See summary.
This plugin manages reverse proxy configuration (currently nginx-only) so you can reach your Vagrant VM's web servers externally without having to set up bridge networking.
Collection of capistrano extensions focused on configuration, provisioning, and management.
Sunspot is a library providing a powerful, all-ruby API for the Solr search engine. Sunspot manages the configuration of persistent Ruby classes for search and indexing and exposes Solr's most powerful features through a collection of DSLs. Complex search operations can be performed without hand-writing any boolean queries or building Solr parameters by hand.
A wrapper to enable masterless configuration management, using Chef and/or Puppet.
A concise and easy-to-use Ruby library that connects ActiveRecord to the Sphinx search daemon, managing configuration, indexing and searching.
conman is a server configuration management library
Heroku Builder allows for straight forward configuration of your multi (or single) stage Heroku application as well as dead simple deployment. It uses a YAML configuration to manage a multi-environment configuration, including: configuration variables, resources, add-ons, and git based deployment.
AdvertNet is a Rails application that manages a network of advertising boards. The boards are attached to urban furnitures and can belong to different networks. You must first run the 'advertnet-install' binary to deploy the Rails application, and then configure its database before using it.
Simple Configuration Management Tool
Configster is a tidy little configuration management utility for your application. Store your configuration as YAML outside of your application. You probably haven't heard of it.
Manages multiple chef server/org configuration files in the .chef folder.
Access information about and manipulate your Lab Manager configurations.
Yet Another Configuration Management Tool in the Era of Immutable Infrastructure
Statixite allows you to easily manage multiple static websites. It is a mix of a content management solution as well as a deployment solution. It allows you to configure various deployment options such as S3, Rackspace, or Github Pages.
A tool to manage Kong resources with a declarative configuration.
Keeping and managing configuration via MongoDB. Light implementation.
Multicloud management and deployment made simple from a single configuration file with a featured CLI and programmatic API, supporting deployment stages, local scripts and remote scripts execution and more
[config] templar allows you to manage development environment configuration files as templates.
Qonf is a simple configuration management tool
a capistrano recipe to manage configurations files.
Client for Jones configuration management server
A tool for managing cloud API and configuration management credentials. rbenv for dotfiles.
Keyp is a key:value manager with a command line tool and library API to make managing authentication and configuration information easier.
Access Context Manager allows enterprises to configure access levels which map to a policy defined on request attributes.
Command line utility to manage Noah configurations h1. Morning Glory Morning Glory is comprised of a rake task and helper methods that manages the deployment of static assets into an Amazon CloudFront CDN's S3 Bucket, improving the performance of static assets on your Rails web applications. _NOTE: You will require an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account in order to use this gem. Specially: S3 for storing the files you wish to distribute, and CloudFront for CDN distribution of those files._ This version of Morning Glory works with Rails 3.x and Ruby 1.9.x h2. What does it do? Morning Glory provides an easy way to deploy Ruby on Rails application assets to the Amazon CloudFront CDN. It solves a number of common issues with S3/CloudFront. For instance, CloudFront won't automatically expire old assets stored on edge nodes when you redeploy new assets (the Cloudfront expiry time is 24 hours minimum). To fix this Morning Glory will automatically namespace asset releases for you, then update all references to those renamed assets within your stylesheets ensuring there are no broken asset links. It also provides a helper method to rewrite all standard Rails asset helper generated URLs to your CloudFront CDN distributions, as well as handling switching between HTTP and HTTPS. Morning Glory was also built with SASS (Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets) in mind. If you use Sass for your stylesheets they will automatically