Response is now paginated with a default limit of `25`</li></ul></li> <li>Changed the [list account members](/tag/Account-members#operation/getMembers) endpoint: <ul><li>The `accessCheck` filter is no longer available</li></ul></li> <li>Changed the [list custom roles](/tag/Custom-roles#operation/getCustomRoles) endpoint: <ul><li>Response is now paginated with a default limit of `20`</li></ul></li> <li>Changed the [list feature flags](/tag/Feature-flags#operation/getFeatureFlags) endpoint: <ul><li>Response is now paginated with a default limit of `20`</li><li>The `environments` field is now only returned if the request is filtered by environment, using the `filterEnv` query parameter</li><li>The `filterEnv` query parameter supports a maximum of three environments</li><li>The `followerId`, `hasDataExport`, `status`, `contextKindTargeted`, and `segmentTargeted` filters are no longer available</li></ul></li> <li>Changed the [list segments](/tag/Segments#operation/getSegments) endpoint: <ul><li>Response is now paginated with a default limit of `20`</li></ul></li> <li>Changed the [list teams](/tag/Teams#operation/getTeams) endpoint: <ul><li>The `expand` parameter no longer supports including `projects` or `roles`</li><li>In paginated results, the maximum page size is now 100</li></ul></li> <li>Changed the [get workflows](/tag/Workflows#operation/getWorkflows) endpoint: <ul><li>Response is now paginated with a default limit of `20`</li><li>The `_conflicts` field in the response is no longer available</li></ul></li> </ul> | Current | | `20220603` | <ul><li>Changed the [list projects](/tag/Projects#operation/getProjects) return value:<ul><li>Response is now paginated with a default limit of `20`.</li><li>Added support for filter and sort.</li><li>The project `environments` field is now expandable. This field is omitted by default.</li></ul></li><li>Changed the [get project](/tag/Projects#operation/getProject) return value:<ul><li>The `environments` field is now expandable. This field is omitted by default.</li></ul></li></ul> | 2025-04-15 | | `20210729` | <ul><li>Changed the [create approval request](/tag/Approvals#operation/postApprovalRequest) return value. It now returns HTTP Status Code `201` instead of `200`.</li><li> Changed the [get users](/tag/Users#operation/getUser) return value. It now returns a user record, not a user. </li><li>Added additional optional fields to environment, segments, flags, members, and segments, including the ability to create big segments. </li><li> Added default values for flag variations when new environments are created. </li><li>Added filtering and pagination for getting flags and members, including `limit`, `number`, `filter`, and `sort` query parameters. </li><li>Added endpoints for expiring user targets for flags and segments, scheduled changes, access tokens, Relay Proxy configuration, integrations and subscriptions, and approvals. </li></ul> | 2023-06-03 | | `20191212` | <ul><li>[List feature flags](/tag/Feature-flags#operation/getFeatureFlags) now defaults to sending summaries of feature flag configurations, equivalent to setting the query parameter `summary=true`. Summaries omit flag targeting rules and individual user targets from the payload. </li><li> Added endpoints for flags, flag status, projects, environments, audit logs, members, users, custom roles, segments, usage, streams, events, and data export. </li></ul> | 2022-07-29 | | `20160426` | <ul><li>Initial versioning of API. Tokens created before versioning have their version set to this.</li></ul> | 2020-12-12 | To learn more about how EOL is determined, read LaunchDarkly's [End of Life (EOL) Policy](https://launchdarkly.com/policies/end-of-life-policy/).
This gem provides Ruby functionality around the SeatGeek Platform API (http://platform.seatgeek.com). It is designed to be framework agnostic and was originally developed for use in my day job at Ticket Evolution.
Ruby based client for the ProxyCrawl API that helps developers crawl or scrape thousands of web pages anonymously
Using this gem you can access the Kynetx Application API. This api allows developers a way to create, update, delete rulesets. This gem also helps with the required OAuth communcations with the api server.
