Piglet aims to look like Pig Latin while allowing for things like loops and control of flow that are missing from Pig.
RQuest makes it easy to build request and gives you full control over every aspect of the request. I modeled it after the chrome extension postman. Everything you can do with postman you can do with RQuest and it follows the same intuitive work flow. It also has support for session managment.
An opinionated implementation of the Command pattern for Ruby applications. Cuprum wraps your business logic in a consistent, object-oriented interface and features status and error management, composability and control flow management.
dev_flow is a bundle of tools for ROADMAP/git based development flow control.
Use the power of Cancan to control the flow of your controllers.
IcedCoffeeScript is a superset of CoffeeScript that introduces the await and defer keywords for streamlined async control flow.
A state-machine inspired mixin for controllers that makes creating flows and wizards dead simple.
Object#tap_if clarifies control flow in many circumstances.
Haltable is a gem that allows halting controller actions to simplify the flows.
Flow, Executor, Notifier and more, all tied together tool pack
Opdis is a disassembler based on the GNU binutils libopcodes disassembler. The strings generated by libopcodes are translated into Instruction and Operand objects, and disassembly algorithms such as linear and control-flow are provided.
'Go' is a language that specializes in concurrency and control flow, but some people (myself included) don't like the choice of Syntax. Not only that, but these features are something that could be useful in other projects, hence why I created 'GoRuby', bringing the Concurrency and Control Flow features of 'Go' into Ruby
A thoroughly civilized CMS for Rails apps which deal with user generated content. Chunks is a Rails engine providing out-of-the-box management and rendering for pages composed of self-contained chunks of content. Each Chunk is comprised of an edit view, a public view, and a view model which will be updated, validated, and invoked by the ChunksPublicController if server-side interaction is required. The Chunks controller quickly delegates all responsibility for logic and page flow to an individual Chunk view model while the framework gets out of the way altogether, allowing for extremely easy extension and migration onto or off the Chunks framework. Documentation and extensions available at http://www.chunkscms.com.
A couple of classes that represent useful control flow patterns (conditional loops, pipelines etc.
QA Robusta is an automation framework easing pain points away from automation test case writers. How is pain relieved? * Elements, such as links, buttons, and other html objects are defined in one location. This ensures over time the user won't have definitions spread out throughout different layers of code requiring time consuming updates if the application under test is modified. * Well defined flows allows the user to have a common means for navigating and controlling interactions with the application under test. This takes all logic out of test classes and yields in higher more modular code re-use. * When an application requiring testing has the elements and flows implemented less code savy resources can easily add new test cases once trained on how to access the flows and elements. * When ever a link or button is clicked a screen shot is taken * Results are available under site/results directory in html format. Report includes the rdoc on a per test class method along with any screen shots taken. Example report: https://cyberconnect.biz/opensource/demo_results.html * Transparent remote Unix command execution leading to well defined interfaces for common task. For example, one may have a class defined specifically for RemoteUnixNetwork. This class would have methods such as, assign_ip, ifup, ifdown, etc. This class then would be able to perform these task on any remote Unix machine. * Executes the same on Windows or Linux/Unix environments. Developers have the freedom to develop on the platform of choice. * Mechanize extension: Allows the user to define a web application's page elements in a YAML format and provide navigation paths accessing the YAML structure to interact with the web application. Users can also perform direct http.post or any other mechanize functionality when defining state-full interfaces to hit a web application without going through a browser.
Stop using exceptions for control flow!
