This gem maps to a swagger API
This gem allows you to gather U.K. Ordnance Survey Eastings, North, and Map References from a range of text inputs; and output them in a consistent manner
This gem provides a class with methods which map directly to the SQL stored procedure APIs provided by pglogical. It also provides a way to mix these methods directly into the ActiveRecord connection object.
Haskell-like Arrow functionality to procs, includes commonly useful functional junk such as function composition, fanout, functor map composition, parallel composition, fork composition, context lifting, and memoization.
A simple, elegant library for getting geocoding information from Google Maps. Very much inspired by the google-geocode gem, but completely dependency free!
Add simple finegrained handcontrolled identity map for ActiveRecord
DPLA's metadata application profile in ActiveTriples.
GeonamesDump import geographic data from geonames project into your application, avoiding to use external service like Google Maps.
This "acts_as" extension provides the capabilities for sorting and reordering a number of objects in a list. The class that has this specified needs to have a "position" column defined as an integer on the mapped database table.
description: Sinatra based map builder
asciidoctor-rfc lets you write Internet-Drafts and RFCs in a native "asciidoctor" syntax. RFC XML ("xml2rfc" Vocabulary XML, RFC7322) is the XML-based language used for writing Internet-Drafts and RFCs, but not everyone likes hand-crafting XML, especially when the focus should be on the content. Specifically, the gem provides two things. First, an "asciidoctor" like syntax that lets you utilize close to all features of native RFC XML, and maps most asciidoctor textual syntax (like tables) into RFC XML features. Then, RFC XML v3 (RFC 7991) and v2 (RFC 7749) backends that lets you render your AsciiDoc into, you guessed it, RFC XML v3 and v2. This gem is in active development.
Optout helps you write code that will call exec() and system() like functions. It allows you to map hash keys to command line arguments and define validation rules that must be met before the command line options are created.
RESTRack is a Rack-based MVC framework that makes it extremely easy to develop RESTful data services. It is inspired by Rails, and follows a few of its conventions. But it has no routes file, routing relationships are done through supplying custom code blocks to class methods such as "has_relationship_to" or "has_mapped_relationships_to". RESTRack aims at being lightweight and easy to use. It will automatically render JSON and XML for the data structures you return in your actions (any structure parsable by the "json" and "xml-simple" gems, respectively). If you supply a view for a controller action, you do that using a builder file. Builder files are stored in the view directory grouped by controller name subdirectories (`view/<controller>/<action>.xml.builder`). XML format requests will then render the view template with the builder gem, rather than generating XML with XmlSimple.
A small monkeypatch to enable sourcemaps with compass-rails
Allows to create visual guiding maps in content blocks for Decidim.
A RefineryCMS plugin that displays an interactive Google map with flaggable locations.
header_reader lets your read Xcode header map file. header-writer lets your analyze the project pod dependencies and gen header map file for all pods.
An address picker for Rails with autocompletion and map picking (adapted from
==== Ruby Topic Maps (RTM) RTM is a Topic Maps engine written in Ruby. See for instructions. Several backends and extensions are available as separate gems. ==== Overview From a developer's perspective, RTM is a schema-less database management system. The Topic Maps standard (described below) on which RTM is based provides a way of creating a self-describing schema just by using it. ==== Quickstart require 'rtm' connection = RTM.connect # uses the default Ontopia in-memory backend topic_map = connection.create "" some_topic = topicmap.get!("identifier_of_the_topic") some_topic["-"] = "default name for the topic" topic_map.to_xtm("my_xtm_file.xtm") ==== Topic Maps Topic Maps is an international industry standard (ISO13250) for interchangeably representing information about the structure of information resources used to define topics, and the relationships between topics. A set of one or more interrelated documents that employs the notation defined by this International Standard is called a topic map. A topic map defines a multidimensional topic space - a space in which the locations are topics, and in which the distances between topics are measurable in terms of the number of intervening topics which must be visited in order to get from one topic to another, and the kinds of relationships that define the path from one topic to another, if any, through the intervening topics, if any. In addition, information objects can have properties, as well as values for those properties, assigned to them. The Topic Maps Data Model which is used in this implementation can be found on ==== Backends * rtm-ontopia: JRuby only, recommended, uses Ontopia: * rtm-tinytim: JRuby only, uses TinyTiM: * rtm-activerecord: uses a custom ActiveRecord schema ==== Extensions * rtm-tmql: Adds support for the Topic Maps Query Language (TMQL), * rtm-tmcl: Adds support for the Topic Maps Constraint Language (TMCL), ==== License Copyright 2009 Topic Maps Lab, University of Leipzig. Apache License, Version 2.0
This gem provides an acts_as_list compatible capability for sorting and reordering a number of objects in a list. The class that has this specified needs to have a +position+ column defined as an integer on the mapped database table. This gem requires ActiveRecord 3.0 as it has been refactored to use the scope methods and query interface introduced with Ruby on Rails 3.0
Diametric is a library for building schemas, queries, and transactions for Datomic from Ruby objects. It is also used to map Ruby objects as entities into a Datomic database.