Howcast offers an Application Programming Interface (API) which allows developers to build applications that interface with Howcast. The Howcast API is RESTful (REpresentational State Transfer) and users of this API will be able: 1) Retreive detailed information about a single video, including metadata such as title, description, video views, rating etc; 2) Retrieve a list of videos restricted by a set of filters offered by Howcast and sorted using several metrics that you can specify (most recent, most views, etc); 3) Search for video; 4) And much more. Note: Before you can use our APIs, you must register an API key, that is submitted with each request.
RSence is a different and unique development model and software frameworks designed first-hand for real-time web applications. RSence consists of separate, but tigtly integrated data- and user interface frameworks. RSence could be classified as a thin server - thick client system. Applications and submobules are installed as indepenent plugin bundles into the plugins folder of a RSence environment, which in itself is a self-contained bundle. A big part of RSence itself is implemented as shared plugin bundles. The user interface framework of RSence is implemented in high-level user interface widget classes. The widget classes share a common foundation API and access the browser's native API's using an abstracted event- and element layer, which provides exceptional cross-browser compatibility. The data framework of RSence is a event-driven system, which synchronized shared values between the client and server. It's like a realtime bidirectional form-submission engine that handles data changes intelligently. On the client, changed values trigger events on user interface widgets. On the server, changed values trigger events on value responder methods of server plugin modules. It doesn't matter if the change originates on client or server, it's all synchronized and propagated automatically. The server framework is implemented as a high-level, modular data-event-driven system, which handles delegation of tasks impossible to implement using a client-only approach. Client sessions are selectively connected to other client sessions and legacy back-ends via the server by using the data framework. The client is written in Javascript and the server is written in Ruby. The client also supports CoffeeScript for custom logic. In many cases, no custom client logic is needed; the user interfaces can be defined in tree-like data models. By default, the models are parsed from YAML files, and other structured data formats are possible, including XML, JSON, databases or any custom logic capable of producing similar objects. The server can connect to custom environments and legacy backends accessible on the server, including software written in other languages.
A Ruby gem designed to assist Ruby developers in working with Google Data APIs
Connect your business with SalesKing. This gem gives ruby developers a jump-start for building SalesKing Business Apps. It provides classes to handle oAuth, make RESTfull API requests and parses JSON Schema
Create APIs in a fast and dynamic way, without the need to develop everything from scratch. You just need to create your models and let APIcasso do the rest for you. It is the perfect candidate to make your project development go faster or for legacy Rails projects that do not have an API. If you think it through, JSON API development can get boring and time consuming. Every time you use almost the same route structure, pointing to the same controller actions, with the same ordering, filtering and pagination features. APIcasso is intended to be used to speed-up development, acting as a full-fledged CRUD JSON API into all your models. It is a route-based abstraction that lets you create, read, list, update or delete any ActiveRecord object in your application. This makes it possible to make CRUD-only applications just by creating functional Rails' models. Access to your application's resources is managed by a .scope JSON object per API key. It uses that permission scope to restrict and extend access.
CDN Connect makes it easier to manage production assets for teams of developers and designers, all while serving files from a fast content delivery network. Features include image optimization, resizing, cropping, filters, etc. The CDN Connect API Ruby Client makes it easier to upload files and interact with the API. Most interactions with CDN Connect APIs require users to authorize applications via OAuth 2.0. This library simplifies the communication with CDN Connect even further allowing you to easily upload files and get information with only a few lines of code.
RSence is a different and unique development model and software frameworks designed first-hand for real-time web applications. RSence consists of separate, but tigtly integrated data- and user interface frameworks. RSence could be classified as a thin server - thick client system. Applications and submobules are installed as indepenent plugin bundles into the plugins folder of a RSence environment, which in itself is a self-contained bundle. A big part of RSence itself is implemented as shared plugin bundles. The user interface framework of RSence is implemented in high-level user interface widget classes. The widget classes share a common foundation API and access the browser's native API's using an abstracted event- and element layer, which provides exceptional cross-browser compatibility. The data framework of RSence is a event-driven system, which synchronized shared values between the client and server. It's like a realtime bidirectional form-submission engine that handles data changes intelligently. On the client, changed values trigger events on user interface widgets. On the server, changed values trigger events on value responder methods of server plugin modules. It doesn't matter if the change originates on client or server, it's all synchronized and propagated automatically. The server framework is implemented as a high-level, modular data-event-driven system, which handles delegation of tasks impossible to implement using a client-only approach. Client sessions are selectively connected to other client sessions and legacy back-ends via the server by using the data framework. The client is written in Javascript and the server is written in Ruby. The client also supports CoffeeScript for custom logic. In many cases, no custom client logic is needed; the user interfaces can be defined in tree-like data models. By default, the models are parsed from YAML files, and other structured data formats are possible, including XML, JSON, databases or any custom logic capable of producing similar objects. The server can connect to custom environments and legacy backends accessible on the server, including software written in other languages.