AngryMob is the automated system configuration component of YesMaster. It combines convenient configuration data (the node), idempotent code to ensure the configuration of the parts of a system (targets), and a method of controlling the flow of the setup (acts)
* http://rubysideshow.rubyforge.org/irb_callbacks == DESCRIPTION: This gem adds callbacks to irb, intended for you to override at your discretion. == FEATURES: irb's control flow looks like this: loop: * prompt * eval * output This gem adds three callbacks to each phase. module IRB: * self.before_prompt * self.around_prompt (call yield) * self.after_prompt * self.before_eval * self.around_eval (call yield) * self.after_eval * self.before_output * self.around_output (call yield) * self.after_output == SYNOPSIS: # Here's my ~/.irbrc file (which is run at irb startup) require 'rubygems' require 'irb_callbacks' require 'benchmark' # This little snippet will time each command run via the console. module IRB def self.around_eval(&block) @timing = Benchmark.realtime do block.call end end def self.after_output puts "=> #{'%.3f' % @timing} seconds" end end # And a sample irb session: $ irb irb(main):001:0> 1_000_000.times { |x| x + 1 } => 1000000 => 0.330 seconds == CAVEATS: The three around_* callbacks all require you to call the block that's passed in. If you don't do it, undefined behavior may occur. == INSTALL: * sudo gem install irb_callbacks == LICENSE: (The MIT License) Copyright (c) 2008 Mike Judge Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
Verifica is Ruby's most scalable authorization solution, ready to handle sophisticated authorization rules. Verifica is framework and database agnostic and designed around Access Control Lists. ACL powers a straightforward and unified authorization flow for any user and resource, regardless of how tricky the authorization rules are. Verifica aims to solve the issue when authorization rules become too complex to be expressed in a single SQL query. And at the same time the database is too big to execute these rules in the application code.
Embed a controller flow within another by stashing the final redirect upfront and performing it after completing.
This gem lets you easily write applications that use PhrkMl for controlling call flow.
A gem that lets you control the flow of products, and orders through invoices
Use this library to build your own HANGMAN game. HangmanEngine::Game have all you need to control the game flow. HangmanEngine::Drawer will help you to build a console based interface for your HangmanEngine::Game
Control Rails redirect flows with smarter redirect logic
Presenters and Model-View-Presenter (MVP) is the second most useful pattern after Service Objects to simplify your medium-to-large app. ActiveModelPresenter is a small gem that transforms ActiveRecord models into simple decorated objects that you can use to pass data for a JSON or a regular View rendering. It's based on Rails' **active_model_serializers** gem (AMS) so you get all it's features without creating any new type of files. It can be used as a layer for Rails between Controller and View to make data to flow in 1 direction.
A simple API for asynchronous flow control to make it clear when jobs finish.
Crun is an utility for compiling and running C-programs straight from C source files. Crun supports compile-run and compile-debug flows. You can embed custom compile options into the main c-file, if you need, for example, an external library for the program. You can also control the command line parameters passed to the program through Crun.
Run a group of functions with flow control.
Provides dependency analysis of Ruby programs, including control and data flow analysis.
You can use it in controller as a layer betwen controller and model
A couple of classes for organizing objects in simple data flow structures (conditional loops, pipelines etc.
This gem introduces 'despite' and 'even_if' flow control operators to explicitly designate faulty pieces of code and proudly and openly ignore the possible problems.
Control/Data Flow Graph builder to represent the program control flow and variable definition and usage.
Hydrangea provides better flow control for batch operations
The 'PlainCase' gem allows for clear representation of use cases in Ruby following the Railway Oriented Programming pattern. It simplifies error handling and data flow control in complex systems.
The Cont module provides methods for working with continuations. Continuations are a way to save the execution state of a program so that it can be resumed later. They are used for advanced control flow structures such as coroutines, generators, and so on. Ruby have a built-in support for continuations, but it is deprecated and should not be used. This implementation uses the 'fiber' library based on https://github.com/minoki/delimited-continuations-in-lua . That library is released under the MIT license. Caution: The continuations of this implementation are 'one-shot', So they can only be resumed once. If you try to resume a dead continuation, an exception will be raised.
