Port of the old, venerable ActsAsTree with a bit of a twist
Enhances padrino with a named route mapping system allowing for advanced routes
Rails gem for generating sass source maps
Sinatra mapping extension is a minimal module that is useful for create map names for Sinatra web application.
Active Remote provides Active Record-like object-relational mapping over RPC. It was written for use with Google Protocol Buffers, but could be extended to use any RPC data format.
A gem for working with the Datacite XML format
DocumentMapper is an object mapper for plain text documents. The documents look like the ones used in jekyll (http://github.com/mojombo/jekyll). They consist of a preambel written in YAML (also called YAML front matter), and some content in the format you prefer, e.g. Textile. This enables you to write documents in your favorite editor and access the content and metadata of these in your Ruby scripts.
Datamapper support for CarrierWave
Integration with OpenStreetMap API
Builds a sitemap.xml for your site
Rubydoop embeds a JRuby runtime in Hadoop, letting you write map reduce code in Ruby without using the streaming APIs
Upload files in your Ruby applications, map them to a range of ORMs, store them on different backends.
Blacklight plugin providing map views for records with geographic data.
Rfm is a standalone database adapter for Filemaker server. Ginjo-rfm features multiple xml parser support, ActiveModel integration, field mapping, compound queries, logging, scoping, and a configuration framework.
This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipeline using $LS_HOME/bin/logstash-plugin install gemname. This gem is not a stand-alone program
Packages Cal-HeatMap for Rails Asset Pipeline
The Simple Declarative Language provides an easy way to describe lists, maps, and trees of typed data in a compact, easy to read representation. For property files, configuration files, logs, and simple serialization requirements, SDL provides a compelling alternative to XML and Properties files.
This wrapper provides access to the functions, macros, global variables and constants of the ncurses library. These are mapped to a Ruby Module named "Ncurses". Functions and external variables are implemented as singleton functions of the Ncurses module.
Relational db to ActiveREcord models MAPper
Generate CCN Treemap based on saikuro analysis
Rails Plugin for DataMapper
Object to XML Mapping Library, using Nokogiri (fork from John Nunemaker's Happymapper)
Parse Server Ruby Client. Perform Object-relational mapping between Parse Server and Ruby classes, with authentication, cloud code webhooks, push notifications and more built in.
Ruby wrapper to Riot Games API. Maps results to full blown ruby objects.
This add-on allows you to upload and parse output produced from Nmap web server scanner into Dradis.
MongoMapper extensions
A deployment tool for Docker. Takes containers from a Docker registry and runs them on a fleet of hosts with the correct environment variables, host mappings, and port mappings. Supports rolling deployments out of the box, and makes it easy to ship applications to Docker servers. We're using it to run our production infrastructure.
TaskMapper provides a universal API to ticket tracking and project management systems.
It works without any dependency to any third party library
The Internet Communications Engine (Ice) provides a robust, proven platform for developing mission-critical networked applications with minimal effort. Let Ice handle all of the low-level details such as network connections, serialization, and concurrency so that you can focus on your application logic. This package includes the Ice extension for Ruby, the standard Slice definition files, and the Slice-to-Ruby compiler. You will need to install a full Ice distribution if you want to use other Ice language mappings, or Ice services such as IceGrid, IceStorm and Glacier2. We provide extensive online documentation for Ice, the Ruby extension, and the other Ice language mappings and services. Join us on our user forums if you have questions about Ice.
Ruby gem for mapping JSON data structures to Ruby classes
Object to XML Mapping Library, using Nokogiri (fork from John Nunemaker's Happymapper)
A set of helpers and javascript files that makes it trivial to implement google maps unobtrusively in an application.
Geocode a location without worrying about parsing Google Maps' response. GoogleMapsGeocoder wraps it in a plain-old Ruby object.
A multi-datastore library designed for efficiency in loading large datasets.
A javascript library abstraction for dealing with patients in hQuery map reduce functions
Polyline Encoder/Decoder for Google Maps API
Log all changes to your MongoMapper models
Extension for ActiveRecord that adds support for PostgreSQL array columns, mapping string values to integers.
This gem is a convienient wrapper for your application errors. It allows you to map any error to a nicely formatted standard HTTP error response.
mack-data_mapper was developed by: markbates
Rails plugin to allow a user to map the fields of a CSV to an expected list of fields
Access Context Manager allows enterprises to configure access levels which map to a policy defined on request attributes. Note that google-identity-access_context_manager-v1 is a version-specific client library. For most uses, we recommend installing the main client library google-identity-access_context_manager instead. See the readme for more details.
This library brings the Google Maps API Web Services to your Ruby/RoR application. It supports both JSON and XML response formats.
This provides an interface with github through the taskmapper gem.
This gem provides a simple interface to the Google Static Maps V2 API.
edi4r turns Ruby into a powerful EDI mapping language: - create or process UN/EDIFACT interchanges intuitively - validate messages with information from the original UN/TDIDs - integrate classical EDI data and XML documents through edi4r's generic EDI/XML translator (add-on gem, DTD provided).
Map your domain to MongoDB
object to xml mapping library