A secure, non-evaling end user template engine with aesthetic markup.
ActiveValidators is a collection of ActiveModel/ActiveRecord validations
Interactive Ruby command-line tool for REPL (Read Eval Print Loop).
Ruby is an excellent programming language for creating and managing custom DSLs, but how can you securely evaluate a DSL while explicitly controlling the methods exposed to the user? Our good friends instance_eval and instance_exec are great, but they expose all methods - public, protected, and private - to the user. Even worse, they expose the ability to accidentally or intentionally alter the behavior of the system! The cleanroom pattern is a safer, more convenient, Ruby-like approach for limiting the information exposed by a DSL while giving users the ability to write awesome code!
Ruby is an excellent programming language for creating and managing custom DSLs, but how can you securely evaluate a DSL while explicitly controlling the methods exposed to the user? Our good friends instance_eval and instance_exec are great, but they expose all methods - public, protected, and private - to the user. Even worse, they expose the ability to accidentally or intentionally alter the behavior of the system! The cleanroom pattern is a safer, more convenient, Ruby-like approach for limiting the information exposed by a DSL while giving users the ability to write awesome code!
Alternate eval which hook all methods executed in the evaluated code
A secure, non-evaling end user template engine with aesthetic markup. Extended with liquid template inheritance for use in LocomotiveCMS
A secure, non-evaling end user template engine with aesthetic markup.
Every Rails page has footnotes that gives information about your application and links back to your editor.
tests strings of Ruby code for unauthorized patterns (exit, eval, ...)
Inherited Resources speeds up development by making your controllers inherit all restful actions so you just have to focus on what is important.
The tool validates the input predicted genes and provides useful information (length validation, gene merge validation, sequence duplication checking, ORF finding) based on the similarities to genes in public databases.
Rumale::EvaluationMeasure provides evaluation measures, such as accuracy, precision, recall, and f-score, with Rumale interface.
A Web App wrapper for GeneValidator, a program for validating gene predictions.
A promise of a value to be calculated in the future
DSL evaluation library. It produces a human-friendly backtrace error
This gem is a Ruby interface into SCAP content. It can parse SCAP datastream files (i.e. ssg-rhel7-ds.xml), scan result files output by oscap eval, and tailoring files.
Calc is safe, simple, pure-ruby mathematical expressions evaluator (calculator) library. Although based on Ruby 'eval', it takes special care to sanitize the expression.
Opt-in validations for your ActiveRecord models based on your MySQL database constraints, including text field size, UTF-8 encoding issues, and NOT NULL constraints.
Evaluator of Ruby examples in Markdown files.
a strange new breed of instance_eval
Evalir is used to measure search relevance at Companybook, and offers a number of standard measurements, from the basic precision and recall to single value summaries such as NDCG and MAP.
Evaluates code safely, via http://eval.so
A RubyGem to parse and validate barcodes
Parses a hash string of the format `'{ :a => "something" }'` into an actual ruby hash object `{ a: "something" }`. This is useful when you by mistake serialize hashes and save it in database column or a text file and you want to convert them back to hashes without the security issues of executing `eval(hash_string)`. By default only following classes are allowed to be deserialized: * TrueClass * FalseClass * NilClass * Numeric * String * Array * Hash A HashParser::BadHash exception is thrown if unserializable values are present.
instance_eval without changing self
A Lita handler for evaluating ruby code.
Run JavaScript engine V8 in Ruby
Trusted Sandbox makes it simple to execute classes that eval untrusted code in a resource-controlled docker container
Gtk Webkit bindings for ruby. Partial coverage sufficient to embed a webview in a Ruby-GNOME2 application. Also initial/experimental support for allowing ruby code to be called by javascript & executing javascript from ruby. e.g require 'gtk2' require 'webkit' v = WebKit::WebView.new v.main_frame.setup_ruby puts v.main_frame.exec_js("ruby_eval('RUBY_DESCRIPTION')") puts v.main_frame.exec_js("document.root.innerHTML")
Safely evaluates code (Ruby and others) by sending it through https://eval.in == Languages and Versions Ruby | MRI 1.0, MRI 1.8.7, MRI 1.9.3, MRI 2.0.0, MRI 2.1 C | GCC 4.4.3, GCC 4.9.1 C++ | C++11 (GCC 4.9.1), GCC 4.4.3, GCC 4.9.1 CoffeeScript | CoffeeScript 1.7.1 (Node 0.10.29) Fortran | F95 (GCC 4.4.3) Haskell | Hugs98 September 2006 Io | Io 20131204 JavaScript | Node 0.10.29 Lua | Lua 5.1.5, Lua 5.2.3 OCaml | OCaml 4.01.0 PHP | PHP 5.5.14 Pascal | Free Pascal 2.6.4 Perl | Perl 5.20.0 Python | CPython 2.7.8, CPython 3.4.1 Slash | Slash HEAD x86 Assembly | NASM 2.07 == Example: It's this simple: result = EvalIn.call 'puts "example"', language: "ruby/mri-2.1" result.output # returns "example\n"
This GEM allows to call methods lazily. The actual work will not be performed until the result is used. There's no promise/force semantics, just a single call (or block) is stored and executed the first time the (lazy) result is accessed.
