Merb plugin for putting mail delivery jobs onto Resque queue
Delayed_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer tasks in the background. It is a direct extraction from Shopify where the job table is responsible for a multitude of core tasks. This gem is backported from v3.0.0pre4 of collectiveidea's fork, to add named queues to v2.0.7 (
A tool for monitoring the health of a delayed_job work queue
A background job processing with Kubernetes job for Ruby
A fault tolerant job queue built around Amazon SQS & DynamoDB
Timberline is a simple and extensible queuing system built in Ruby and backed by Redis. It makes as few assumptions as possible about how you want to interact with your queues while also allowing for some functionality that should be universally useful, like allowing for automatic retries of jobs and queue statistics.
http_resque helps you cleanly write integration tests for your Resque jobs. It's a thin HTTP API around the Resque daemon. With it you can manipulate the contents of the Resque queues using HTTP requests.
A gem to schedule jobs, handle parallel execution and manage the jobs queue.
Simple job queue system based on mongodb
resque_empty_queue is an extension to the Resque queue system runs a job after a queue has been emptied.
Invoke JS workers from your Rails controllers
a gem to help rails app process AMQP queues for background jobs and client mgmt
A Rails-based frontend to the Resque job queue system.
Light weight job scheduling on top of ResqueAdmin. Adds methods enqueue_at/enqueue_in to schedule jobs in the future. Also supports queueing jobs on a fixed, cron-like schedule.
Fire and Forget replaces the need to write resque tasks or delayed jobs to fire off web requests (usually notification webhooks or a anti-spam service, like defensio or akismet). A single worker reads and executes web requests from a blocking named pipe, while clients queue up them up in a non blocking manner. It uses typhoeus internally to execute the web requests for maximum speed.
Take a peek into your DelayedJob queue.
Some experimentations with LISTEN/NOTIFY for background jobs
The Cloudq Framework makes it easy to build remote job queue servers
resque plugin to have priority in the queue
Track jobs processed by queue, longest queue time
Resque worker that evaluates queues and chooses which one to pull jobs from
Job Queue hobby kit
This plugin provides native instrumentation for collecting Resque metrics for queue, worker, working, failed, pending, and processed jobs.
A flexible pure Ruby job queue. Tasks are reschedulable after failures.
Light weight job scheduling on top of ResqueAdmin. Adds methods enqueue_at/enqueue_in to schedule jobs in the future. Also supports queueing jobs on a fixed, cron-like schedule.
JobQueue means you don't have to worry about your queue any more!
A Resque plugin allowing jobs to be sent to a temporary queue to await approval. Once the job is approved, it is placed on its normal queue.
This is a beanstalk-based job-queueing-manager, replacement for gem 'stalker' with additions: 1. jobs grouping 2. jobs threading and forking 3. logging 4. background run (as daemon) 5. stalker makes to include full gem in application, but needed only client-side This is a client-side gem. For a worker you need *
Prioritize jobs in a queue, Uniqueness in jobs and Sidekiq based cron.
Run commands in parallel and cache the output. Redis queues jobs and stores the result.
Get Growl notifications for jobs you're tracking in your qless queue.
Simple background jobs, queues.
Get Campfire notifications for jobs you're tracking in your qless queue.
Rescheduler is a library that uses Redis to maintain a task queue of immediate and delayed jobs without polling.
Candygram provides a job queue for the MongoDB document-oriented database, inspired by delayed_job and Resque. It uses the MongoMapper ORM and allows you to queue method calls for execution ASAP or at any time in the future.
Forks X children, processes all jobs in the queue and all processes quit when there are no more jobs to complete
Super simple job queue over AMQP
Balsamique (pronounced "Balsami-QUEUE") is a Redis-backed Ruby library which implements a job queue system. Balsamique jobs consist of JSON-encoded args hashes, along with lists of tasks and their successful outputs. Jobs can be enqueued to run at some time in the future, and workers can also delay the running of subsequent tasks. Retries are automatically scheduled at the time a worker checks out a job, and cancelled only when the worker reports success. In contrast to Resque, Balsamique uses Lua scripting in Redis extensively to make job state transitions as atomic as possible.
Allows going through delayed job queues using threads instead of processes
Queues jobs when you want.
Makes sure that for special jobs, there can be only one job with the same workload in one queue. Example: class CacheSweeper include Resque::Plugins::UniqueJob @queue = :cache_sweeps def self.perform(article_id) # Cache Me If You Can... end end
A Resque plugin which allows you to create dedicated queues for jobs that use rate limited apis. These queues will pause when one of the jobs hits a rate limit, and unpause after a suitable time period. The rate_limited_queue can be used directly, and just requires catching the rate limit exception and pausing the queue. There are also additional queues provided that already include the pause/rety logic for twitter, angelist and evernote; these allow you to support rate limited apis with minimal changes.
Test::Unit support for resque job queueing
It is a worker-side Beanstalk-based job-queueing dispatcher This is a pre-release, I will complete tests and docs in couple days
Job queue processor using Beanstalkd
simple, on memory, and thread base job queue worker
resque-throttle is an extension to the resque queue system that restricts the frequency in which certain jobs are run.
More efficient scheduled job queue implementation for sidekiq to increase throughput in large installations.
Stores job queue data in rethinkdb
Resque is a Redis-backed Ruby library for creating background jobs, placing those jobs on multiple queues, and processing them later. Background jobs can be any Ruby class or module that responds to perform. Your existing classes can easily be converted to background jobs or you can create new classes specifically to do work. Or, you can do both. Resque is heavily inspired by DelayedJob (which rocks) and is comprised of three parts: * A Ruby library for creating, querying, and processing jobs * A Rake task for starting a worker which processes jobs * A Sinatra app for monitoring queues, jobs, and workers.