Zocial Buttons support a lot of social icons. This gem is used for seamless integration of those icons.
Library for interacting with Amazon Dash buttons
Simple way how to make project with ajax. Mera handle pushState, updating and buttons in browser!
Listens for a hidden message in a succession of knocks (or button presses) using timing.
Simple social share buttons helpers for Rails.
Adds 'Report an Issue' button to your website to allow reporting issues published on bothers.me
i know you want it / random poetic nonsense / just click a button
A compass extension for GIPainter theme | grid
Buttons is a Rack framework for working with JavaScript-heavy applications. It automatically creates Ajax endpoints for Ruby methods, and creates a set of JavaScript functions to access those endpoints.
Github button CSS style
Provides imageless css buttons for the Rails 3.1+ asset pipeline.
Connect buttons etc to your Rapsberry Pi
Read Later buttons for Instapaper and Readability.
Adds a set of view methods that allow the users to create sharing buttons for multiple platforms. This gem allows you to customise the url for each platform adding 'tracking' string if required.
Adds product quickview button to product summaries
Tool to merge and GPG sign a github PR. This replicates the functionality of the Github merge button, adding GPG signing.
A button generation tool for web applications.
Represents a Raspberry Pi GPIO pin in e.g. to read a button press.
This extension uses scss syntax and relies on compass. It should be used in a sass project for those who would improve thier button desing. The button is intended only for use centered and will work improperly when pushed against sides of objects.
Helper method to give cuztomised button class
Handles positioning (ordering) your ActiveRecord Objects. Makes use of the "Acts As List" plugin for the optimized background handling of the positioning. "Is Positionable" is a front-end that dynamically generates buttons for moving ActiveRecord Objects "up", "down", to the "top" and to the "bottom". Setting it up takes just 1 word: "is_positionable".
customize.css provides you the base styling for your application and gives you ability to easily customize the look of your app. The main advantage of this lib that you don't have to overwrite styles you can just set it. Another advantage is that all inputs, checkboxes, radio buttons, select boxes have the same look and behaviour in all browsers. Also you can change the look of select or checkbox by setting several `sass` maps. This is the engine that supports themes so developers are able to share themes between each other.
Slick css3 buttons using compass and sass
A wrapper for Buttons in the Rails asset pipeline
This gem makes it easy to generate breadcrumb trails in a Rails application. The emphasis is on "structural" breadcrumbs, where a breadcrumb trail reflects the logical structure of a web site (as opposed to a "dynamic" trail, which reflects where the user has been - for which I humbbly suggest the user take advantage of the browser's Back button).
Ridiculously Responsive Social Sharing Buttons for Rails is based on RRSSB from KNI Labs
Provides basic assets for Cielo form inputs, such as credit card flag icons; a helper method that generate inputs and labels for credit card selection; and sass styles that makes flag icons behave as radio buttons.
A command line tool to listen for Amazon Dash button presses and toggle LIFX lights ON and OFF (via the LIFX HTTP API). With options to configure: the Dash MAC address, network interface and LIFX bulb selector. Inspired by Ted Benson's hack (http://tinyurl.com/zba3da2). Root access is required for network packet sniffing.
Ruby on Rails provides a series of methods called button_to and image_submit_tag, but no image_button_to. This gem provides that.
Helper methods to easy integrate social buttons 'Pin It', 'Like', 'Tweet it', 'G+' in Rails application
Generates custom button images with RMagick using the famous sliding doors css tehnique.
Adds the Heise Two Click Social Buttons to the asset pipeline
Merb_helpers_monkey is a Merb plug-in to extend the followng helper methods defined in merb-helpers: * radio_button() - to take boolean value as :checked option. * field_for(), form_for(), fieldset_for() - to take new :index_by option.