# foundationallib <h2>Finally, a cross-platform, portable, well-designed, secure, robust, maximally-efficient C foundational library — Making Engineering And Computing Fast, Secure, Responsive And Easy.</h2> <br> <h2><i>Library Uses - What It Does, What It Is, And What It Is A Solution For</i></h2> <ul class="features-list"> <li><strong>Enables better Engineering Solutions and Security broadly and foundationally where Software Creation or Development or Script Creation is concerned - whether this be on a local, business, governmental or international basis, and makes things easier - and Computing in General.</strong> Don't Reinvent the Wheel - Use Good Wheels - Be Safe And Secure.</li> <br> <li><strong>Enables a free-flowing dynamic computer usage that you need, deserve and should have, simply because you have a computer. With full speed and with robustness. You deserve to be able to use your computer wholly and fully, with proper and fast operations.</strong></li> <br><li><strong>Enables flexibility and power - makes C accessible to the masses (and faster and more secure) with easy usage and strives to bring people up, not degrade the character or actions of people.</strong> This is a fundamental and unequivocal philosophy difference between this library and many subsections of Software Engineering and the mainstream engineering establishment. For instance, in Python, you cannot read a file easily – you have to read it line-by-line or open a file, read the lines, then close it. With this library, you can efficiently read 10,000 files in one function call. This library gives power. Any common operation, there ought to be a powerful function for.<br><br>We should not bitch around with assembly when we don't want to; we should also have full speed. Some old "solutions" deliver neither, then culturally degrade programmers because their tools are bad - actually, it just degrades programmers, and gives them bad tools. COBOL is an example ...<br><br>Human technology is about empowerment – people must fight for it to be empowerment, we don't have time to have AI systems kill us because we want to have bad tools and be weak. We must fight.</li> </ul> <br> <ul> <h2><i>About Foundationallib</i></h2> <li>→<strong>Cross platform</strong> - works perfectly in embedded, server, desktop, and all platforms - tested for Windows and UNIX - 64-bit and 32-bit, includes a 3-aspect test suite, with more to come.</li> <li>→<strong>Bug free. Reliable. Dependable. Secure. Tested well.</strong></li> <li>→<strong>Zero Overhead</strong> - Only 1 byte due to the power of the error handling, can be configured will full power.</li> <li>→<strong>Static Inline Functions if you want them</strong> (optional) - Eliminating function call overhead to 0 if you wish, for improved performance.</li> <li>→<strong>Custom allocators</strong> - if you want it.</li> <li>→<strong>Custom error handling</strong> - if you want it.</li> <li>→<strong>Safe functions</strong> warn the programmer about NULL values and unused return values. Can be configured to not compile if not Secure. Optional null-check macros in every library function. Does not use any of <code>"gets", "fgets", "strcpy", "strcat", "sprintf", "vsprintf", "scanf", "fscanf", "system", "chown", "chmod", "chgrp", "alloca", "execl", "execle", "execlp", "execv", "execve", "execvp", "bcopy", "bzero"</code>. You can configure it to never use any unsafe functions.</li> <li>→<strong>Portable</strong> - works on all platforms, using platform specific features (using #ifdefs) to make functions better and faster.</li> <li>→<strong>Multithreading support</strong> (optional), with list_comprehension_multithreaded (accepts any number of threads, works in parallel using portable C11 threads)</li> <li>→<strong>Networking support</strong> (optional), using libcurl - making it extremely easy to download websites and arrays of websites - features other languages do not have.</li> <li>→Very good and thorough <strong>Error Handling</strong> and <strong>allocation overflow</strong> checking (good for <strong>Security and Robustness</strong>) in the functions. Allows the programmer to dynamically choose to catch all errors in the functions with a handler (default or custom), or to ignore them. No need to ALWAYS say "if (.....) if you don't want to. Can be changed at runtime.</li> <li>→<strong>Public Domain</strong> so you make the code how you want. (No need to "propitiate" to some "god" of some library).