be built before deployment to the CDN. See for more information on Sass.s h2. What it doesn't do Morning Glory cannot configure your CloudFront distributions for you automatically. You will manually have to login to your AWS Management Console account, "":, and set up a distribution pointing to an S3 Bucket. h2. Installation <pre> gem 'morning_glory' </pre> h2. Usage Morning Glory provides it's functionality via rake tasks. You'll need to specify the target rails environment configuration you want to deploy for by using the @RAILS_ENV={env}@ parameter (for example, @RAILS_ENV=production@). <pre> rake morning_glory:cloudfront:deploy RAILS_ENV={YOUR_TARGET_ENVIRONMENT} </pre> h2. Configuration h3. The Morning Glory configuration file, @config/morning_glory.yml@ You can specify a configuration section for every rails environment (production, staging, testing, development). This section can have the following properties defined: <pre> --- production: enabled: true # Is MorningGlory enabled for this environment? bucket: # The bucket to deploy your assets into s3_logging_enabled: true # Log the deployment to S3 revision: "20100317134627" # The revision prefix. This timestamp automatically generateed on deployment delete_prev_rev: true # Delete the previous asset release (save on S3 storage space) </pre> h3. The Amazon S3 authentication keys configuration file, @config/s3.yml@ This file provides the access credentials for your Amazon AWS S3 account. You can configure keys for all your environments (production, staging, testing, development). <pre> --- production: access_key_id: YOUR_ACCESS_KEY secret_access_key: YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY </pre> Note: If you are deploying your system to Heroku, you can configure your Amazon AWS S3 information with the environment variables S3_KEY and S3_SECRET instead of using a configuration file. h3. Set up an asset_host For each environment that you'd like to utilise the CloudFront CDN for you'll need to define the asset_host within the @config/environments/{ENVIRONMENT}.rb@ configuration file. As of June 2010 AWS supports HTTPS requests on the CloudFront CDN, so you no longer have to worry about switching servers. (Yay!) h4. Example config/environments/production.rb @asset_host@ snippet: Here we're targeting a CNAME domain with HTTP support. <pre> ActionController::Base.asset_host = { |source, request| if request.ssl? "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}" else "#{request.protocol}" end } </pre> h3. Why do we have to use a revision-number/namespace/timestamp? Once an asset has been deployed to the Amazon Cloudfront edge servers it cannot be modified - the version exists until it expires (minimum of 24 hours). To get around this we need to prefix the asset path with a revision of some sort - in MorningGlory's case we use a timestamp. That way you can deploy many times during a 24 hour period and always have your latest revision available on your web site. h2. Dependencies h3. AWS S3 Required for uploading the assets to the Amazon Web Services S3 buckets. See "": for more documentation on installation. h2. About the name Perhaps not what you'd expect; a "Morning Glory": is a rare cloud formation observed by glider pilots in Australia (see my side project, " for flight-logging software for paraglider and hang-glider pilots":, from which the Morning Glory plugin was originally extracted). Copyright (c) 2010 "@AdamBurmister":, released under the MIT license
cloudboot is the missing glue between your bare bone ec2 instance and a configuration management tool like cfengine, puppet or chef.
Capistrano tasks for Monit configuration and management for Rails apps. Manages `monitrc` template on the server, and Nginx, Postgresql and Unicorn processes. Works with Capistrano 3 (only).
Lightweight cap extensions to assist in server configuration management
`fingerpuppet` is a simple library and commandline tool to interact with Puppet's REST API without needing to have Puppet itself installed. This may be integrated, for example, into a provisioning tool to allow your provisioning process to remotely sign certificates of newly built systems. Alternatively, you could use it to request known facts about a node from your Puppet Master, or even to request a catalog for a node to, for example, perform acceptance testing against a new version of Puppet before upgrading your production master. Install the binford2k/fingerpuppet puppet module to get a class that can automatically configure your `auth.conf` file under Puppet Enterprise, where that file is managed.
