Ruby block DSL for writing ElasticSearch queries
Fluentd Parser Plugin to add choice for `format` option for elasticsearch logs with in_tail plugin.
An elasticsearch schema management tool
Dsl to delegate searches to elasticsearch in rails.
Send errors to ElasticSearch
This plugin lets you get the majority of you Mautic data into Elasticsearch for viewing using Kibana. Just setup a http input for logstash and a filter like so mautic { source => 'message'}. See the GitHub repository for more information
ElasticSearch output plugin for Fluent event collector, based on fluent-plugin-elasticsearch, with support cluster
Asynchronously sends your ActiveRecord models for reindexing in elasticsearch by making use of tire and resque
msearch wrapper for Elasticsearch::Model
Tire is a Ruby client for the ElasticSearch search engine/database. It provides Ruby-like API for fluent communication with the ElasticSearch server and blends with ActiveModel class for convenient usage in Rails applications. It allows to delete and create indices, define mapping for them, supports the bulk API, and presents an easy-to-use DSL for constructing your queries. It has full ActiveRecord/ActiveModel compatibility, allowing you to index your models (incrementally upon saving, or in bulk), searching and paginating the results. Please check the documentation at <>.
CouchDB to ElasticSearch, CouchDB to CouchDB History and CouchDB to CouchDB.
Elasticsearch backed exception logging
Add faceted searching with ElasticSearch to your Models
Mindex provides functionality to build elasticsearch indices
Interactive Elasticsearch CLI
Provides a DSL to create elasticsearch queries
Elasticsearch 1.x output plugin is an Embulk plugin that loads records to Elasticsearch read by any input plugins. Search the input plugins by "embulk-input" keyword.
ElasticSearch-backed Ruby on Rails cache.
Fluentd plugin to serve ElasticSearch as a subprocess
Allows you to strongly-type Elasticsearch types and query them more easily.
OpenTracing instrumentation for Ruby Elasticsearch client.
Reduce load from your application server by offloading indexing into background jobs
Get custom event data and send to elasticsearch.
Fluent plugin for elasticsearch
The query builder for ElasticSearch which was extracted from Chewy.
Allows for an easier way to construct Elasticsearch queries. Tries to minimise the verbosity.
Elastic search client on top of elasticsearch gem
a tool for testing your server's metrics in elasticsearch
A RAD (Rapid Application Development) Elasticsearch client
MAC addresses can come in many different forms. This filter attempts to standardise them to make elasticsearch logs easier to search.
ElasticSearch output plugin for Fluent event collector
Minimal, simple, DRY DSL for searching Elasticsearch. Takes one shallow hash argument and translates it to an elaborate one passed on to elasticsearch-api. The price: narrower options. The gain: succinctness. For example, a root <tt>:range</tt> is always a boolean filter and always includes the edges: tractor = opts = { range: { timestamp: ['now-5m', 'now'] } } # => sends the following to Ealsticsearch: { "query": { "bool": { "filter": [ { "range": { "timestamp": { "gte":"now-5m", "lte":"now" } } } ], "must": [], } } }
A simple scored search plugin for ActiveRecord models. Suited for small projects with little needs for scalability and a reserved attitude towards technical debt (i.e. ElasticSearch, Solr, ...).
Blazing fast Ruby alternative to acts-as-taggable-on and other similar gems. Instead of million of records in the database it uses powerful ElasticSearch, which gives a very fast and scalable solution with a search capabilities of ElasticSearch.
Generates saltstack's salt-ssh code for provisioning a new server. Code creates a user to run the rails application; gives that user sudo privileges without a password; installs: elasticsearch, nodejs, mysql, nginx, and rails. In the case of mysql, the code setsup a user with only the privileges needed to run a rails application.
Ruby client for AWS ElasticSearch
This gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipeline using $LS_HOME/bin/plugin install gemname. This gem is not a stand-alone program
ElasticSearch-able Models!
A base class for code that loads data into Elasticsearch
Elasticsearch plugin for Realm
This elasticsearch client is just all you need to search and index your data with persistent http connection
Metrics igenstion service with ElasticSearch as storage
Index your infrastructure with Elasticsearch.
A small wrapper of elasticsearch search api
Status board rack middleware for ElasticSearch
MySQLは広く使われているRDBMSです。速いし、レプリケーションのノウハウもあるし、Web上にたくさんの情報もあるからいざというときも安心、というのがその理由でしょう。 そんなMySQLの弱点の1つがデフォルトでは日本語で全文検索できないことです。でも、日本語で全文検索したいし。。。どうしよう。 そんなあなたに最近の日本語の全文検索事情を紹介します。Solr?Elasticsearch?Groonga?PostgreSQLはどうやっているの?Mroonga?Sphinx? いろいろ考えると日本語で全文検索するときもMySQLを使うのがいいね!と思えてくるから不思議です。最近の日本語の全文検索事情を聞いて一緒に考えてみませんか?
Thrift client for ElasticSearch
Adapters for JsonApiResource: Autobots preloading; Elasticsearch
%Elasticsearch output plugin for Fluent event collector
This plugin provides native ElasticSearch instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection, including: service health and metrics for cluster, node, and more.