Push-button deploy
Bootstrap is Twitter's toolkit for kickstarting CSS for websites, apps, and more. It includes base CSS styles for typography, forms, buttons, tables, grids, navigation, alerts, and more.
Independent, componentized, highly customizable, expandable javascript, css, font and image assets to simplify initial design of web elements such as buttons, forms, notifications, etc. Alchemy includes a set of Ruby on Rails specific functionality: Forms (with SimpleForm support), Predefined layout elements (header, navigation, footer) and layout structure.
Implements support of RESTful resources with Rails MVC when Javascript is off and bulk operations are required with multiple submit buttons.
Parse app manifests used by Heroku Button, Heroku Review Apps, and Heroku CI.
Customizable dark theme for Jekyll. Supports tags, comments, analytics, share buttons.
Provides a simple way to add social media buttons to your rails application
Twitter Bootstrap Wizard Rails builds a wizard out of a formatter tabbable structure. It allows to build a wizard functionality using buttons to go through the different wizard steps and using events allows to hook into each step individually.
ActionView Helper for generating Bootstrap buttons.
A JRubyConf button!
An engine which allows the Europeana Feedback Button to be displayed.
It is useful to create the share buttons on sites, blog & apps to increase your range
Provides an interface to the BigBlueButton web meeting API (http://code.google.com/p/bigbluebutton/)
Converts a BlueButton free text data file to a structured data Hash
Atpay button generator
Provides the heise socialshareprivacy plugin for the rails asset pipeline. This lets you add the so-called Heise two click social buttons to your app for more privacy
A Middleman extension to automatically generate VCards based on provided configurations. It also includes some useful Middleman helpers to work with the generated VCards. This is particularly useful in contacts pages to create a vcard button.
Adds Zocial CSS social buttons to Rails using the asset pipeline
Clarity - a log search tool By John Tajima & Tobi Lütke Clarity is a Splunk like web interface for your server log files. It supports searching (using grep) as well as trailing log files in realtime. It has been written using the event based architecture based on EventMachine and so allows real-time search of very large log files. If you hit the browser Stop button it will also kill the grep / tail utility. We wrote Clarity to allow our support staff to use a simple interface to look through the various log files in our server farm. The application was such a big success internally that we decided to release it as open source.
For when you want a big, easy Rake task shaped button to kick off your RSpec and Cucumber test suites.
This parser programmatically creates a Ruby object from a GreenButton data file. See https://collaborate.nist.gov/twiki-sggrid/bin/view/SmartGrid/GreenButtonSDK for more information on GreenButton. It is under active development and participation is encouraged. It is not yet stable.
Awesome CSS buttons using compass and sass
Simple UIToolbar subclass with next, previous, and done buttons.
Clarity - a log search tool By John Tajima & Tobi Lütke Clarity is a Splunk like web interface for your server log files. It supports searching (using grep) as well as trailing log files in realtime. It has been written using the event based architecture based on EventMachine and so allows real-time search of very large log files. If you hit the browser Stop button it will also kill the grep / tail utility. We wrote Clarity to allow our support staff to use a simple interface to look through the various log files in our server farm. The application was such a big success internally that we decided to release it as open source.
a class and mixin for nifty buttons
This lets you turn a RESTful form into a text link. Like when you want a delete or submit in a menu using a proper RESTful form but you don't want a button to show up. No need to do any special styling in CSS.
State Machines events buttons renderer
Tim O'Donnell's CSS3 Google Buttons coverted to SASS including images and javascript. This gem is based on Thomas McDonald's bootstrap-sass gem.
A gem to install tarteaucitron, GeoIP and provide helpers to show social network buttons.
Because kids like to smash buttons
Simple daemon that allows you to execute action when bluetooth button shutter pressed. So you can control your PC by low energy button device and few scripts.
This module allows third-party applications the retrieval of Green Button XML formatted data and return the data as a Ruby objects with specific attributes
Easy helper methods for adding custom social share buttons (Facebook, Twitter, Google+) to your Rails app.
Converts from Ruby's locale to the nearest Facebook's locale. This way you can localize the "I like it" button on every web page you want
Yeqs Sexybuttons provide a flexible way to use sexybuttons(http://sexybuttons.googlecode.com).
Unbutton provides a set of helper methods to share content on the web without crappy buttons
== Rails 3.1 javascript - Util asset pack == Sets up a window.Util object which includes * Spinner, with methods to set spinner next to element or hide the spinner * AjaxForm, to ajax enable simple forms * jQuery ajaxError global handler, exception data during development and friendly message in production == Usage spinner (js version) window.Util.spinner.nextTo('#my_button'); window.Util.spinner.nextTo('#my_button', 3, 4); // selector, top offset, left offset window.Util.spinner.hide(); ajax form (coffee script version) jQuery -> new window.Util.AjaxForm '#my_form', -> log "my_form submit success callback" == Install Update the Gemfile in your rails project, add the following line gem 'javascript_util_asset_pack' Run the generator rails generate javascript_util_asset_pack does the following: * Copy spinner.gif to /app/assets/images * Update application.html.erb adding javascript create window.Rails.env variable * Update application.html.erb adding image_tag for spinner.gif * Update application.js adding util_pack == WARNING * 0.0.10 and 0.0.11 are bad versions, use 0.0.12 or above == Coming Soon * configuration object * text in ajaxError overrides * spinner id override == Resources * spinner.gif generated using http://www.ajaxload.info == License The Unlicense (aka: public domain) http://unlicense.org == Ruby Gems * https://rubygems.org/gems/javascript_util_asset_pack
jqmobile_helpers are view helpers for jquery mobile components e.g list view, buttons.
BrowserStack makes it really easy to test with different browsers, but this makes it even easier by adding a button to ever page and allowing you to quickly go through the browsers you need to test on.
Works with postgres's hstore data type and Rails to let you display/store a collection of radio buttons in an hstore field
Rails3.1+ helper methods for the css3buttons by Michael Henriksen.
A nice looking button in RubyMotion
Replacement of Rails `link_to` method with static HTML
This extension provides a Pinterest "Pin it" button for your Spree product images.
Adds a fixed debug button to a dev site, which you can put debug information into easily
A "Next!" button gui for [MPD/MPC](https://www.musicpd.org/).
Extention of the haml generator that generates templates with the use of i18n, cancan and WiceGrid, adds classes to buttons and uses :title helper
Implements a gateway server to allow barebone basic sensor components to report state change updates as simple via TCP/UDP ports without the 'overhead' of the HTTP protocol. A power sensor for example might just broadcast a four byte floating point binary number once every second to an UDP port or an arduino board sends a UDP datagram whenever a button is pushed. You get the idea, this is how to bring embedded devices into the world of HTTP and Javascript...
This wrapper will access the Linkshare LinkLocator Direct Web Service, which is available to all publishers. The authentication of a publisher is done using the publisher’s Web services token. Publishers that do not have a Web services token, can go to Web Services under the Links tab on the Publisher Dashboard and click the button to generate a token. Since the token is used for authentication, it is a required parameter for all requests.
Easily create a floating action button interface.