The watson-api-client is a gem to use REST API on the IBM Watson™ Developer Cloud. It wraps the rest-client REST API using Swagger documents retrievable from the Watson API Reference.
Bandsintown.com API gem A Ruby library for accessing the Bandsintown API. The Bandsintown API lets any developer access the largest database of upcoming concert listings and concert tickets in the world. For more information visit http://www.bandsintown.com/api/requests.
Ruby wrapper for OrderMotion (OMX) developer API
The simulator and RubyMotion REPL make on-device testing a painful cycle of code, compile, check, repeat. *Especially* when it comes to testing the UI, where inexplicable differences can crop up between a device and the simulator. Motion-Xray is an in-app developer's toolbox. Activate Xray (usually by shaking the phone) and a UI editor appears where you can add, modify, and remove views. Why stop there! There's a log panel, and an accessibility panel that gives you a visiualization of how you app "looks" to the blind or color blind. And you're damn right it's extensible! You can write new UI editors, register custom views, and add new panels, for instance maybe you need a Bluetooth device scanner, or a way to check API requests. Enjoy!
The Notion API gem allows Ruby developers to programmatically access their Notion pages. They can add new blocks, move blocks to different locations, duplicate blocks, update properties of blocks, create and update children blocks, and create and update tables.
Provides a Socket-like API that bypasses TCP/IP. Useful for exotic devices and FPGA development.
Value Value is a library for defining immutable value objects in Ruby. A value object is an object whose equality to other objects is determined by its value, not its identity, think dates and amounts of money. A value object should also be immutable, as you don’t want the date “2013-04-22” itself to change but the current date to change from “2013-04-22” to “2013-04-23”. That is, you don’t want entries in a calendar for 2013-04-22 to move to 2013-04-23 simply because the current date changes from 2013-04-22 to 2013-04-23. A value object consists of one or more attributes stored in instance variables. Value sets up an #initialize method for you that let’s you set these attributes, as, value objects being immutable, this’ll be your only chance to do so. Value also adds equality checks ‹#==› and ‹#eql?› (which are themselves equivalent), a ‹#hash› method, a nice ‹#inspect› method, and a protected attribute reader for each attribute. You may of course add any additional methods that your value object will benefit from. That’s basically all there’s too it. Let’s now look at using the Value library. § Usage You create value object class by invoking ‹#Value› inside the class (module) you wish to make into a value object class. Let’s create a class that represent points on a plane: class Point Value :x, :y end A ‹Point› is thus a value object consisting of two sub-values ‹x› and ‹y› (the coordinates). Just from invoking ‹#Value›, a ‹Point› object will have a constructor that takes two arguments to set instance variables ‹@x› and ‹@y›, equality checks ‹#==› and ‹#eql?› (which are the same), a ‹#hash› method, a nice ‹#inspect› method, and two protected attribute readers ‹#x› and ‹#y›. We can thus already creat ‹Point›s: origo = Point.new(0, 0) The default of making the attribute readers protected is often good practice, but for a ‹Point› it probably makes sense to be able to access its coordinates: class Point public(*attributes) end This’ll make all attributes of ‹Point› public. You can of course choose to only make certain attributes public: class Point public :x end Note that this public is standard Ruby functionality. Adding a method to ‹Point› is of course also possible and very much Rubyish: class Point def distance(other) Math.sqrt((other.x - x)**2 + (other.y - y)**2) end end For some value object classes you might want to support optional attributes. This is done by providing a default value for the attribute, like so: class Money Value :amount, [:currency, :USD] end Here, the ‹currency› attribute will default to ‹:USD›. You can create ‹Money› via dollars = Money.new(2) but also kronor = Money.new(2, :SEK) All required attributes must come before any optional attributes. Splat attributes are also supported: class List Value :'*elements' end empty = List.new suits = List.new(:spades, :hearts, :diamonds, :clubs) Splat attributes are optional. Finally, block attributes are also available: class Block Value :'&block' end block = Block.new{ |e| e * 2 } Block attributes are optional. Comparison beyond ‹#==› is possible by specifingy the ‹:comparable› option to ‹#Value›, listing one or more attributes that should be included in the comparison: class Vector Value :a, :b, :comparable => :a end Note that equality (‹#==› and ‹#eql?