</li> <li>→<strong>Minimal abstractions or indirection of any kind or needless slow things that complicate things</strong> - macros, namespace collision, typedefs, structs, object-orientation messes, slow compilation times, bloat, etc., etc.</li> <li>→<strong>No namespace pollution</strong> - you can generate your <span style=font-style:normal;><b>own version</b></span> with any prefix you like!</li> <li>→<strong>Relies <span style=font-style:normal;>minimally</span> on C libraries - it can be fully decoupled from LIB C and can be statically linked.</strong></li> <li>→<span style=font-style:normal;><b>Very small</b></span> - 13K Lines of Code (including Doxygen comments and following of Best Practices)</li> <li>→<strong>No Linkage Issues or dependency hell</strong></li> <li>→<strong>Thorough and clear documentation</strong>, with examples of usage.</li> <li>→<strong>No licensing restrictions whatsoever - use it for your engineering project, your startup, your Fortune 500 company, your personal project, your throw-away script, your government.</strong></li> <li>→<strong>Makes C like Python or Perl or Ruby in many ways - or more easy</strong></li> <li>→<strong>Easy Straightforward Transpilation Support</strong> - to make current code, much faster - all without any bloat (See transpile_slow_scripting_into_c.rb). <li><h4>In many cases, there is now a direct mapping of functions from other languages into optimized C. See the example script in this repository. This makes optimizing your Python / Perl / Ruby / PHP etc. script very easy, either manually or through the use of AI.</h4></li> </ul> </p> </div> <div class=pane style='border: 0;border-right: 1px dotted rgb(200, 200, 200); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 190);'> <div class="library-details"><h2 style=color:green;><i>Foundationallib Features</i></h2> <p class=feature> <strong>Functional Programming Features</strong> - <code>map, reduce, filter,</code> List Comprehensions in C and much more!</p> <p class=feature><strong>Expands C's Primitives for easy manipulation of data types</strong> such as Arrays, Strings, <code>Dict</code>, <code>Set</code>, <code>FrozenDict</code>, <code>FrozenSet</code> - <strong>and enables easy manipulation, modification, alteration, comparison, sorting, counting, IO (printing) and duplication of these at a very comfortable level</strong> - something very, very rare in C or C++, <i>all without any overhead.</i></p> <p class=feature><strong>More comfortable IO</strong> - read and write entire files with ease, and convert complex types into strings or print them on the screen with ease. </p> <p class=feature><strong>A powerful general purpose Foundational Library</strong> - <i>which has anything and everything you need</i> - from <code>replace_all()</code> to <code>replace_memory()</code> to <code>find_last_of()</code> to to <code>list_comprehension()</code> to <code>shellescape()</code> to <code>read_file_into_string()</code> to <code>string_to_json()</code> to <code>string_to_uppercase()</code> to <code>to_title_case()</code> to <code>read_file_into_array()</code> to <code>read_files_into_array()</code> to <code>map()</code> to <code>reduce()</code> to <code>filter()</code> to <code>list_comprehension_multithreaded()</code> to <code>frozen_dict_new_instance()</code> to <code>backticks()</code> - everything you would want to make quick and optimally efficient C programs, this has it.</p> <div style='height: 1px; border: 0;border-bottom: 1px dashed rgb(200, 200, 200);'></div> <p class=performance><span>Helps to make programs hundreds of times faster than other languages with similar ease of creation.</span> <hr> <p class=feature><strong>Easily take advantage of CPU cores with list_comprehension_multithreaded()</strong>.<br><br>You can specify the number of threads, the transform and the filter functions, and this will transform your data - all in parallel. Don't have a multithreaded environment? Then disable it (set the flag).</p> <hr> <h3>You don't want to be reinventing the wheel and hoping that your memory allocation is secure enough - and then failing. <strong>Security Is Paramount.</strong></h3> <h3>You don't want to be waiting <span style='color:rgb(240, 0, 0);'>a day</span> for an operation to complete when it could take <span style='color:rgb(30, 30, 255);'>less than an hour</span>.