Automatically optimizes your Ruby code
This is a medieval names generator, inspired by faker gem. In the future it will be used for an medieval online strategy game.
A secure, non-evaling condition (boolean predicate) engine for end users
Adds an `evaluate` refinement method to Proc and Object instances. The goal of this gem is to allow the evaluation of variables, procs, and lambdas with the same level of flexibility. The `evaluate` method has been added to the Object class to return the evaluated value of the variable. The `evaluate` method is overridden on the Proc class to allow parameters to be passed to lambdas in the same flexible way as procs. This takes into consideration, required/optional/remaining parameters, and required/optional/remaining keyword parameters. For information on Refinements, see: - https://ruby-doc.org/core-2.0.0/doc/syntax/refinements_rdoc.html - https://ruby-doc.org/core-2.1.0/doc/syntax/refinements_rdoc.html - https://ruby-doc.org/core-2.2.0/doc/syntax/refinements_rdoc.html - https://ruby-doc.org/core-2.3.0/doc/syntax/refinements_rdoc.html - https://ruby-doc.org/core-2.4.0/doc/syntax/refinements_rdoc.html - http://yehudakatz.com/2010/11/30/ruby-2-0-refinements-in-practice/
rwdshell is a GUI front end for operating system commands with rwdtinker and RubyWebDialogs features. Shell script runner, Ruby eval commands, calendar, mini calculator
Mathematical expression evaluator for infix notation
"Type" is key stem associated with the verb versus the classification. i.e. a verb might be "classified" as "Deponent" but has a "type" of first conjugation e.g. miror / mirari
This gem circumvents the "dynamic module include" (aka "double inclusion") problem, which is the fact that M.module_eval { include N } does not make the methods of module N available to modules and classes which had included module M beforehand, only to the ones that include it thereafter. This behaviour hurts the least surprise principle, specially because if K is a class, then K.class_eval { include M } *does* make all methods of M available to all classes which had previously inherited it.
== DESCRIPTION: Charlie is a library for genetic algorithms (GA) and genetic programming (GP). == FEATURES: - Quickly develop GAs by combining several parts (genotype, selection, crossover, mutation) provided by the library. - Sensible defaults are provided with any genotype, so often you only need to define a fitness function. - Easily replace any of the parts by your own code. - Test different strategies in GA, and generate reports comparing them. Example report: http://charlie.rubyforge.org/example_report.html == INSTALL: * sudo gem install charlie == EXAMPLES: This example solves a TSP problem (also quiz #142): N=5 CITIES = (0...N).map{|i| (0...N).map{|j| [i,j] } }.inject{|a,b|a+b} class TSP < PermutationGenotype(CITIES.size) def fitness d=0 (genes + [genes[0]]).each_cons(2){|a,b| a,b=CITIES[a],CITIES[b] d += Math.sqrt( (a[0]-b[0])**2 + (a[1]-b[1])**2 ) } -d # lower distance -> higher fitness. end use EdgeRecombinationCrossover, InversionMutator end Population.new(TSP,20).evolve_on_console(50) This example finds a polynomial which approximates cos(x) class Cos < TreeGenotype([proc{3*rand-1.5},:x], [:-@], [:+,:*,:-]) def fitness -[0,0.33,0.66,1].map{|x| (eval_genes(:x=>x) - Math.cos(x)).abs }.max end use TournamentSelection(4) end Population.new(Cos).evolve_on_console(500)
rwdtorrent is a GUI front end for rubyTorrent with rwdtinker and RubyWebDialogs features. Shell script runner, Ruby eval commands, calendar, mini calculator
GitHub's safe gem eval web service
rwddemo application shows rwdtinker and RubyWebDialogs features. Shell script runner, Ruby eval commands, calendar, mini calculator
Fluentd Output eval filter plugin.
A scripting framework that replaces rake, sake and rubigen
see http://github.com/banister/dup_eval/tree/master
Easy client side validation for your ActiveRecord models
There are good text-to-speech engines for English and classical Latin, but none for medieval Latin. MedievalLatina converts Latin text to a kind of phonetic spelling that can be read by English text-to-speech engines.