A flexible, minimal, MVC web-application framework
A simple MVC framework for RubyGTK.
This project was designed to add functionality and ease-of-use to Microsofts ASP.NET MVC Framework, MVC Contrib is useful for developers looking to develop and test UI elements on top of the ASP.NET MVC framework.
ActionScript 3.0 Development with the Pure MVC architectural framework
A simple, non-magical, MVC-ish framework for Rack.
Wings is a Rack-based, MVC framework with REST implementation, also supports ORM for database manipulation.
A lightweight MVC framework
Redson is a browser based MVC component framework written in Ruby using the Opal ruby-to-js compiler.
Raamen is a Rack and SQLite based MVC web framework. It contains modules to provide basic and necessary features of web app components as well as helpful Rack middleware, cookie manipulation, and CLI to make the development process faster and easier.
This is a Ruby-MVC Framework Which has all the necessary modules to build up a basic web application
Rethoth is a simple to understand, run and maintain Ruby blogging engine. Rethoth is written in Ruby and is based on the Ramaze web framework and the Sequel database toolkit. Rethoth is a modern port, to 2017, of the original Thoth created by @ryangrove. Rethoth demonstrates how to easily build a useful MVC-style app in Ruby without having to deal directly with meta-programming and DSL magic. Rethoth is an example of how to build a web application in Ruby without the need to learn Rails and ActiveRecord. Rethoth is ideal for newcomers to Ruby who have experience with other web frameworks and want to quickly appreciate the language and become productive with it.
A ruby MVC framework implented using rack.
MVC-like framework for command-line application such as Git or SVN.
An MVC framework designed for Pure-Ruby, Asynchronous Microservices
crux MVC framework
This gem provides a simple and easy MVC framework for use with our command line (terminal) applications.
NetMate is a framework created to facilitate Web Development using Ruby. The framework is an MVC framework which provides basic functionality to create a web application.
+js-rails-routes+ is a utility for generating JavaScript equivalents to the +<route>_path+ functions provided by {Ruby on Rails}[https://github.com/rails/rails]. This allows you to do very similar things in your {+ejs+}[https://rubygems.org/gems/ejs/] JavaScript templates as you would in your +erb+ ruby templates. You can move html rendering to the client and keep it looking very similar to how it would look on the server. For example, if you have a model +Item+ and a simple route to list all the items, a link to that items page (using an explicit +a+ anchor tag instead of the Rails +link_to+) would look the same in either an +erb+ file or an +ejs+ file: <a href="<%= items_path() %>">List all Items</a> This gem was originally developed as part of the {MVCoffee}[http://mvcoffee.org] suite of tools, and integrates strongly with the {mvcoffee.js}[https://github.com/kirkbowers/mvcoffee] CoffeeScript MVC framework.
["A simple mvc rack framework"]
A Rack-based MVC web framework
Simple mvc framework, not for production purposes
Ruby in Jails is a cheap, primitive, amateur attempt at a Web MVC framework strictly for learning purposes.
Panda is an mvc framework built with Ruby for building web applications
A mini mvc ruby framework build just for fun