==== Topic Maps for Rails (rtm-rails) RTM-Rails is the Rails-Adapter for Ruby Topic Maps. It allows simple configuration of topicmaps in config/topicmaps.yml. ==== Overview From a developer's perspective, RTM is a schema-less database management system. The Topic Maps standard (described below) on which RTM is based provides a way of creating a self-describing schema just by using it. You can use RTM as a complement data storage to ActiveRecord in your Rails apps. ==== Quickstart - existing Rails project jruby script/generate topicmaps Run the command above after installing rtm-rails. This will create * a minimal default configuration: config/topicmaps.yml and * a file with more examples and explanations config/topicmaps.example.yml * a file README.topicmaps.txt which contains more information how to use it and where to find more information * an initializer to load the topicmaps at startup * a rake task to migrate the topic maps backends in your rails application. ==== Quickstart - new Rails project For a new Rails application these are the complete initial steps: jruby -S rails my_topicmaps_app cd my_topicmaps_app jruby -S script/generate jdbc jruby -S script/generate topicmaps # The following lines are necessary because Rails does not have a template # for the H2 database and Ontopia does not support the Rails default SQLite3. sed -e "s/sqlite3/h2/" config/database.yml > config/database.yml.h2 mv config/database.yml.h2 config/database.yml # Prepare the database and then check if all is OK jruby -S rake topicmaps:migrate_backends jruby -S rake topicmaps:check ==== Usage inside the application When everything is fine, let's create our first topic: jruby -S script/console TM[:example].get!("http://example.org/my/first/topic") # and save the topic map TM[:example].commit Access the configured topic maps anywhere in your application like this: TM[:example] To retrieve all topics, you can do TM[:example].topics To retrieve a specific topic by its subject identifier: TM[:example].get("http://example.org/my/topic") Commit the changes to the database permanently: TM[:example].commit ... or abort the transaction: TM[:example].abort More information can be found on http://rtm.topicmapslab.de/ ==== Minimal configuration default: topicmaps: example: http://rtm.topicmapslab.de/example1/ The minimal configuration creates a single topic map, named :example with the locator given. This topic map will be persisted in the same database as your ActiveRecord connection if not specified otherwise. The default backend is OntopiaRDBMS (from the rtm-ontopia gem). A more complete configuration can be found in config/topicmaps.example.yml after running "jruby script/generate topicmaps". It also includes how to specifiy multiple connections to different data stores and so on. ==== Topic Maps Topic Maps is an international industry standard (ISO13250) for interchangeably representing information about the structure of information resources used to define topics, and the relationships between topics. A set of one or more interrelated documents that employs the notation defined by this International Standard is called a topic map. A topic map defines a multidimensional topic space - a space in which the locations are topics, and in which the distances between topics are measurable in terms of the number of intervening topics which must be visited in order to get from one topic to another, and the kinds of relationships that define the path from one topic to another, if any, through the intervening topics, if any. In addition, information objects can have properties, as well as values for those properties, assigned to them. The Topic Maps Data Model which is used in this implementation can be found on http://www.isotopicmaps.org/sam/sam-model/. ==== License Copyright 2009 Topic Maps Lab, University of Leipzig. Apache License, Version 2.0
A concise and easy-to-use Ruby library that connects ActiveRecord to the Sphinx search daemon, managing configuration, indexing and searching.
A framework for combining natural speech processing tools with public APIs. Basic functions work out of the box, and with a bit of configuration you can get weather information, manage your google calendar, or access wolfram alpha, all using your voice or natural language text. If you want more functionality, it's easy to associate your own code with a keyword or speech category. Try the demo interface by tweeting @Cogibara
Manage meta tags through an external yml file. Easy configuration. Takes ugly boilerplate away from your app.
Library for managing application configuration using a YAML file or ENV variables.