# holepunch [![Gem Version](]( [![Build Status](]( Holepunch manages AWS EC2 security groups in a declarative way through a DSL. ## Requirements - Ruby 1.9.3 or newer. ## Installation ```bash gem install holepunch ``` or in your Gemfile ```ruby gem 'holepunch' ``` ## Basic Configuration You need to provide your AWS security credentials and a region. These can be provided via the command-line options, or you can use the standard AWS environment variables: ```bash export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='...' export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='...' export AWS_REGION='us-west-2' ``` ## The SecurityGroups file Specify your security groups in a `SecurityGroups` file in your project's root. Declare security groups that you need and the ingresses you want to expose. You can add ingresses using `tcp`, `udp`, and `ping`. For each ingress you can list allowed hosts using group names or CIDR notation. ```ruby group 'web' do desc 'Web servers' tcp 80 end group 'db' do desc 'database servers' tcp 5432, 'web' end group 'log' do desc 'log server' tcp 9999, 'web', 'db', '' end ``` An environment can be specified which is available through the `env` variable. This allows you to have custom security groups per server environment. ```ruby group "#{env}-web" group "#{env}-db" do tcp 5432, "#{env}-web" end ``` Your application may depend on security groups defined by other services. Ensure they exist using the `depends` method. ```ruby depends 'my-other-service' group 'my-service' do udp 9999, 'my-other-service' end ``` You may specify port ranges for `tcp` and `udp` using the range operator. ```ruby group 'my-service' do udp 5000..9999, '' end ``` You can specify ping/icmp rules with `icmp` (alias: `ping`). ```ruby group 'my-service' do ping '' end ``` It can be useful to describe groups of security groups you plan to launch instances with by using the `service` declaration. ```ruby service "#{env}-web" do groups %W( admin #{env}-log-producer #{env}-web ) end ``` ## Usage Simply navigate to the directory containing your `SecurityGroups` file and run `holepunch`. ``` $ holepunch ``` If you need to specify an environment: ``` $ holepunch -e live ``` You can get a list of security groups for a service using the `service` subcommand. ``` $ holepunch service -e prod prod-web admin,prod-log-producer,prod-web ``` You can also get a list of all defined services. ``` $ holepunch service --list ``` ## Testing You can run the unit tests by simply running rspec. ``` $ rspec ``` By default the integration tests with EC2 are not run. You may run them with: ``` $ rspec -t integration ``` ## Authors - Ben Scott ( - Pat Wyatt ( ## License Copyright 2014 Undead Labs, LLC. Licensed under the MIT License:
A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration management to your entire infrastructure.
Simple configuration management with environment variables
Cumulus allows you to manage your AWS infrastructure by creating JSON configuration files that describe your AWS resources.
Minimalist EC2 configuration & deployment tool.
Manage your application configuration files easily.
The Passenger Pane is a preference pane on Mac OS X. Ppane is the backend tool that does all the heavy lifting. It manages virtual hosts in your Apache configuration as well as hostname registration with Domain Services.
Provides convenient interface for managing configuration parameters for modules, classes and instances.
A CLI tool for managing Jenkins job configurations
Calerin manages your pond's configuration options as well as serving as a client for getting and sending your messages
An easy, cross-platform way to manage application configuration data
A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration management to your entire infrastructure.
Configure and manage cloud deployments using different providers
A concise and easy-to-use Ruby library that connects ActiveRecord to the Sphinx search daemon, managing configuration, indexing and searching.
uh ok so roast beef is some kind of package manager that is for bleeding-edge programs. so basically it does not have its own repositories. instead it just will download source from the upstream repository and will do all the necessary steps to install . you get things that are as fresh as possible. i am talking about really fresh like your eggs and milk. roast beef saves you from having to look up the repository locations for all the stuff you want to build from source. it also abstracts away the differences in build processes. say you want the latest version of such a package as gnu emacs. so you grab the source but you know emacs is a little different from other packages and requires "make bootstrap" in between the configure and make step. with roastbeef all the complexity of such things is hidden from you. and if you have a lot of stuff built from source you can keep them all up to date with a single command. the motivations behind this are made more clear in a blog post: == man why you even got to do a thing
TASS is the suite of tools that the Tapjoy Operations team uses to manage autoscaling groups and launch configurations.
A concise and easy-to-use Ruby library that connects ActiveRecord to the Sphinx search daemon, managing configuration, indexing and searching.
Simple tinyMCE configuration manager that makes it easier to manage different configurations without changing templates
A concise and easy-to-use Ruby library that connects ActiveRecord to the Sphinx search daemon, managing configuration, indexing and searching.