Cross browser sassy css3 buttons using compass
Twitterpunch =============== Twitterpunch is designed to work with PhotoBooth and OS X Folder Actions. When this script is called with the name of an image file, it will post the image to Twitter, along with a message randomly chosen from a list and a specified hashtag. If you call the script with the `--stream` argument instead, it will listen for tweets to that hashtag and download them to a specified directory. If the tweet came from another user, Twitterpunch will speak it aloud. Typically, you'll run one copy on an OSX laptop with PhotoBooth, and a separate copy on another machine (either Windows or OSX) for the viewer. You can also use a mobile device as a remote control, if you like. This will allow the user to enter a custom message for each photo that gets tweeted out, if they'd like. Configuration =========== Configure the program via the `~/.twitterpunch/config.yaml` YAML file. This file should look similar to the example below. --- :twitter: # twitter configuration :consumer_key: <consumer key> :consumer_secret: <consumer secret> :access_token: <access token> :access_token_secret: <access secret> :messages: # list of messages to attach - Hello there # to outgoing tweets - I'm a posting fool - minimally viable product :hashtag: Twitterpunch # The hashtag to post and listen to :handle: Twitterpunch # The twitter username to post as :photodir: ~/Pictures/twitterpunch/ # Where to save downloaded images :logfile: ~/.twitterpunch/activity.log # Where to save logs :viewer: # Use the built-in slideshow viewer :count: 5 # How many images to have onscreen at once :remote: :timeout: 45 # How long the button should remain disabled for :apptitle: dslrBooth # The photo booth application title :hotkey: space # Which hotkey to send to trigger a photo 1. Generate a skeleton configuration file * `twitterpunch --configure` 1. Edit the configuration file as needed. You'll be prompted with the path. * If you have your own Twitter application credentials, you're welcome to use them. 1. Authorize the application with the Twitter API. * `twitterpunch --authorize` Usage ========== ### Using OS X PhotoBooth 1. Start PhotoBooth at least once to generate its library. 1. Install the Twitterpunch Folder Action * `twitterpunch --install` * It may claim that it could not be attached, fear not. 1. Profit! * _and by that, I mean take some shots with PhotoBooth!_ *Note*: if the folder action doesn't seem to work and photos aren't posted to Twitter, here are some troubleshooting steps to take: 1. Run Twitterpunch by hand with photos as arguments. This may help you isolate configuration or authorization issues. * `twitterpunch foo.jpg` 1. Correct the path in the workflow. * `which twitterpunch` * Edit the Twitterpunch folder action to include that path. #### Using the remote web app Configure the remote web app using the `:remote` hash in `config.yaml`. You can usually find the title of the app using `system_profiler -detailLevel full SPApplicationsDataType` and grepping for the name or path to the `.app`. In this example, the title is _dslrBooth_. [ben@ganymede] ~ $ system_profiler -detailLevel full SPApplicationsDataType | grep -B8 dslrBooth.app dslrBooth: Version: 2.9 Obtained from: Identified Developer Last Modified: 10/14/17, 9:50 PM Kind: Intel 64-Bit (Intel): Yes Signed by: Developer ID Application: Hope Pictures LLC (MZR5GHAQX4), Developer ID Certification Authority, Apple Root CA Location: /Applications/dslrBooth.app 1. Run the app with `twitterpunch --remote` 1. Browse to the app with http://{address}:8080 1. [optional] If on an iOS device, add to your homescreen * This will give you "app behaviour", such as full screen, and a nice icon #### Troubleshooting. 1. Make sure the folder action is installed properly 1. Use the Finder to navigate to `~/Pictures/` 1. Right click on the `Photo Booth Library` icon and choose _Show Package Contents_. 1. Right click on the `Pictures` folder and choose `Services > Folder Actions Setup` 1. Make sure that the `Twitterpunch` action is attached. 1. Install the folder action 1. Open the `resources` folder of this gem. * Likely to be found in `/Library/Ruby/Gems/{version}/gems/twitterpunch-#{version}/resources/`. 1. Double click on the `Twitterpunch` folder action and install it. * It may claim that it could not be attached, fear not. ### Using something besides PhotoBooth Configure the program you are using for your photo shoot to call Twitterpunch each time it snaps a photo. Pass the name of the new photo as a command line argument. Alternatively, you could batch them, as Twitterpunch can accept multiple files at once. [ben@ganymede] ~ $ twitterpunch photo.jpg [photo2.jpg photo3.jpg photo4.jpg] You can manually install the Folder Action, or you can follow the automated install process after tweaking the workflow slightly. 1. Identify where the app stores the resulting image files. 1. Edit the Twitterpunch folder action to include that path. 1. Follow the steps above to install the Folder Action. ### Viewing the Twitter stream Twitterpunch will run on OS X or Windows equally well. Simply configure it on the computer that will act as the Twitter display and then run in streaming mode. [ben@ganymede] ~ $ twitterpunch --stream There are two modes that Twitterpunch can operate in. 1. If a `:hashtag` is defined then all images tweeted to the configured hashtag will be displayed in the slideshow. 