Menus (site navigation) for your Jekyll website
Hirb provides a mini view framework for console applications and uses it to improve ripl(irb)'s default inspect output. Given an object or array of objects, hirb renders a view based on the object's class and/or ancestry. Hirb offers reusable views in the form of helper classes. The two main helpers, Hirb::Helpers::Table and Hirb::Helpers::Tree, provide several options for generating ascii tables and trees. Using Hirb::Helpers::AutoTable, hirb has useful default views for at least ten popular database gems i.e. Rails' ActiveRecord::Base. Other than views, hirb offers a smart pager and a console menu. The smart pager only pages when the output exceeds the current screen size. The menu is used in conjunction with tables to offer two dimensional menus.
Make your website more user-friendly with this Rails 7 helper engine! Our tool will add an active classes to menu items based on the controller and controller action, making navigation easier and more intuitive for your visitors.
webgen is used to generate static websites from templates and content files (which can be written in a markup language). It can generate dynamic content like menus on the fly and comes with many powerful extensions.
A Hoe plugin for building interactive Rake tasks. Hoe-highline, as you might have guessed from the name, adds prompting and displaying functions from the HighLine[] gem to your Rake environment, allowing you to ask questions, prompt for passwords, build menus, and other fun stuff.
Ruby on Rails Menus extension for Refinery CMS
Hirb provides a mini view framework for console applications and uses it to improve ripl(irb)'s default inspect output. Given an object or array of objects, hirb renders a view based on the object's class and/or ancestry. Hirb offers reusable views in the form of helper classes. The two main helpers, Hirb::Helpers::Table and Hirb::Helpers::Tree, provide several options for generating ascii tables and trees. Using Hirb::Helpers::AutoTable, hirb has useful default views for at least ten popular database gems i.e. Rails' ActiveRecord::Base. Other than views, hirb offers a smart pager and a console menu. The smart pager only pages when the output exceeds the current screen size. The menu is used in conjunction with tables to offer two dimensional menus.
Dynamic_menu is a gem aimed at making menus more DRY with inheritance
MenuMotion is a RubyMotion wrapper inspired by Formotion for creating OS X status bar menus with a syntax that should feel familiar if you've used Formotion.
Various helpers to create dynamic menus in Rails.
UberKit is a set of tools for common UI problems in Rails including menus and forms.
Kit is DSC's Community and Content Management System (CCMS) built as a Rails engine for Rails 3.1 and above. It provides an entire application's worth of CMS functions including in-place WYSIWYG editing with versioning, flexible layouts and templates, CSS and JS all managed within your browser, drag and drop image/file uploading, modules for sophisticated forums (with in place moderation) asset management, calendars, advertising, menus, RSS feeds, re-useable components, full audit trail of editing, integration with mailchimp, Google Analytics and lots more.
Menumatic is a Rails 3 gem which simplifies the development of complex website navigation, producing semantic, usable navigation menus.
An easy way to define menu items and visually lay out menus for your RubyMotion OSX apps. Based on the drink-menu gem that I couldn't get to work for me.
Adds an r:nav radius tag to Radiant CMS. This tag helps you build css-able navigation menus with ease.
A toolkit for menus.
Adds a model, controller to perform the tasks in order to have a treeview menu. To use this gem simply install it and write script/generate menu name_of_the_menu
Add custom menus to pages
Manage public menus for each project inside Lolita.
Merb plugin that provides dot dot dot uh menus
Add menu customization for Spree. It's designed to be used with the spree_essentials base.
A Rails engine that generates menus dynamically..
View helpers for navigation menus. Build navigation menus from hash objects.
Active Navigation is Rails plugin that helps building navigation menus
Just Adds "ADD ON MENUS" to admin_tabs."ADD ON MENUS" simply shows a blank Index page titled "MASTER CONTROLS".Expected to be used for other extensions, things like putting a link on the additional data to this index page.
Provides an easy DSL for serving up menus
Ruby Tree based hierarchical menus with HTML output and JavaScript show/hide
Generating hierarchical menus in Rails should utilize Rails' built-in partial views instead of using some kind on HTML code generators. This gem just do that.
Xiki does what shell consoles do, but lets you edit everything at any time. It's trivial to make your own commands and menus to access other tools.
Ruby on Rails Menus extension for Refinery CMS
An easy way to define menu items and visually lay out menus for your OSX apps. Uses ReactiveCocoa to provide a nice syntax for responding to menu interactions. Also provides live-binding to collections, which makes keeping menus up-to-date a breeze!
Menus, Links, SEO, Rails
Easy to set up translatable menus in Rails with ActiveAdmin, Devise, Globalize and a couple of friends, that does everything but the actual rendering.
Navigation helpers for building menus in Rails
Merb plugin that provides dot dot dot uh menus
The console_view_helper library is used to build clean and beautiful console application interfaces. Customizable components such as banners, tables, menus, lists, text inputs, hidden text inputs and methods as colorize, putsi, printi, align, explain, among others, will help you build a good console application interface with less code and in less time.
Gem with menu functionality independent from any CMS embeddable in any Rails 4 app
Enterprise class menus with simple ruby based configuration, easy to make, easy to maintain
Easily create menus for any command line tool using simple YAML configuration
Describe your Rails' menus and breadcrumbs in a single place, with support for permissions, fixed and resource based labels.
A client for reading eMeals menus.
Ruby API to use the Refreshing Menus REST API.
webgen is used to generate static websites from templates and content files (which can be written in a markup language). It can generate dynamic content like menus on the fly and comes with many powerful extensions.
Flexible solution to build any kind of menu in any Ruby framework. Currently the best integration is with Rails. Supports recursive menus.
A discrete math interactive terminal app with sub-menus and demos including a RubyGems checksum validator and Big-O benchmarks using a spinner with threads
Very simple helpers for hierarchical menus in web applications
Feathers is a minimalist CSS reset and boilerplate with optional rules that can be 'layered in' to apply sensible defaults to common widgets, such as navigation, forms, buttons, and menus
The Locu API gives you access to real-time local business data, from opening hours to price lists, such as restaurant menus
Ramenu is a simple Ruby on Rails plugin for creating and managing navigation menus for a Rails project.