Buttonize, your favourite button generator.
Buttonize is a little tool to generate sets of buttons by creating simple image templates (a left side, a repeatable middle
and a right side). You can use buttonize to create sets of buttons and sets of button styles. See the examples directory
for more information (examples/buttons.rb is a buttonset file and examples/default/styles.rb is a styleset file).
Buttonize has the following dependencies:
- Ruby 1.8.x (not tested in 1.9.x)
- Rubygems
- RMagick
- Thor (for the commandline tool)
If all is well you can just install the gem by running:
sudo gem install flurin-buttonize --source=http://gems.github.com
For the impatient who just want to generate a blue button (and have all required stuff installed)
buttonize button --style=big_blue "My first button"
Copyright & license
Copyright (c) 2009 Flurin Egger, DigitPaint, MIT Style License. (see MIT-LICENSE)