Facilitates sweeping the cache by the click of a button
Uses the command `hcidump --raw` (see bluez-hcidump) to detect the bluetooth button events for a wireless bluetooth remote control shutter button.
Turnitin Core API (TCA) provides direct API access to the core functionality provided by Turnitin. TCA supports file submission, similarity report generation, group management, and visualization of report matches via Cloud Viewer or PDF download. Below is the full flow to successfully set up an integration scope, an API Key, and make calls to TCA. Integration Scope and API Key management is done via the Admin Console UI by logging in as an admin user. For more details, go to our [developer portal documentation page](https://developers.turnitin.com/docs). ## Integration Scope and API Key Management TCA API calls must provide an API Key for authentication, so you must first have at least one integration scope associated with at least one API Key to use TCA. ### Admin Console UI First, login to Admin Console UI as an *Admin* user with permission to create Integration Scopes, under a tenant that is licensed to use the TCA product Integration Scopes (you can create a new one, or add keys to existing) * Click `Integrations` in the side bar --> `+ Add Integration` at top the top of the page --> Enter a name --> `Add` Button API Keys * Click `Integrations` in the side bar --> `Create API Key` Button next to a given Integration Scope --> Enter a name --> click `Create and View button` * Copy/Save the key manually or click save to clipboard button to copy it (this is the only time it will show) ## TCA Flow * Register a webhook * Create a submission * Upload a file for the submission * Wait for the submission upload to process * If you registered a webhook, a callback will be sent to it when upload is complete * The status of the *submission* will also update to `COMPLETE` * Request a Similarity Report * Wait for similarity report to process * If you registered a webhook, a callback will be sent to it when report is complete * The status of the *report* will also be updated to `COMPLETE` * Request a URL with parameters to view the Similarity Report
the ladda button effect assets
Feathers is a minimalist CSS reset and boilerplate with optional rules that can be 'layered in' to apply sensible defaults to common widgets, such as navigation, forms, buttons, and menus
A Chargify API wrapper for Ruby using ActiveResource
A UI Toolkit for use with Gosu. Includes buttons, sliders, toggles, text areas and more.
Replace contents of a button with animated spinner with an ease
A rails engine to add undo and redo buttons to your flash messages.
This gem provides access to the sexybuttons library (http://code.google.com/p/sexybuttons) through the Rails asset pipeline.
This admin theme engine is made for using admin panel in backend. It is a administrator basic layout, but you will create a huge materials design as like form,button etc. using this theme.
Light control and button event observers for wired Buzz™ controllers in Ruby on Linux
Helper for add social share feature in your Rails app. Weibo, QQ ...
A humble_rpi plugin which detects a button press.
Simple rails generator that creates a view helper to add joliprint button to your view
Tools for push-button deployment on an app to AWS
Generates buttons for social networks
A Rack middleware to make URLs in one-page webapps easier. In a couple of recent projects, I've needed to avoid full page refreshes as much as possible. In the first, I wanted to keep an embedded music player active while the user was browsing. In the second, I just wanted fancier transitions between pages. It's possible to do this in an ad-hoc way, but I very quickly got tired of hacking things together. Enter Onesie. Onesie congealed from these requirements: * I want a one-page web app, * But I want the back button to work, * And I want search engines to still index some stuff, * And I (mostly) don't want to change the way I write a Rails/Sinatra app. If someone visits <tt>http://example.org/meta/contact</tt>, I want them to be redirected to <tt>http://example.org/blah/#/meta/contact</tt>, but after the redirection I still want the original route to be rendered for search engine indexing, etc. When Onesie gets a request, it looks to see if under your preferred one-page app path ("blah" in the example above). If it's not, Onesie sets the current request's path in the session and redirects to your app path. If a request is under the one-page app path, the "real" request's path is retrieved from the session and used for subsequent routing and rendering. This means that, as above, a request for http://example.org/meta/contact Will be redirected to http://example.org/blah/#/meta/contact But still render the correct action in the wrapped app, even though URL fragments aren't passed to the server. This is a terrible explanation. I'll write a sample app or something soon.
Cross browser sassy css3 buttons using compass
Adds login using google button to login screen
A MyFirmata plugin which detects a button press and publishes a message to the SimplePubSub broker.
A simple gem designed for creating and retrieving buttons and data on ShareProgress.org
Just a bundle with the files from original css3-microsoft-metro-buttons
Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
JavaScript source code for socialite.js wrapped in a rubygems shell. socialite.js is a library to display social sharing buttons. check http://socialitejs.com/
Publishes Shutter3 (see the Shutter3 gem) button event notifications through the SimplePubSub (SPS) messaging broker.
This gem provides an interface to access Novation's LaunchPad Mark 2, and Numark's Orbit programmatically. LEDs can be lit and button presses can be read.
This will allow you to very quickly get the "Move Up" and "Move Down" button functionality to move your database records up and down in order.
Library for Amazon Dash button.
A RubyMotion gem that provides some cool buttons borrowed from some smart people.
File input field looks like a Bootstrap button in all browsers (Thanks to https://github.com/grevory/bootstrap-file-input)
This Compass plugin provides some easy to use mixins for creating buttons with icons.
Validate Payza IPN payments and create payment buttons
Bootstrap button pagination for ruby on rails, to be used with will_paginate
This will allow you to very quickly get the "Move Up" and "Move Down" button functionality to move your database records up and down in order.
isi.rb converts ISI Export Format to BibTeX Format. This is a Ruby script. You can use this script as a library. You can get the tagged Marked List in Web of Science by pushing the [SAVE TO FILE] button.
FireWatir stands for "Web Application Testing in Ruby for Firefox". FireWatir (pronounced firewater) is a free, open-source functional testing tool for automating browser-based tests of web applications. It works with applications written in any language. FireWatir drives the Firefox browser the same way an end user would. It clicks links, fills in forms, presses buttons. FireWatir also checks results, such as whether expected text appears on the page, or whether a control is enabled. FireWatir is a Ruby library that works with Firefox on Windows. It also works on Linux, Mac but without support for JavaScript popups (currently support will be there shortly).
A button_to helper that can be used inside a form tag (unlike Rails's own button_to)
Easy to use buttons/button-groups/button-dropdowns
This Jekyll plugin creates paypal Encrypted Web Payments buttons and encrypts them at build time so items in your store cannot have their prices or other attributes changed in Inspect Element
Buttons Icons Overlays and other design features from JQuery UI
Creates buttons to manage paying with amazon payments. Can be used for direct payments or merchant payments
A Rails Guilded (http://github.com/midas/guilded/tree/master) component that will disable form elements once the submit button has been used.
Uses bootstrap popover to show confirmation buttons for links with data-confirm.
OmniAuth strategy for Money Button
Full URL updating with AJAX = Full back button, reloading, and bookmark support!
Add and customize Yandex Share buttons to your Rails app
View helper methods that makes it easy adding icons to links and buttons. Meant to be used with Font Awesome or Twitter Bootstrap.
A humble_rpi plugin which handles a button press from an LIRC remote contol.