›) is always defined based on all attributes, regardless of arguments to ‹:comparable›. Here we say that comparisons between ‹Vector›s should be made between the values of the ‹a› attribute only. We can also make comparisons between all attributes of a value object: class Vector Value :a, :b, :comparable => true end To sum things up, let’s use all possible arguments to ‹#Value› at once: class Method Value :file, :line, [:name, 'unnamed'], :'*args', :'&block', :comparable => [:file, :line] end A ‹Method› consists of file and line information, a possible name, some arguments, possibly a block, and is comparable on the file and line on which they appear. Check out the {full API documentation}¹ for a more explicit description, should you need it or should you want to extend it. ¹ See http://disu.se/software/value/api/ § Financing Currently, most of my time is spent at my day job and in my rather busy private life. Please motivate me to spend time on this piece of software by donating some of your money to this project. Yeah, I realize that requesting money to develop software is a bit, well, capitalistic of me. But please realize that I live in a capitalistic society and I need money to have other people give me the things that I need to continue living under the rules of said society. So, if you feel that this piece of software has helped you out enough to warrant a reward, please PayPal a donation to now@disu.se¹. Thanks! Your support won’t go unnoticed! ¹ Send a donation: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=now%40disu%2ese&item_name=Value § Reporting Bugs Please report any bugs that you encounter to the {issue tracker}¹. ¹ See https://github.com/now/value/issues § Authors Nikolai Weibull wrote the code, the tests, the manual pages, and this README. § Licensing Value is free software: you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the {GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3}¹ or later², as published by the {Free Software Foundation}³. ¹ See http://disu.se/licenses/lgpl-3.0/ ² See http://gnu.org/licenses/ ³ See http://fsf.org/
A ruby wrapper for interacting with Bill.com's developer API
Tencent Cloud Ruby SDK is the official software development kit, which allows Ruby developers to write software that makes use of Tencent Cloud service API.
A ruby wrapper for the ESPN Developer API. Their API allows you to get sports, leagues, scores, standings, the latest news and more. This is a wrapper around that API so you can pull it into your applications with ruby.
Cloud Vision API allows developers to easily integrate vision detection features within applications, including image labeling, face and landmark detection, optical character recognition (OCR), and tagging of explicit content. Note that google-cloud-vision-v1p4beta1 is a version-specific client library. For most uses, we recommend installing the main client library google-cloud-vision instead. See the readme for more details.
Ruber is a Ruby editor for KDE 4 written in pure ruby, making use of the excellent ruby bindings for KDE 4 (korundum). Ruber is plugin-based, meaning that almost all its functionality is provided by plugins. This has two important consequences: 1) A user can write plugins having availlable all the features availlable to the Ruber developers. In other words, there's not a plugin-specifi API 2) Users can write plugins which replace some of the core functionality of \ Ruber. For example, a user can create a plugin which replaces the default plugin to run ruby programs
Scissor extension to use Echo Nest Developers API
An Ruby interface for Echo Nest Developer API
The Ruboss Framework brings the design principles and productivity of Rails to Flex development, and makes integration with RESTful APIs as simple as possible. Here's some of the things you can do: * *Create* a complete _Adobe_ _Flex_ or _AIR_ application in less than 5 minutes. Use our lightweight Ruby-based code generation toolkit to create a fully functional CRUD application. Simply do: sudo gem install ruboss4ruby And then run: ruboss-gen -h * *Integrate* with _Ruby_ _On_ _Rails_, _Merb_ or _Sinatra_ applications that use _ActiveRecord_, _DataMapper_, _CouchRest_, _ActiveCouch_, etc. * *Communicate* between your Flex/AIR rich client and service providers using either _XML_ or _JSON_. * *Persist* your data directly in Adobe AIR's _SQLite_ database or _CouchDB_ without any additional infrastructure or intermediate servers. * *Deploy* your Ruboss application on the Google App Engine and use Google DataStore for persistence.