Provides a transparent interface for mapping symbolic representations to a column in the database of a more primitive type.
download the map and convert to pdf
ActiveRecord meta attributes that are mapped to a single (or multiple) hstore columns in postgres
Declarative XML to Ruby mapping
Extends ActiveRecord with the has_enumeration method allowing a symbolic enumeration to be stored in an ActiveRecord attribute. The enumeration is specified as a mapping between symbols and their underlying representation in the database. Predicates are provided for each symbol in the enumeration and the symbols may be used in finder methods. When using ActiveRecord 3, the symbols may also be used when interacting with the underlying Arel attribute for the enumeration. has_enumeration has been tested with Ruby 1.8.7, Ruby 1.9.2, JRuby 1.5.5, Rubinius 1.1.0, ActiveRecord 2.3.10, and ActiveRecord 3.0.3.
A* ruby implementation to find shortest path and map
Map all links on a given site.
generate Ruby on Rails app from mind map
Search and view Blacklight resources on a map.
Rumale::KernelApproximation provides kernel approximation algorithms, such as RBF feature mapping and Nystroem method, with Rumale interface.
Google Static Map API with Ruby
Sometimes you need to calculate the directions between two different points via Google Maps on your server-side and not on the client. The Google Maps API for that is dead simple and due to this I wrapped calling the API in this little gem.
Adds an Administrate::Field::LatLng for viewing & editing latitude/longitude fields on a map
API model is a simple wrapper for interacting with external APIs. It tries to make it very simple and easy to make API calls and map the responses into objects.
Simple Atlassian Crowd client using REST and SOAP APIs where needed. Doesn't do any fancy object mapping, etc.
Servers can use Google Maps, too. This library helps fetch and parse data through the Google Maps v3 API. Stick to the terms of usage, though, and don't use the data Google gives you on anything other than a Google map.
A simplistic interface for reading memory mapped files
Ruby library for querying and mapping data over RPC
CSV Object-relational mapping for Ruby
Mappum is the tree to tree (object, bean etc.) mapping DSL.
Small additions to the event_calendar that geocode calendar events and display on a google map. Separated here because perhaps only of interest to a few.
Provide a real-time map of flight position in Flightgear. It is based on tiles from Openstreetmap with elevation shading, provides navigation aids and runways, allows setting of waypoints, sends these to Flightgear's route-manager and tracks the flight.
Create KML files for tasty overlays on google earth and google maps
Interoperable script conversion systems
Generate Rails workflow from mind map: Freemind
Configurable adds methods to declare class configurations. Configurations are inheritable, delegate to methods, and have hash-like access. Configurable constructs configs such that they easily map to config files, web forms, and the command line.
Maps arbitrary objects to a Redis store with indices and smart retrieval and storage mechanisms.
Ruby Topic Maps is a Topic Maps engine written in Ruby. This backend engine uses any Java TMAPI 2.0 compatible backend. See You can provide your own TMAPI 2.0 compatible implementation or use one of the existing ones: * rtm-ontopia * rtm-tinytim * rtm-sesametm
Wrapper around the Google Maps Distance Matrix API.