</h3> <br><p>This library is founded on very strong and unequivocal goals and philosophy. In fact, I have written many articles about the foundation of this library and more relevantly the broader context. See the Articles folder - for some of the foundation of this library.</p> <br><p>This library is an ideal and a dream - not just a Software Library. As such, I would highly suggest that you support me in this mission. Even if it's different from the status quo. Are you a Rust or Zig fan? Then make a Rust or Zig version of this ideal. Let's go. Give me an email.</p> </div> </div> <br> No Copyright - Public Domain - 2023, Gregory Cohen <gregorycohennew@gmail.com> DONATION REQUEST: If this free software has helped you and you find it valuable, please consider making a donation to support the ongoing development and maintenance of this project. Your contribution helps ensure the availability of this library to the community and encourages further improvements. Donations can be made at: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/cfoundationallib Note: The best way to contact me is through email, not social media. Please feel very free to email me if you want to express feedback, suggest an improvement, desire to collaborate on this free and open source project, want to support me, or want to create something great. Complacency and obstructionism and whining are not tolerated. I desire to make this library the best theoretically possible, so please, let us connect. <h1>This code is in the public domain, fully. You can do whatever you want with it. See docs.html for API reference. ![Alt text](https://github.com/gregoryc/foundationallib/raw/main/tools/pic.png) </h1> <h1>Here's some examples of some things you can do easily with Foundationallib.<br><br> <h3>Use it for scripting purposes...</h3> </h1> ![Alt text](https://github.com/gregoryc/foundationallib/raw/main/tools/pic2.png) <h1>Take control of the Web - in C.<br><br></h1> ![Alt text](https://github.com/gregoryc/foundationallib/raw/main/tools/pic3.png)
# foundationallib <h2>Finally, a cross-platform, portable, well-designed, secure, robust, maximally-efficient C foundational library — Making Engineering And Computing Fast, Secure, Responsive And Easy.</h2> <br> <ul class="features-list"> <li><strong>Enables better Engineering Solutions and Security broadly and foundationally where Software Creation or Development or Script Creation is concerned - whether this be on a local, business, governmental or international basis, and makes things easier - and Computing in General.</strong> Don't Reinvent the Wheel - Use Good Wheels - Be Safe And Secure.</li> <br> <li><strong>Enables a free-flowing dynamic computer usage that you need, deserve and should have, simply because you have a computer. With full speed and with robustness. You deserve to be able to use your computer wholly and fully, with proper and fast operations.</strong></li> <br><li><strong>Enables flexibility and power - makes C accessible to the masses (and faster and more secure) with easy usage and strives to bring people up, not degrade the character or actions of people.</strong> This is a fundamental and unequivocal philosophy difference between this library and many subsections of Software Engineering and the mainstream engineering establishment. For instance, in Python, you cannot read a file easily – you have to read it line-by-line or open a file, read the lines, then close it. With this library, you can efficiently read 10,000 files in one function call. This library gives power. Any common operation, there ought to be a powerful function for.<br><br>We should not bitch around with assembly when we don't want to; we should also have full speed. Some old "solutions" deliver neither, then culturally degrade programmers because their tools are bad - actually, it just degrades programmers, and gives them bad tools. COBOL is an example ...<br><br>Human technology is about empowerment – people must fight for it to be empowerment, we don't have time to have AI systems kill us because we want to have bad tools and be weak. We must fight.</li> </ul> <br> <ul> <h2>About Foundationallib</h2> <li>→<strong>Cross platform</strong> - works perfectly in embedded, server, desktop, and all platforms - tested for Windows and UNIX - 64-bit and 32-bit, includes a 3-aspect test suite, with more to come.</li> <li>→<strong>Bug free. Reliable. Dependable. Secure. Tested well.</strong></li> <li>→<strong>Zero Overhead</strong> - Only 1 byte due to the power of the error handling, can be configured will full power.