== Medusa: a ruby crawler framework {rdoc-image:https://badge.fury.io/rb/medusa-crawler.svg}[https://rubygems.org/gems/medusa-crawler] rdoc-image:https://github.com/brutuscat/medusa-crawler/workflows/Ruby/badge.svg?event=push Medusa is a framework for the ruby language to crawl and collect useful information about the pages it visits. It is versatile, allowing you to write your own specialized tasks quickly and easily. === Features * Choose the links to follow on each page with +focus_crawl+ * Multi-threaded design for high performance * Tracks +301+ HTTP redirects * Allows exclusion of URLs based on regular expressions * Records response time for each page * Obey _robots.txt_ directives (optional, but recommended) * In-memory or persistent storage of pages during crawl, provided by Moneta[https://github.com/moneta-rb/moneta] * Inherits OpenURI behavior (redirects, automatic charset and encoding detection, proxy configuration options). <b>Do you have an idea or a suggestion? {Open an issue and talk about it}[https://github.com/brutuscat/medusa-crawler/issues/new]</b> === Examples Medusa is versatile and to be used programatically, you can start with one or multiple URIs: require 'medusa' Medusa.crawl('https://www.example.com', depth_limit: 2) Or you can pass a block and it will yield the crawler back, to manage configuration or drive its crawling focus: require 'medusa' Medusa.crawl('https://www.example.com', depth_limit: 2) do |crawler| crawler.discard_page_bodies = some_flag # Persist all the pages state across crawl-runs. crawler.clear_on_startup = false crawler.storage = Medusa::Storage.Moneta(:Redis, 'redis://redis.host.name:6379/0') crawler.skip_links_like(/private/) crawler.on_pages_like(/public/) do |page| logger.debug "[public page] #{page.url} took #{page.response_time} found #{page.links.count}" end # Use an arbitrary logic, page by page, to continue customize the crawling. crawler.focus_crawl(/public/) do |page| page.links.first end end
A library to easily manage a Mongrel2 configuration database
Boris: A networked-device scanning library. Boris allows you to write programs for logging into and pulling information off of various server platforms, appliances, and other types of networked devices, producing clean and consistent data ideal for configuration managment usage.
A classic configuration store, that turns out Hash definitions to methods, with a management of environment (and Rails environment)
A utility to manage configuration files
A gem to manage gem configuration for a project, similar to Rails' config.gem (but in a very simple, dumb way)
A concise and easy-to-use Ruby library that connects ActiveRecord to the Sphinx search daemon, managing configuration, indexing and searching - forked and gemified for sayso
Manage SyncEvolution configuration
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Configuration management tools for re:dash
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Capistrano2 tasks for PostgreSQL configuration and management for Rails apps. Manages `database.yml` on the server. Works for Capistrano2. Does *not* support Capistrano3.
A simple 'dotfiles' management tool used to distribute common configuration files across multiple machines.
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Sunspot is a library providing a powerful, all-ruby API for the Solr search engine. Sunspot manages the configuration of persistent Ruby classes for search and indexing and exposes Solr's most powerful features through a collection of DSLs. Complex search operations can be performed without hand-writing any boolean queries or building Solr parameters by hand.
Slicehost Capistrano recipes for configuring and managing your slice.
Tool to manage personal configuration and environment files.
An application state and configuration management library built with Opal
A simple way to manage Linux server configurations.
This library provides simple configuration management with object's attributes. sanconfig support yaml as datastore.
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A concise and easy-to-use Ruby library that connects ActiveRecord to the Sphinx search daemon, managing configuration, indexing and searching.
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This gem aims to load config to ENV varaible easily. Currently configuration can be done by a .env, a yaml file or by loading from AWS System Manager Parameter Store which is recommended for production deployment.
== README.md: #ScheduledResource This gem is for displaying how things are used over time -- a schedule for a set of "resources". You can configure the elements of the schedule and there are utilities and protocols to connect them: - Configuration (specification and management), - Query interfaces (a REST-like API and internal protocols to query the models), and - A basic Rails controller implementation. We have a way to configure the schedule, internal methods to generate the data, and a way to retrieve data from the client. However this gem is largely view-framework agnostic. We could use a variety of client-side packages or even more traditional Rails view templates to generate HTML. In any case, to get a good feel in a display like this we need some client-side code. The gem includes client-side modules to: - Manage <b>time and display geometries</b> with "infinite" scroll along the time axis. - <b>Format display cells</b> in ways specific to the resource models. - <b>Update text justification</b> as the display is scrolled horizontally. ## Configuration A **scheduled resource** is something that can be used for one thing at a time. So if "Rocky & Bullwinkle" is on channel 3 from 10am to 11am on Saturday, then 'channel 3' is the <u>resource</u> and that showing of the episode is a <u>resource-use</u> block. Resources and use-blocks are typically Rails models. Each resource and its use-blocks get one row in the display. That