Rails 3.1+ Asset Gem for Tooltipster
A Ruby Gem that embeds the code necessary to easily use Twitter's Bootstrap Tooltip library within your application.
WCAG compliant balloon-style tooltip helper for Rails
This plugin simplifies for your readers and you by making it easy to define terms or abbreviations that needs an explanation. Define a common dictionary of terms and their definition in a YAML file. Then inside markdown files you can use the provided glossary liquid tag to insert a tooltip for a defined word from the dictionary. The tooltip will show the term definition on mouse hover.
Server-side tooltips for your Ruby on Rails application with Vanila JS
Create and display Tooltip Help in view pages in Rails applications. Uses jQuery to display tooltips, with html fallback if JavaScript is not available. Makes use of help text in the user's locale if available.
jQuery Popup Overlay: jQuery plugin for responsive and accessible modal windows and tooltips
Gem installation for the jquery plugin for nicer tooltips, tipsy.
Michael HintBuble allows you to generate hint bubbles and tooltips in Rails applications using the same syntax used for rendering templates.
Fooltip - when a tooltip just isn't enough.
Provides a simple way to use tooltip in rails app
Basic charts based on d3 & d3-tip with consistent tooltips for all charts
Hint.css is a tooltip library written in SASS which uses only HTML/CSS to create simple tooltips.
jquery plugin to restrict characters that can be put into an input field or text area. Displays remaining characters in a tipsy tooltip.
jQuery tooltip plugin. Easy to use and configure with excellent responsive placement.
Dead simple pure CSS based tooltips for Rails
A package for dead simple tooltips in the style that I like.
A simple wrapper around the great jQuery qTip tooltip plugin. (see: http://craigsworks.com/projects/qtip)
Tooltip gem based on jquery protip
Display error messages in qtips(tooltip) for all rails erros and jquery validation errors
Powertip(A jQuery plugin that creates hover tooltips.) for rails.
Implementation of view helper methods that utilize robust options and traits to generate semantic Bootstrap4 HTML for Ruby on Rails. Supply themes, rails helper options (such as :method and :confirm for a `link_to`). Example usage: `<%= ui.bootstrap :button, :primary, :block, href: user_path(@user), method: :delete, confirm: 'Are you sure?', tooltip: 'Adds a new user' %>` Which outputs a primary button with `btn-block` that uses rails method & confirm, and automatically supplies a tooltip (and there's much more!)
Injects Darsain's Tooltips into your asset pipeline.
Works with Rails out of the box.
A tooltip library in CSS for your lovely websites