A Ruby wrapper around the World Bank's Development Indicators API
A Ruby wrapper for the VHX developer API.
Arrow is a web application framework for mod_ruby. It was designed to make development of web applications under Apache easier and more fun without sacrificing the power of being able to access the native Apache API.
Qup is a generalized API for Message Queue and Publish/Subscribe messaging patterns with the ability to plug in an appropriate messaging infrastructure based upon your needs. Qup ships with support for (https://github.com/robey/kestrel), (http://redis.io), and a filesystem infrastructure based on (https://rubygems.org/gems/maildir). Additional Adapters will be developed as needs arise. (https://github.com/copiousfreetime/qup/issues) to have a new Adapter created. Pull requests gladly accepted.
The YourMembership member community product offers a wide range of features through its external API. This API is implemented through a specialized set of XML POSTS which is not easily abstracted into a RESTful interface. The purpose of this SDK is to enable Ruby developers and systems using Ruby on Rails to interface natively with the YourMembership.com API.
This library provides a developer API for working with NetLinx Studio workspaces in Ruby. It also adds compiler support to the NetLinx Compile gem for these workspaces.
This is the simple REST client for Web Fonts Developer API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Web Fonts Developer API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.
Code library that allows developers to directly access the Vuzit Document Viewer Web Service API through Ruby.
Extract a subset of a relational database for use in development or testing. Provides a simple API to filter rows and preserve referential integrity.
objectiveflickr is a minimalistic Flickr API library that uses REST-style calls and receives JSON response blocks, resulting in very concise code. Named so in order to echo another Flickr library of mine, under the same name, developed for Objective-C.
A lightweight interface for the ProsperWorks Developer API
Curl can be a bit unfriendly, especially to developers just starting out. Cage wraps Faraday and Pry in order to provide an attractive and helpful interface to the web APIs in your life.
Ruby gem allowing Ruby on Rails developers to create REST API’s using metadata defined inside their ActiveRecord models.
MySpaceID lets your users log on using their MySpace account info, after which their MySpaceID data becomes available; that is, your web servers will be able to communicate with our web servers and request user data. This SDK project contains examples of the base API code necessary to make signed requests against the MySpaceID REST API. To use the MySpaceID API, you first need to register on the MySpace Developer Site, create an app, and obtain a consumer key and secret. Information about these procedures, and about MySpaceID in general, is available at the MySpaceID Developer Wiki: http://wiki.developer.myspace.com/index.php?title=Category:MySpaceID The MySpaceID Ruby SDK enables you to work with MySpace data using the OpenStack (OpenID, OAuth etc) and the MySpace REST APIs via easy-to-use high level interfaces. The best way to implement your own application is to take an existing sample and customize it. Working Examples in this SDK: * OAuth - make signed requests * OpenID + OAuth Hybrid - delegated login, and making signed requests Documentation * Ruby SDK Documentation Summary: samples/rails/README * Ruby SDK - API Documentation: http://myspaceid-ruby-sdk.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/doc/index.html
Expose the AAL2 SDK API via a set of Ruby classes optimised for developer happiness
CrmFormatter is perfect for curating high-volume enterprise-scale web scraping, and integrates well with Nokogiri, Mechanize, and asynchronous jobs via Delayed_job or SideKick, to name a few. Web Scraping and Harvesting often gathers a lot of junk to sift through; presenting unexpected edge cases around each corner. CrmFormatter has been developed and refined during the past few years to focus on improving that task. It's also perfect for processing API data, Web Forms, and routine DB normalizing and scrubbing processes. Not only does it reformat Address, Phone, and Web data, it can also accept lists to scrub against, then providing detailed reports about how each piece of data compares with your criteria lists.