Automatically makes your Rails app loading content in the background via ajax. Works by turning all internal links into ajax links that trigger an update of the page's content area. Also form submissions are automatically turned into ajax requests. Uses the html5 history interface for changing the url and making the browser's back and forward buttons working with ajax. Falls back to a hash based approach for browsers without the history interface (like Internet Explorer <10). Transparently handles redirects and supports flash messages and page titles. Requires Ruby 1.9 and the asset pipeline.
Loads page content into AJAX sections with AJAX links, handling the details for you, load content with javascript into designated page containers. Supports multiple and/or nested AJAX sections. Designed to be easy to use, customizable, supports browser history robustly, supports AJAX forms and has many more features. Degrades gracefully when javascript is disabled.
Secure applications disable browser history and internal cache. Unfortunately, this causes problems with most browsers when following the standard Rails pattern for displaying errors. For full protection from ERR_CACHE_MISS (in Chrome with no-cache, no-store), and equivalent in other browsers, the pattern should be altered to follow a full POST-REDIRECT-GET patten. This way the browser will always have a consistent back-button history to traverse without triggering browser errors.
Augment a traditional Rails application with a completely AJAX frontend, while transparently handling issues important to both the enterprise and end users, such as testing, SEO and browser history.
Record browsing history by browser like users or something. it make that more simple and graceful as possible.
A utility to check your browser history for cloudflare hosted sites