1. Otherwise, Twitterpunch will stream the `:handle` Twitter user's stream and display all images either posted by that user or addressed to that user. With protected tweets, you can have rudimentary access control. In either mode, tweets that come from any other user will also be spoken aloud. If you don't want to use the built-in slideshow viewer, you can disable it by removing the `:viewer` key from your `~/.twitterpunch/config.yaml` config file. Twitterpunch will then simply download the tweeted images and save them into the `:photodir` directory. You can then use anything you like to view them. There are currently two decent viewing options I am aware of. * Windows background image: * Configure the Windows background to randomly cycle through photos in a directory. * Hide desktop icons. * Hide the taskbar. * Disable screensaver and power savings. * Drawbacks: You're using Windows and you have to install Ruby & RubyGems manually. * OS X screensaver: * Choose one of the sexy screensavers and configure it to show photos from the `:photodir` * Set screensaver to a super short timeout. * Disable power savings. * Drawbacks: The screensaver doesn't reload dynamically, so I have to kick it and you'll see it reloading each time a new tweet comes in. Limitations =========== * It currently requires manual setup for Folder Actions. * Rubygame is kind of a pain to set up. Contact ======= * Author: Ben Ford * Email: binford2k@gmail.com * Twitter: @binford2k * IRC (Freenode): binford2k
This gem will toggle page content, based on the current state of a check button.
A rails authentication and authorization engine that reduces clutter in your controllers and views. Includes aliased link_to and button_to helpers that return an empty string if the current user is not permitted to follow the link. Authorization configuration is removed from the controllers and instead is stored in the database and configured through html views.
QA Robusta is an automation framework easing pain points away from automation test case writers. How is pain relieved? * Elements, such as links, buttons, and other html objects are defined in one location. This ensures over time the user won't have definitions spread out throughout different layers of code requiring time consuming updates if the application under test is modified. * Well defined flows allows the user to have a common means for navigating and controlling interactions with the application under test. This takes all logic out of test classes and yields in higher more modular code re-use. * When an application requiring testing has the elements and flows implemented less code savy resources can easily add new test cases once trained on how to access the flows and elements. * When ever a link or button is clicked a screen shot is taken * Results are available under site/results directory in html format. Report includes the rdoc on a per test class method along with any screen shots taken. Example report: https://cyberconnect.biz/opensource/demo_results.html * Transparent remote Unix command execution leading to well defined interfaces for common task. For example, one may have a class defined specifically for RemoteUnixNetwork. This class would have methods such as, assign_ip, ifup, ifdown, etc. This class then would be able to perform these task on any remote Unix machine. * Executes the same on Windows or Linux/Unix environments. Developers have the freedom to develop on the platform of choice. * Mechanize extension: Allows the user to define a web application's page elements in a YAML format and provide navigation paths accessing the YAML structure to interact with the web application. Users can also perform direct http.post or any other mechanize functionality when defining state-full interfaces to hit a web application without going through a browser.
a simple way to add the pin it button to sites
A rails gem for simplifying back-buttons
Have you ever needed to add custom buttons to the sidekiq UI? Have you ever needed to drain a queue that is not bound to a Sidekiq Process? This Gem allows you to to do all of that from the Sidekiq UI!
Hook up easy button via USB serial port and trigger shell commands
A little wrapper for Mark Ottos GitHub Buttons to print <iframe> elements for your views
I saw user clicking on that button there.
packaging for styles from http://www.zurb.com/article/266/super-awesome-buttons-with-css3-and-rgba, with some helpers
This plugin enhances the default tag helpers to automatically add CSS classes to form elements. It's similar to the enhanced_form_tag_helper plugin, but takes a different approach by directly intercepting the tag and content_tag methods, and should therefore work in all situations where form elements are created, especially the <tt>FormHelper</tt> and more exotic ones like button_to.
A Rails Guilded component that will disable form elements once the submit button has been used.
Tools for raspberry pi and other remote access
Generate Google Calendar Button URLs
Allows you to easily ask for user input through sliders, buttons, text boxs, etc