BrowsingHistory is recording browsing history simply.
it backed by Redis.
The gem has been build and tested Rails 4.2 and Ruby 2.2.3
At first, you include 2 moudles.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
include BrowsingHistory::Browser
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
include BrowsingHistory::Historizable
Then, you can access browsing_histories
method on a user instance to add a article to the user's browsing history.
# create a article
article = 'welcome to browsing_history')
# add the article to user's browsing history
user.browsing_histories << article
# access user's browsing histories of Article class
# => [#<Article id: 1, title: "welcome to browsing_history", created_at: "2016-04-29 10:13:15", updated_at: "2016-04-29 10:13:15">]
For example,
if you want add a articls to browsing histoy when a user watch the article page,
you should add the method on article_controller#show.
# app/controllers/articles_controller
# GET /articles/:id
def show
@user.browsing_histories << @article
How it works
- recording historizable instances to browser's history on redis
- getting past historizable instances on browser's browsing history with like activerecord options(limit, between, at)
- clering browser's browsing history with like activerecord options(limit, between, at)
- recording above history on some kind of storages(redis, activerecord, mongoid...) by same interface and user creat own interface a storage.
Description Elements
There are 4 elements working on browsing_history.
It provide access methods to browsing_history for a browser class included it.
example: User, Crawler
The class included it can be recorded on browsing_history
example: Article, Review
It's class based on ActiveModel. It record historizable instance on browser's browsing_history
and exec some operations for them like add, where, count, clear.
It provide abstruct interface of some kind of storages like redis, activerecord, mongoid.
It is included BrowsingHistory::History and allow it to access above storages by same methods.
There is 1 storage interface
- BrowsingHistory::Storages::Redis
It's interface of redis for BrowsingHistory::Storage.
it depends on redis, redis-objects, redis-namespace.
Getting Started
1. install gem
add a follow sentence to Gemfile
# Gemfile
gem 'browsing_history'
2. Configure
if you want choose storage to save history or modify namespace which is key-prefix on redis,
add configuration to environments or your own config file.
but now, you can use :redis only as storage.
# config/environments/{your environment} or create config/initializers/browsing_history.rb
# It's default configuration
BrowsingHistory.configure do |config|
config.storage_types = %i(redis active_record)
config.storage_type = :redis
config.namespace = 'browsing_history'
3. Include modules
you should include only 2 moudles.
# example models
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
include BrowsingHistory::Browser
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
include BrowsingHistory::Historizable
4. Access browsing history
you can access to browsing_history by browsing_histories method.
this method is provided BrowsingHistory::Browser and return BrowsingHistory::Browser::Assosiation
BrowsingHistory::Browser::Assosiation is provided following 4 methods.
- recent
- previous
- add
- count
and you can give following 2 argumetns for all of the methods.
- Target class included historizable or their instance you want to get from history like
Article, article, Review, review,w
# when browser is user, historizable is Articles
user = User.first
articles = user.browsing_histories.recent(Article)
# you can give instance instead of class, both return same result.
user = User.first
article = Article.first
articles = user.browsing_histories.recent(article)
# when you want mautipul historizable such as article and review
user = User.first
articles = user.browsing_histories.recent(article)
reviews = user.browsing_histories.recent(Review)
- Range option like activerecord for instance
limit, between, at, all....
# when you want to get recent 20(default) articles on browsing_history
articles = user.browsing_histories.recent(Article)
# when you want to get recent 100 articles on browsing_history
articles_100 = user.browsing_histories.recent(Article, limit: 100)
#### BrowsingHistory::Browser::Assosiation methods
# recent
# get user's browsing histories in order form the new one
articles = user.browsing_histories.recent(Article)
articles_100 = user.browsing_histories.recent(Article, limit: 100)
# previous
# getting articles that user browsed between today to 1 day ago and in order form the new one
articles = user.browsing_histories.previous(Article,
# add
# add the article to user's browsing history
user.browsing_histories << article
# count
# count user's browsing history
number_of_histories = user.browsing_histories.count(Article)
you can access browsing_history using also BrowsingHistory::History not only BrowsingHistory::Browser::Assosiation
BrowsingHistory::History is provided following 4 methods.
- create
- create!
- where
- clear
- count
it's based ActiveModel and its method format is similar ActiveRecord.
user = User.create(name: 'browser')
article = Article.create(title: 'welcome to browsing_history')
# add the article to user's browsing_history
BrowsingHistories::History.create(browser: user, historizable: article)
it is able to conbine some options to access browsing_history so more flexibly than BrowsingHistory::Browser::Assosiation.
user: user,
historizable: review,
limit: 50
BrowsingHistory::History methods
user = User.first
# where
# get user's browsing histories in order form the new one ≒ user.browsing_history.recent
articls = BrowsingHistories::History.where(user: user, historizable: Article) # default all
articls_100 = BrowsingHistories::History.where(user: user, historizable: Article, limit: 100)
# get the article 5th from the newest
article = Article.find(100)
articls_5th = BrowsingHistories::History.where(user: user, historizable: Article, at: 5)
# getting articles that user browsed between 1 day ago to 2 days ago and in order form the new one ≒ user.browsing_history.previous
articles = BrowsingHistories::History.where(user: user, historizable: review, between:
# conbining some options
# getting articles that user browsed between 1 day ago to 2 days ago and it's limit 50 in order from the new one
user: user,
historizable: review,
limit: 50
# count
# count user's browsing history ≒ user.browsing_history.count
articls = BrowsingHistories::History.count(user: user, historizable: Article)
number_of_histories = BrowsingHistories::History.count(user: user, historizable: Article)
# clear
# clear the article from user's browsing history
article = Article.first
BrowsingHistory::History.clear(browseer: user, historizable: article)
# clear all user's browsing history
BrowsingHistory::History.clear(browseer: user, historizable: Article)
# or
article = Article.first
BrowsingHistory::History.clear(browseer: user, historizable: article, all: true)