</li> <li>→<strong>Static Inline Functions if you want them</strong> (optional) - Eliminating function call overhead to 0 if you wish, for improved performance.</li> <li>→<strong>Custom allocators</strong> - if you want it.</li> <li>→<strong>Custom error handling</strong> - if you want it.</li> <li>→<strong>Safe functions</strong> warn the programmer about NULL values and unused return values. Can be configured to not compile if not Secure. Optional null-check macros in every library function. Does not use any of <code>"gets", "fgets", "strcpy", "strcat", "sprintf", "vsprintf", "scanf", "fscanf", "system", "chown", "chmod", "chgrp", "alloca", "execl", "execle", "execlp", "execv", "execve", "execvp", "bcopy", "bzero"</code>. You can configure it to never use any unsafe functions.</li> <li>→<strong>Portable</strong> - works on all platforms, using platform specific features (using #ifdefs) to make functions better and faster.</li> <li>→<strong>Multithreading support</strong> (optional), with list_comprehension_multithreaded (accepts any number of threads, works in parallel using portable C11 threads)</li> <li>→<strong>Networking support</strong> (optional), using libcurl - making it extremely easy to download websites and arrays of websites - features other languages do not have.</li> <li>→Very good and thorough <strong>Error Handling</strong> and <strong>allocation overflow</strong> checking (good for <strong>Security and Robustness</strong>) in the functions. Allows the programmer to dynamically choose to catch all errors in the functions with a handler (default or custom), or to ignore them. No need to ALWAYS say "if (.....) if you don't want to. Can be changed at runtime.</li> <li>→<strong>Public Domain</strong> so you make the code how you want. (No need to "propitiate" to some "god" of some library).</li> <li>→<strong>Minimal abstractions or indirection of any kind or needless slow things that complicate things</strong> - macros, namespace collision, typedefs, structs, object-orientation messes, slow compilation times, bloat, etc., etc.</li> <li>→<strong>No namespace pollution</strong> - you can generate your <span style=font-style:normal;><b>own version</b></span> with any prefix you like!</li> <li>→<strong>Relies <span style=font-style:normal;>minimally</span> on C libraries - it can be fully decoupled from LIB C and can be statically linked.</strong></li> <li>→<span style=font-style:normal;><b>Very small</b></span> - 13K Lines of Code (including Doxygen comments and following of Best Practices)</li> <li>→<strong>No Linkage Issues or dependency hell</strong></li> <li>→<strong>Thorough and clear documentation</strong>, with examples of usage.</li> <li>→<strong>No licensing restrictions whatsoever - use it for your engineering project, your startup, your Fortune 500 company, your personal project, your throw-away script, your government.</strong></li> <li>→<strong>Makes C like Python or Perl or Ruby in many ways - or more easy</strong></li> <li>→<strong>Easy Straightforward Transpilation Support</strong> - to make current code, much faster - all without any bloat (See transpile_slow_scripting_into_c.rb). <li><h4>In many cases, there is now a direct mapping of functions from other languages into optimized C. See the example script in this repository. This makes optimizing your Python / Perl / Ruby / PHP etc. script very easy, either manually or through the use of AI.</h4></li> </ul> </p> </div> <div class=pane style='border: 0;border-right: 1px dotted rgb(200, 200, 200); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 190);'> <div class="library-details"><h2 style=color:green;>Foundationallib Features</h2> <p class=feature> <strong>Functional Programming Features</strong> - <code>map, reduce, filter,</code> List Comprehensions in C and much more!</p> <p class=feature><strong>Expands C's Primitives for easy manipulation of data types</strong> such as Arrays, Strings, <code>Dict</code>, <code>Set</code>, <code>FrozenDict</code>, <code>FrozenSet</code> - <strong>and enables easy manipulation, modification, alteration, comparison, sorting, counting, IO (printing) and duplication of these at a very comfortable level</strong> - something very, very rare in C or C++, <i>all without any overhead.