row has a label to the left with some timespan visible on the rest of the row. Something else you would expect see in a schedule would be headers and labels -- perhaps one row with the date and another row with the hour. Headers and labels also fit the model of resources and use-blocks. Basic timezone-aware classes (ZTime*) for those are included in this gem. ### Config File The schedule configuration comes from <tt>config/resource_schedule.yml</tt> which has three top-level sections: - ResourceKinds: A hash where the key is a Resource and the value is a UseBlock. (Both are class names), - Resources: A list where each item is a Resource Class followed by one or more resource ids, and - visibleTime: The visible timespan of the schedule in seconds. The example file <tt>config/resource_schedule.yml</tt> (installed when you run <tt>schedulize</tt>) should be enough to display a two-row schedule with just the date above and the hour below. Of course you can monkey-patch or subclass these classes for your own needs. ### The schedule API The 'schedule' endpoint uses parameters <tt>t1</tt> and <tt>t2</tt> to specify a time interval for the request. A third parameter <tt>inc</tt> allows an initial time window to be expanded without repeating blocks that span those boundaries. The time parameters _plus the configured resources_ define the data to be returned. ### More About Configuration Management The <b>ScheduledResource</b> class manages resource and use-block class names, id's and labels for a schedule according to the configuration file. A ScheduledResource instance ties together: 1. A resource class (eg TvStation), 2. An id (a channel number in this example), and 3. Strings and other assets that will go into the DOM. The id is used to - select a resource _instance_ and - select instances of the _resource use block_ class (eg Program instances). The id _could_ be a database id but more often is something a little more suited to human use in the configuration. In any case it is used by model class method <tt>(resource_use_block_class).get_all_blocks()</tt> to select the right use-blocks for the resource. A resource class name and id are are joined with a '_' to form a tag that also serves as an id for the DOM. Once the configuration yaml is loaded that data is maintained in the session structure. Of course having a single configuration file limits the application's usefulness. A more general approach would be to have a user model with login and configuration would be associated with the user. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'scheduled_resource' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install scheduled_resource Then from your application's root execute: $ schedulize . This will install a few image placeholders, client-side modules and a stylesheet under <tt>vendor/assets</tt>, an example configuration in <tt>config/resource_schedule.yml</tt> and an example controller in <tt>app/controllers/schedule_controller.rb</tt>. Also, if you use $ bundle show scheduled_resource to locate the installed source you can browse example classes <tt>lib/z_time_*.rb</tt> and the controller helper methods in <tt>lib/scheduled_resource/helper.rb</tt> ## Testing This gem also provides for a basic test application using angularjs to display a minimal but functional schedule showing just the day and hour headers in two different timezones (US Pacific and Eastern). Proceed as follows, starting with a fresh Rails app: $ rails new test_sr As above, add the gem to the Gemfile, then $ cd test_sr $ bundle $ schedulize . Add lines such as these to <tt>config/routes.rb</tt> get "/schedule/index" => "schedule#index" get "/schedule" => "schedule#schedule" Copy / merge these files from the gem source into the test app: $SR_SRC/app/views/layouts/application.html.erb $SR_SRC/app/views/schedule/index.html.erb $SR_SRC/app/assets/javascripts/{angular.js,script.js,controllers.js} and add <tt>//= require angular</tt> to application.js just below the entries for <tt>jquery</tt>. After you run the server and browse to you should see the four time-header rows specified by the sample config file. ## More Examples A better place to see the use of this gem is at [tv4](https://github.com/emeyekayee/tv4). Specifically, models <tt>app/models/event.rb</tt> and <tt>app/models/station.rb</tt> give better examples of implementing the ScheduledResource protocol and adapting to a db schema organized along somewhat different lines. ## Contributing 1. Fork it ( https://github.com/emeyekayee/scheduled_resource/fork ) 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create a new Pull Request
Manage Test and configuration data for any automated test project.
Bootstrap based theme, built from a configuration defined in `_config.yml` allowing sections of pages and pages to be easily managed from one place.
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Manage your configuration via the dot syntax.
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Sunspot is a library providing a powerful, all-ruby API for the Solr search engine. Sunspot manages the configuration of persistent Ruby classes for search and indexing and exposes Solr's most powerful features through a collection of DSLs. Complex search operations can be performed without hand-writing any boolean queries or building Solr parameters by hand.
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A concise and easy-to-use Ruby library that connects ActiveRecord to the Sphinx search daemon, managing configuration, indexing and searching.
A concise and easy-to-use Ruby library that connects ActiveRecord to the Sphinx search daemon, managing configuration, indexing and searching.
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A concise and easy-to-use Ruby library that connects ActiveRecord to the Sphinx search daemon, managing configuration, indexing and searching.
Configuration management gem.