Desarrollar una clase Ruby para representar menús de una Dieta.
Hirb provides a mini view framework for console applications and uses it to improve ripl(irb)'s default inspect output. Given an object or array of objects, hirb renders a view based on the object's class and/or ancestry. Hirb offers reusable views in the form of helper classes. The two main helpers, Hirb::Helpers::Table and Hirb::Helpers::Tree, provide several options for generating ascii tables and trees. Using Hirb::Helpers::AutoTable, hirb has useful default views for at least ten popular database gems i.e. Rails' ActiveRecord::Base. Other than views, hirb offers a smart pager and a console menu. The smart pager only pages when the output exceeds the current screen size. The menu is used in conjunction with tables to offer two dimensional menus.
Super simple and bulletproof menus for your rails app.
UberKit is a set of tools for common UI problems in Rails including menus and forms.
An easy way to create flexible menus of things for Rails apps.
A ruby client for the allmenus API
This gem will revolutionize the menus.
The Webtractor library can extract main content from websites like news, blogs, etc without unwanted boilerplate (menus, footer, comments)
Has.Menu is an online service to discover restaurant menus. This utility is used internally to build and validate menu in YAML format.
Télécom Bretagne restaurant menus parser
Ruby gem to retrieve Penn dining hall menus
Golden Menu creates menus by building a hierarchiacal tree first and linking related resources later
A simple gem used to create and display menus for terminal apps.
Gets menus of Chiba Institute of Technology's student cafeteria from CIT Lunch API (
Make sidebar menus using SIDR for Rails 4.
Define and render complex navigation menus
Dynamic Curses Input is a highly simple, yet powerful gem that allows simple implementation of dynamic typing in curses TUI menus built in Ruby. It allows for the use of special keys inside of Curses TUI menus without the need for a bunch of extra code. KNOWN BUG: X & Y coords for placing windows appear to be broken right now. Will fix with next real update, just use the preset window locations for now please!
This is the application for fetching daily menus
COBOL-inspired terminal menus
Everything You Need to Build a Better Web Wijmo is a complete kit of over 40 UI widgets with everything from interactive menus to rich charts. If you know jQuery, you know Wijmo. Complete with documentation and professional support, every widget is hand-crafted and includes premium themes.
A CLI for accessing Stanford Food Menu options
Tasty Menu generation. One stop shop for easy nested menus.
A Rails gem to handle navigation menus and breadcrumbs.
A simple set of functions for easily fetching data from the Yale Menus API.
CLI restaurant scanner which detects occurrences of allergens listed on menus.
Creando Menus con DSL
A partir de la práctica anterior, implementar una clase para gestionar listas enlazadas.
webgen is used to generate static websites from templates and content files (which can be written in a markup language). It can generate dynamic content like menus on the fly and comes with many powerful extensions.
Phlexi::Menu is a flexible menu builder for Ruby applications that provides hierarchical menus, active state detection, icons, badges, and a powerful theming system. Built with Phlex components, it offers a modern approach to building navigation menus.
Implementacion de una lista de listas para almacenar menus dietéticos.
Listas doblemente enlazadas para la representacion de los menus dieteticos
Lita-chatbot handler that provides lunch menus for different restaurants.
Menus dieteticos
Essa gem oferece uma solução completa para a criação de interfaces responsivas e personalizadas no seu projeto Rails, aproveitando o poderoso template Metronic. Com essa gem, você pode facilmente integrar componentes de interface elegantes, como barras de navegação, menus, tabelas, formulários e muito mais, de forma rápida e eficiente. O template Metronic proporciona uma experiência visualmente atraente e moderna, além de ser altamente customizável para atender às necessidades específicas do seu projeto. Simplificando, essa gem é uma solução abrangente para o desenvolvimento de interfaces impressionantes e de alta qualidade no Rails.