</i></p> <p class=feature><strong>More comfortable IO</strong> - read and write entire files with ease, and convert complex types into strings or print them on the screen with ease. </p> <p class=feature><strong>A powerful general purpose Foundational Library</strong> - <i>which has anything and everything you need</i> - from <code>replace_all()</code> to <code>replace_memory()</code> to <code>find_last_of()</code> to to <code>list_comprehension()</code> to <code>shellescape()</code> to <code>read_file_into_string()</code> to <code>string_to_json()</code> to <code>string_to_uppercase()</code> to <code>to_title_case()</code> to <code>read_file_into_array()</code> to <code>read_files_into_array()</code> to <code>map()</code> to <code>reduce()</code> to <code>filter()</code> to <code>list_comprehension_multithreaded()</code> to <code>frozen_dict_new_instance()</code> to <code>backticks()</code> - everything you would want to make quick and optimally efficient C programs, this has it.</p> <div style='height: 1px; border: 0;border-bottom: 1px dashed rgb(200, 200, 200);'></div> <p class=performance><span>Helps to make programs hundreds of times faster than other languages with similar ease of creation.</span> <hr> <p class=feature><strong>Easily take advantage of CPU cores with list_comprehension_multithreaded()</strong>.<br><br>You can specify the number of threads, the transform and the filter functions, and this will transform your data - all in parallel. Don't have a multithreaded environment? Then disable it (set the flag).</p> <hr> <h3>You don't want to be reinventing the wheel and hoping that your memory allocation is secure enough - and then failing. <strong>Security Is Paramount.</strong></h3> <h3>You don't want to be waiting <span style='color:rgb(240, 0, 0);'>a day</span> for an operation to complete when it could take <span style='color:rgb(30, 30, 255);'>less than an hour</span>.</h3> <br><p>This library is founded on very strong and unequivocal goals and philosophy. In fact, I have written many articles about the foundation of this library and more relevantly the broader context. See the Articles folder - for some of the foundation of this library.</p> <br><p>This library is an ideal and a dream - not just a Software Library. As such, I would highly suggest that you support me in this mission. Even if it's different from the status quo. Are you a Rust or Zig fan? Then make a Rust or Zig version of this ideal. Let's go. Give me an email.</p> </div> </div> <br> No Copyright - Public Domain - 2023, Gregory Cohen <gregorycohennew@gmail.com> DONATION REQUEST: If this free software has helped you and you find it valuable, please consider making a donation to support the ongoing development and maintenance of this project. Your contribution helps ensure the availability of this library to the community and encourages further improvements. Donations can be made at: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/cfoundationallib Note: The best way to contact me is through email, not social media. Please feel very free to email me if you want to express feedback, suggest an improvement, desire to collaborate on this free and open source project, want to support me, or want to create something great. Complacency and obstructionism and whining are not tolerated. I desire to make this library the best theoretically possible, so please, let us connect. <pre><code> Mirror Links Blog - https://foundationallib.wordpress.com/ Github - https://github.com/gregoryc/foundationallib Ruby Gem Mirror - https://rubygems.org/gems/foundational_lib Ruby Gem Mirror - https://rubygems.org/gems/foundational_lib2 Library Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/foundationallib Google Drive Mirrors ZIP - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bK2njCRsH4waTm4LP16sloPQawk7JIR5/view?usp=sharing TAR.GZ - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RCA1yy9R3cEqI_X9Lv0fxqh-zgNCK005/view?usp=sharing TAR.BZ2 - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ljdlI_fEnMS_X5WmuhI1qavhgseWlD5j/view?usp=sharing </code></pre> <h1>This code is in the public domain, fully. You can do whatever you want with it. See docs.html for API reference. ![Alt text](https://github.com/gregoryc/foundationallib/raw/main/tools/pic.png) </h1> <h1>Here's some examples of some things you can do easily with Foundationallib.<br><br> <h3>Use it for scripting purposes...</h3> </h1> ![Alt text](https://github.com/gregoryc/foundationallib/raw/main/tools/pic2.png) <h1>Take control of the Web - in C.<br><br></h1> ![Alt text](https://github.com/gregoryc/foundationallib/raw/main/tools/pic3.png)