A ruby and rack based blog engine for heroku
Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.
Elite Journal is a multi-user online journal (blog) software.
Easy to integrate with blogs, CMS, messages & mailers, newsletters
Generate static image charts and embed them into emails, pdf reports, blog posts...
The Blogger module provides services related to Blogger, and only blogger. The GData gem is great, but it provides a much lower-level interface to Google's Blogger API. With the Blogger gem, you have full access to the Blogger API, with easy to use classes, and it integrates with 6 different markup/markdown gems! What's more, you won't have to muck around with XML. Sure, XML is easy. But why waste time messing around with it? With just 3 or 4 lines of Blogger.gem code, you'll be able to take a markdown-formatted string and post it as a blog post, with categories, and comments. You can also search through all of your comments, old posts, and pretty much anything you can do at the blogger.com website, you can do with this gem.
Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.
Flannel is a markup language that is not intended for your web app. It's for your local use, to write a blog entry in your text editor or a number of other uses.
the tiniest blog-engine in Oz.
Rails Mountable Engine that sets up your Product Blog, share your posts on facebook, twitter and E-mail your users with your latest product news
A middle-tier plugin for the Rails 3-based Governor blogging system, allowing you to tie in additional services that might want to perform blog-related services in the background.
A blog system based on Ruby and Livetext
Postage is an API developed for handle text files for posts for blogs or anything else.
This plugin, greatly inspired by Jim Morris' blog post (http://blog.wolfman.com/articles/2007/08/07/bit-vector-preferences), aims to make it easy and flexible to store boolean preferences for an ActiveRecord model.This can be also used as a very quick way to setup an ACL. Because the values are stored within a bit vector, a virtually unlimited number of preferences can be created without additional migrations.
A Rails engine running pages and blog posts in a CMS.
simple blog system
the tiniest blog-engine in Oz. Build of evaryont's branch with better permalink choices
A plugin to seamlessly support multiple authors with paginated posts inside a jekyll powered publication blog. Extends jekyll-paginate-v2 for Autopages and Pagination.
Mix Writer is a group of models, views, controllers for rails applications that added News, Blogs, Articles funcionality.
The Wordpress gem provides posting to a Wordpress.com blog or a self hosted wordpress by providing your username, password, login url(if you host your blog) and your blog content.
DocStorage is a simple Ruby library for manipulating documents containing text and metadata. These documents can be used to implement a blog, wiki, or similar application without a database.
cosy jekyll theme is a responsive blog template providing a good reading experience. No jQuery,And More concise,More geeks and Faster than other jekyll theme.
A plugin for the Rails 3-based Governor blogging system that adds ThinkingSphinx search functionality to a blog.
This gem is used to help writing technical posts for wordpress. \ The output is copied and pasted to a post into my wordpress blog, and the code gets colored using the plugin wp-syntax, and the output can be turned into PDF with the plugin wp-mpdf. Today this gem supports source files in the following languages: * Ruby (including Rakefile and Gemfile) * Java * YAML * HTML * XML * Scala * CSS * Javascript * Bash * Batch All other files are configured as "text".
Integrates blogs into your Wheelhouse CMS site.
Mainly the product of messing around, this gem comprises Ruby code for a few useful "Amazon Hacks" -- common techniques for manipulating Amazon product URLs and Images. This is mainly useful if you find yourself creating a site where you might link to Amazon product pages and display images for them. Examples of this might include: * Social consumption sites like {All Consuming}[http://www.allconsuming.net/] * Blogs or tumbleblogs with book/music/etc. reviews * Normalizing Amazon links or create associate IDs This GEM is NOT related to using the Amazon Web Services and there is already an excellent gem for that if you need more heavy-duty use of the Amazon website (this gem does not even communicate with Amazon at all). Also, note this gem is meant in the spirit of fun hackery. You can use it to create interesting images from Amazon on demand, but if you are going to use it on a serious website, please consider caching and attributing that image to Amazon (I also have no idea what the official legal policy for using Amazon's book images is). And of course, do not even consider using this for fraud. It is possible to generate "20% off" or "Look Inside!" badges on Amazon images, but this gem does not support that since I can not think of any reason why outside sites would use that. == FEATURES/PROBLEMS:
A one-column minimal responsive Jekyll blog theme
Spud CMS is a full-featured light weight modular cms engine as a part of the spud suite of rails gems. This particular gem comes with page management, administrative dashboard, template management, menu management and more. It is also capable of handling full-page caching as well as action-caching for even faster performance. Add more modules like spud_blog, spud_inquiries, spud_events, or spud_media for more features.
SofaBlog is a blog engine for Rails 3.1 apps (and ComfortableMexicanSofa)
ActiveBlog is a Rails Engine for Blogging
An xmlrpc client that allows administration of the Shout Mouth blog engine
A simple blog theme for jekyll by jz.
Fluffy barbarian carefully handles your blog!
The Posterous gem provides posting to Posterous.com using your email, password, site id(if you have multiple sites) and your blog content.
amp-html is a universal solution to integrate the AMP Project (Accelerated Mobile Pages Project) into your Rails app with ease. It enables you to quickly spin-up, build and test your app with AMP, while fulfilling the app's unique requirements. It comes with a bunch of superpowers like user authentication, notifications, blogs, animations and support for assets in AMP. Make your app consistently fast, beautiful and high-performing across devices and distribution platforms.
A client for Hatena Diary to post and delete blog entries.
Minimal blog to use with your existing app
Blogging middleware. More to come!
Rails 3.1 drop-in blog engine for existing Rails applications
This Gem allows you to push your Jekyll blog to AWS S3. In addition, you can use this Gem to invalidate the related Cloudfront distribution, making it easy to deliver your blog via the CDN.
An adaptation of the Enki blogging application as a Rails::Engine, for mounting in a host application
A plugin for the Rails 3-based Governor blogging system that enables you to tag your articles.
A charming and fun Jekyll theme for blogs.
Blog app on the top of activeadmin and mongoid, using redactor and select2 plugins.
A Rails engine for embedding Posterous blog extracts
A minimalist Jekyll theme for running a blog or publication powered by Jekyll and GitHub Pages
Octopress popular posts adds a popular posts asides section to your Octopress blog. It makes use of Google page rank to determine the popularity of the posts.
Spandex manages a store of markup files and their metadata, useful in building blogs or blog engines
A master theme to be used for all of DAI blogs
A simple blog using jekyll-paginate-v2 and particles.js