API Model
API model is a simple wrapper for interacting with external APIs. It tries to make
it very simple and easy to make API calls and map the responses into objects.
A really simple example
To turn any class into an API model, it must inherit ApiModel::Base. If you want to
make attributes which will get automatically set from api responses, you can define them
as attributes..
class MyModel < ApiModel::Base
attribute :name, String
Then, let's say the API endpoint /foo returned JSON which looks like { "name": "Bar" }
example = MyModel.get_json "/foo"
Request types and params
There's a couple of convenience methods to make it simpler to send GET and POST requests,
or you can send other request types:
get_json url, params, options
post_json url, request_body, options
call_api :put, url, options
Model attributes
The attributes which you can define on models are included from the Virtus
gem. You can use them to define simple attributes, coercing values as they come in, or just type-casting. Be sure
to check out the Virtus docs for more info on what can be achieved.
To make it easier to work with APIs which have different naming schemes from your models, you can define attribute
synonyms, which are really just simple aliases.
For example, say you have a Car
model which has a number_of_wheels
attribute but with the APIs you're using, sometimes
it the attribute is named numberOfWheels
, sometimes it's nrOfWheels
and sometimes it's wheel_count
, you can easily handle
them all at once:
class Car < ApiModel::Base
attribute :number_of_wheels, Integer
attribute_synonym :number_of_wheels, :numberOfWheels, :nrOfWheels, :wheel_count
Building objects from responses
If an API response begins with a hash, it is assumed that it represents a single object and so will be used
to try and build a single object. Likewise, if it is an array, it is assumed to be a collection of objects. For example:
You can override the default builder either on a per-call basis using the :builder
option. The class which you
use as a builder should respond to #build
, with the instance hash as an argument:
class MyCustomBuilder
def build(params)
MyModel.get_json "/foo", { some_param: "bar" }, builder: MyCustomBuilder.new
It is also possible to create slightly more advanced builders which can access the entire response object,
so that they can modify the return result more directly, or add to the metadata
object on the response.
class MyCustomBuilder
def build(response, hash)
response.metadata.pagination = hash["pagination"]
MyModel.new name: hash["name"]
result = MyModel.get_json "/foo", { some_param: "bar" }, builder: MyCustomBuilder.new
Handling validation errors in responses
ApiModel uses a bunch of Rails' ActiveModel enhancements to make it easy to use things such as validation errors.
You can define validations in the normal ActiveModel::Validations style and check validity before posting
to external APIs should you wish to. Or, if an external API returns errors which you would like to convert to
ActiveModel validations, you can do that, too:
class Car
attribute :name, String
car = Car.new
car.set_errors_from_hash name: "cannot be blank"
Metadata can be stored directly on the response object, even when it contains an array. By using custom builders,
you can leverage this to store useful data such as pagination metadata (see the builders section for an example).
Configuring API Model
You can configure API model in a number of places; globally using ApiModel::Base.api_config
, per-model
using MyModel.api_config
, and per-api call by passing in options in the options hash (although some
configuration options may not be available on the per-api call technique).
API Host
ApiModel::Base.api_config do |config|
config.host = "http:://someserver.com"
This will set the root of all api calls so that you can just use paths in your models instead of having
to refer to the full url all the time.
JSON root
ApiModel::Base.api_config do |config|
config.json_root = "data.posts"
If the API response which you receive is deeply nested and you want to cut out some levels of nesting, you
can use json_root
to set which key objects should be built from.
You can dig down multiple levels by separating keys with a period. With the example above, say the server
was returning JSON which looked like {"data":{"posts":{"name":"Foo"}}}
, it would behave as if the
response was really just {"name":"Foo"}
ApiModel::Base.api_config do |config|
config.builder = MyCustomBuilder.new
Sets a custom builder for all API calls. See building objects from responses
for more details on how custom builders should behave.
ApiModel::Base.api_config do |config|
config.parser = MyCustomParser.new
ApiModel is built on the assumption that most modern APIs are JSON-based, but if you need to interact with
an API which returns something other than JSON, you can set custom parsers to deal with objectifying responses
before they are sent to builder classes. The parser should work in the same way as a custom builder, except it needs
to respond to #parse
, with the raw response body as an argument.
Parsers can also access the raw response
object, like builders, by using a #parse method which takes two
Raising exceptions
ApiModel::Base.api_config do |config|
config.raise_on_not_found = true
config.raise_on_unauthenticated = true
config.raise_on_server_error = true
This will cause any API requests which return a 404 status to raise an ApiModel::NotFoundError exception,
requests which return 500 to raise an ApiModel::ServerError exception, and requests which return a 401
to raise an ApiModel::UnauthenticatedError exception. All default to false
Cache strategy & settings
ApiModel::Base.api_config do |config|
config.cache_strategy = MyCustomCacheStrategy
config.cache_settings = { any_custom_settings: 123 }
Currently, ApiModel has no built-in cache strategy, but provides the interface for you to insert your own caching
strategy. On each API call, the cache strategy class will be initialized with two arguments; the cache id, which
is generated from the path and params, and the cache_settings
which you can define on the config object as
shown above. It will then call #cache
with the ApiModel response block. So your custom cache class needs to look
something like this:
class MyCustomCacheStrategy
attr_accessor :id, :options
def initialize(id, options)
@id = id
@options = options
def cache(&block)
By default, the unique id for the cache store/fetch will be a combination of the path and parameters. If you want to override
this, you can either redefine the cache_id
method, or set the cache_id when making requests:
MyModel.get_json "/foo", { some_param: "bar" }, cache_id: "whatever!"
ApiModel::Base.api_config do |config|
config.headers = { some_custom_header: "foo" }
Adds custom headers to the requests. By default, ApiModel will add these headers:
{ "Content-Type" => "application/json; charset=utf-8", "Accept" => "application/json" }
These can of course be overridden by just re-defining them in the headers config:
ApiModel::Base.api_config do |config|
config.headers = { "Content-Type" => "application/soap+xml" }
Logging requests
You can hook onto a callback on the ApiModel::HttpRequest
class in order to perform tasks before, after or around an
API request. This is useful for logging requests. For example, if you wanted to add a custom NewRelic tracer, you could
add the following callback to make external API calls show up nicely in NewRelic:
require 'new_relic/agent/method_tracer'
ApiModel::HttpRequest.class_eval do
include NewRelic::Agent::MethodTracer
around_run :trace_with_newrelic
def trace_with_newrelic
trace_execution_scoped(["API/#{self.method}/#{self.path}"]) do